Stream IsekaiNews | World Anvil

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Extra Thankful This Thanksgiving

After sitting in a car for nearly 18 hours traveling to our destination for the holiday tomorrow, I realized that I had barely checked World Anvil and was spurred to do so after seeing Dimi's Discord announcement. I checked my notifications as always and noticed something amazing had happened.  
  I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has made every part of Isekai possible. From those that have given us help and inspiration to those that leave comments and kind words and those that just lurk and read, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I never once thought we'd get this far when I started binge writing here four years ago.   I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans and amazing holidays to come for all!   #IsekaiNews #thankful

WorldEmber is Coming

November is finally here and that means #WorldEmber is coming! Last Friday marked the start of prep month and I finally announced what I will be diving into during December.
  All things military are super fascinating to me and I have had so much fun diving into the fantasy fighting forces of Isekai. Over the last couple of years, I have fleshed out some of the main organizations during Sumer Camp, but now its time to dive further in and finish covering the Royal Dwarven Military and the Bauxatehn.
  Check out my pledge/homework/hub article for WorldEmber that will have everything I do this month and in December to prep and participate in this amazing event.
WorldEmber 2023
Generic article | Nov 30, 2023

RiverFang's WorldEmber 2023 pledge!

  #IsekaiNews #WorldEmber2023

River Rush - October Edition

With the new hashtags and all the updates to the global feed, I figured it was about time to start (attempting) monthly updates about the state of Isekai and what Shiftrex and I are up to in the Anvilspace.


Once again, I attempted #Spooktober and actually succeeded! While I didn't reach the 20 squashed stubs that I wanted, I still finished 13 great articles that added a little more life to Isekai with species. Super happy with what I did accomplish and am excited to continue forward.
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Sep 30, 2023

RiverFang's Spooktober journey!


More Countries

If you've been following Isekai for a while, you've probably seen the massive country articles that have been published. My husband is the brains behind those and we are still working through the larger countries on the Northern Continent. This month, he finished the Elven Kingdom which has been a hit!
Elven Kingdom
Organization | Apr 29, 2024

The Elven Kingdom is a vast territory that encompasses thousands of miles of forest and is said to be the oldest in the world, the birthplace of life for both animals and plants. In this land, the many types of Elves stand as guardians of the forest.


Future Plans

#WorldEmber Prep month is upon us (tomorrow)! I will be participating in the homework that will be put out on stream and prepping myself for the big event. Overall, my plans are to finish many of the partially complete articles that I made during Summer Camp and do some more cleanup on Isekai as well.
  Shiftrex may or may not be participating in WorldEmber, but you can expect to see more countries and even possibly some Storybook content from him over the next couple of months.
  #RiverRush #IsekaiNews