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The End of Spooktober

  Thanks to everyone who read, liked, or commented on my #Spooktober articles! I wasn't sure if I would earn my badge, as this month I was working full-time, taking front-end dev classes, and moving to another time zone. It was a hectic month, but I am pleased with the 13 articles I wrote.   My favorite article was about Ambroze, our vampire villain: Ambroze, The Vampire   Here's my Spooktober Page if you missed it: Spooktober - 2023   (First time posting globally, using an image, and trying out hashtags. Let's hope it all works!)

River Rush - October Edition

With the new hashtags and all the updates to the global feed, I figured it was about time to start (attempting) monthly updates about the state of Isekai and what Shiftrex and I are up to in the Anvilspace.


Once again, I attempted #Spooktober and actually succeeded! While I didn't reach the 20 squashed stubs that I wanted, I still finished 13 great articles that added a little more life to Isekai with species. Super happy with what I did accomplish and am excited to continue forward.
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Sep 30, 2023

RiverFang's Spooktober journey!


More Countries

If you've been following Isekai for a while, you've probably seen the massive country articles that have been published. My husband is the brains behind those and we are still working through the larger countries on the Northern Continent. This month, he finished the Elven Kingdom which has been a hit!
Elven Kingdom
Organization | Jul 3, 2024

The Elven Kingdom is a vast territory that encompasses thousands of miles of forest and is said to be the oldest in the world, the birthplace of life for both animals and plants. In this land, the many types of Elves stand as guardians of the forest.


Future Plans

#WorldEmber Prep month is upon us (tomorrow)! I will be participating in the homework that will be put out on stream and prepping myself for the big event. Overall, my plans are to finish many of the partially complete articles that I made during Summer Camp and do some more cleanup on Isekai as well.
  Shiftrex may or may not be participating in WorldEmber, but you can expect to see more countries and even possibly some Storybook content from him over the next couple of months.
  #RiverRush #IsekaiNews

A Very SpOooOoKy Audio Special!

I've managed to do (part of) a thing!  
Only the Haunting Nightmares
Plot | Jun 8, 2024

A Spooky Dramatized Audio Special Set in the Wonderful World of WILLOWISP

  Unfortunately, this month was SPOOKIER than I thought it would be and I was unable to actually complete it in time for today. ;'C Don't worry, though! I will try to finish it out before the year ends. Just one more thing to chalk up on the list X'P It you'd like to take a listen (and you don't mind cliffhangers), check out this audio special! Good thing is, thirteen so I got the badge lol XD Happy Harvest all! #spooktober #halloween #audiodrama #secretagentsomeone #tuesdayfiction #vsscollab #inktober

First Comic in 20+ Years

I've just published my first completed comic book in 20+ years, which I created with #Spooktober2023 prompts. I hope you enjoy it.
The Blood of Seven Queens: Prologue
Prose | Jun 19, 2024

Join the mischievous Cheshire Cat, the world's worst scarecrow, and the gifted Granny Goose for a prologue to THE BLOOD OF SEVEN QUEENS.

  I learned a lot that I hope to apply on future projects, including art for #WorldEmber. I heard it's coming, after all.

Happy Spooktober to All!

Happy Spooktober! I'm very happy that I was able to submit articles for all the prompts this year - I've only recently started getting involved in Challenges, and I've found the prompts have really helped me to keep to my goal of writing at least 300 words per day. I've adopted this goal as a mental health practice, and making sure that I write daily is important to my emotional well-being and ability to stay sane, so I'm very grateful for anything that helps me achieve that goal. I've collected my Spooktober articles in a single page, should anyone care to look through them - I welcome any comments, particularly any constructive criticism you may have. I hope you are all having a wonderful Spooktober!  
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Jun 12, 2024

Lucky 13 for Spooktober

I've had a fun time with Spooktober, and today I reached my target for the badge milestone. This has been really fun focussing each prompt on in-world story-telling, with each of the prompts tying together a few parts of the lore I have built over the last fe years.   The last batch have covered some of the deepest lore of Shadowfire, from aeons before the Destruction with the myths and legacy of the Elder Gods themselves. I've also explored the impact of time quakes, the struggles of an assassin ghost and opened up an as yet unexplored region underneath the frozen expanse of Sea of Black Ice.   I'm going to finish up the month reading other people's work, there's a lot of inspiring nuggets of spookiness around. Great work everybody!  
Shadowfire Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Jun 24, 2024

My central article to collect my finished submissions for Spooktober this year.


#Spooktober prompt: Despair

Okay, let's try this. Here's one I haven't posted about yet. My article for the #Spooktober 'Despair' prompt is "The Bloodletter's Cult of Redfall Reach." Believing that damnation after death is inevitable, they violently cling to the Everliving's promise that it is possible to never die. They've got no qualms about killing people outside the faith, of course. In fact, it's pretty much mandatory.
The Bloodletter's Cult of Redfall Reach
Generic article | Oct 18, 2023

  If my Sof Sator setting sounds cool to you, I've got a novel up in manuscripts.

Full Spooktober Spookiness Done

Have got all Spooktober entries done. Putting up the page here, and when in have a click on any that tickles your fancy, and have a good read.   "Spooky Spooktober Here, Get Your Spookiness Here, Just A Click Away"   World Ember next and will see what I can get done there. Ought to be interesting. Maybe expand some of the Spooktober stuff, or may look at the SF stuff I have. Been there a long while and always thought it would make a good companion setting overall.   #spooktober

Spooktober 2023 First Pics

So I'm using #Spooktober as a means to create images for a video I plan to make as an intro to the Evenacht serial book site (here at WA!)
  I'll be presenting it as sorta picture-heavy story for Spooktober. It's a WIP with more to come since I haven't reached 13 yet, but I'm happy with what I've done so far (still need to enter the relevant pics into the Spooktober categories).
The Snake's Head Peninsula--the DRY part of the Evenacht.
  If you like the pic, check out the rest here!

10 days left for SPOOKTOBER! Can you Spook it? YES YOU CAN! #Spooktober

There are just 10 days left for the SPOOKIEST worldbuilding event of the year!

  Which was your favourite prompt and why?

Spooktober Update

It's been a year since I posted an update here but I've been having a blast adding all sorts of new things to Isekai! Right now, I'm writing species to fill in some of the wide-open spaces in the world and make things come more alive for #Spooktober2023.   Follow along with my journey through the species of Isekai.
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Sep 30, 2023

RiverFang's Spooktober journey!


Spooky Tomes!

I'm taking a moment to shout out my chapter members, who have been creating some wonderful things throughout Spooktober! It's so fun to see the different approaches to this open-ended spooky adventure, so go snoop around these fantastical beans' work!   We've got some event thoughts, challenge hub articles, and some favorite recent work from those having their own adventures this month! Stay spooky, my friends! #Spooktober #SevenTomes
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Oct 20, 2023

The showcase of our fantastical Spooktober here in the chapter!


A Multiverse of Horror for Spooktober!

I hope you're all having a fantastic Spooktober! This year, all of my worlds are getting a little bit of love! Check out some new Beckettville, Culinarypunk, and Eldrispace articles and short fiction on my #Spooktober hub article! Don't get lost in space, my friends~
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Nov 20, 2023

Stormwatch Forecast: Spooktober Snippets!

Surprise surprise but school is demanding 99.9% of all my time again :D
  But thankfully I'm still able to find a tiny bit of time to write! Thankfully, I've been inspired by everyone doing "stubtober" for this #Spooktober event, and I've been having a really fun time keeping my entries at 50 words or less. It's surprisingly difficult yet rewarding to do so, and it feels fresh and helps me to keep creating.
  It also helps that I've made a new CSS presentation for my snippets in particular, making them visually distinct! Let me know what you think of them :D
  In fact, here's a couple to see here:
Thunderclap Raptors
Generic article | Oct 28, 2023

Large, lightweight, and incredibly fast birds of prey.

The Deep Chasms
Generic article | Oct 28, 2023

A series of exceptionally deep and mysterious chasms found in strange places across Cathedris

  Are you participating in Spooktober, and if so, how? I'm really fascinated by the different ways people are approaching this event :o Stubtober, or full articles, or are you going more drawing-based for it? Share your favourite Spooktober article below!
  #Spooktober #Stormwatch


To test out the new little community post features, I am reposting my Spooktober article! This year I have made a ton of articles, ranging in length from under a hundred to over a thousand words. Hope you enjoy diving in the oceans of Osao, surviving the eternal storms of Temperil, or going to a harvest ball on Capepo, all from Spooktober! :D #Spooktober
Spooktober 2023
Generic article | Oct 28, 2023

The spooooooooookiest of events.


Otto the Autognome & Ghost Boy

Here to try out the new image ID. Looks like it needs just the ID without the brackets. I made this cover to commemorate the funniest moment from my Play May session this year! May include people you know from the community! #Spooktober #WoWP
Claws of the Can Opener
Generic article | Oct 15, 2023

Can our heroes save poor Otto the Autognome?!? (They can't! Poor Otto!)


Spooktober2023: in sight!

For those who want to see the whole thing, I've created a catch-all article.
  Fair warning: Peanuts characters are aged up, and I do not consider adult content out of reach, although, at least for now, I'm leaving it off the page. I'll mark the relevant articles adult-only, when that changes. But for now, my page says 25 of 27 submitted, and that's exciting, although I do need to work on a few articles, who ended up being hypershort ideas for now. Thankfully, I got two weeks to do that.

Progress on Spooktober 2023

I've figured out how I'm doing Spooktober. I'll be coming up with story/adventure ideas for each prompt and putting a spooky Ghost Boy spin on each of them. Here's a map that I made for "Cryptic" that has Spooktober AND past adventures on it for you to check out! #Spooktober #WoWP   I'd love to know what you think.
Cryptic Map of the Zone
Generic article | Oct 10, 2023

A mysterious and cryptic hand drawn map of the Zone! No one knows who drew it!


Who is ready for #TuesdayFiction?

Shall we once more blast our creations unto the world? Join me today in tweeting about a recent short story, worldbuilding article, piece of art, or other creative thing you have done. Add the #tuesdayfiction hashtag and we can boost each other. Don't forget the #spooktober hashtag if it applies and let everyone know more about World Anvil! Here is my tweet as a sample. I used 12 prompt words to make an introduction to my article:
  A fountain's Venus statue spilt water as we bobbed and weaved. Sly delusions tried to deposit their malicious intent and box me in like my sisters. Chilling air whipped about us but my turban kept my mind clean. Our task's enormity loomed as we swooped over Merino. Crystal of Eylium #tuesdayfiction
Aerounic Airgead
Species | Oct 18, 2022

At the tunnel entrance, there was a statue of an egg, taller than both of Kibber and Verin combined. The egg had a carved dragon wrapped around it with an engraving on the base. The carved words had faded with time, but the hard outlines remained.


Take the Challenge

Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2024

Build your world, achieve your goals, GAIN UNLIMITED INSPIRATION!

Suggest an article to be featured