Time Crisis Plot in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Time Crisis

Vandals prowl a helpless, lawless City! How will you Survive? Beware the mean streets!

"Everything is according to plan. The Vandal Games commence...", the man closes the receiver.

"How long has it been?," he opens the lid of an ornate pocket-watch, taking note of the Time.

"The next phase begins... By tomorrow, it will ALL be mine, for All-Time!" He raised his arms above his head. "NOW is the Time!"

"Go forth and bedlam, Vandals- I want you to get out there and get Super-Freaky! Cause you've never seen anything like this- not in a million years!", he laughs maniacally, amused by his own humor.

The hooded man's head, swaying like a serpent, sprang forward, over the make-shift podium, to meet the gaze of his pink-eyed converts. His eyes, crazed inverted crescents, gleamed above his mask, as he smiled with misanthropic glee, exciting the crowd.

"Fox! Jackal! Wolf!"

"Get! You know what to do. Don't fail me; not on this of all days!"

"Put your Lives on the line, dogs, or I'll do it for you! I'll not tolerate weakness here! We've come too far now!" After a brief pause, he closed the lid on the pocket watch, and addressed the animated, roaring hordes within his den.

"Time to declare my War, once more..."

Vlad the Vandal, leader of the Casho King Vandals, Amewod 2nd, 23:55, Sanadeux City


In this Module, Players can choose from pre-made Characters or create custom Characters. While this Module will use the Arx-Core System, most D20 systems can be integrated with this Module.

At the end of each section, a note for GMs (Game-Masters) elaborates how to run "Time Crisis".
Success or Failure depends on Time- the Module must be completed within 3 hours of in-game Time. Actions such as "Taking 10" and Short-Rests count towards this score!

GMs track Time as Players navigate Sanadeux City's streets. If Vandals are successful, they defeat the Militants, and seize the City; haste is your ally!
Hidden throughout the City are multiple "Safe" locations, where "Save" states are created. GMs may allow Players to start over at one of these locations, retaining their equipment.

PCs don't gain that equipment again through extra play-throughs. This Module can be enjoyed multiple times, with multiple paths to success! Good Luck!

Adventure Module

This Module was designed with the Arx-Core System in mind. As that System is WIP, the closest equivalent is truly D20 System mechanics. You can use these- especially those that favor Modern formats- to proceed through Time Crisis. Inevitably, this Article will change to reflect that System, but until then, enjoy this concept from the Arc Sagas Archives! If you play it (or try other Systems with it) let me know in the Comments below!

Premise: Vlad the Vandal is the ruthless leader of the Casho Kings. He has chosen a specific day to terrorize Sanadeux City! Traveling via Sanadeux's Train, you arrive as Vlad makes his villainous declaration! It's up to you how to progress- but do so quickly! Time is against you in Time Crisis!

Making a Character

Making a Character in Arc Sagas is a process that may take an Hour, more or less. D20 Systems, such as DND, Pathfinder, and others can be used to make custom characters. It is reccomended to have either a session 0 for creating Characters, or for each Player to have their Character made before the 1st session. Playable Characters have been provided with enough information to build your own to build them yourself. Feel free to use the hints and suggestions!

If the Pre-Made Characters aren't used by the Players, the GM may decide to use the Characters as NPCs within the Game. Distributed throughout Sanadeux City, these NPCs may help or hinder the Players movements.

The Arx-Core System is still in a process of development. TTRPG Stats are reserved for when the system is functional. Until then, this Module may serve as a proxy with this space reserved for that section. Thank you!


Choose Your Character!

Eddwynie "Eddie" Edelfas

Eddie is a charming, quirky individual who appears offbeat and optimistic. She has an interest in WAIV Technology- most people use WAIV to communicate with others. Her expertise in communications science makes her curious about new features as she spends most of her time surfing the WAIV for technologies and applying new apps to those devices.

Eddie came to Sanadeux City to visit the new WAIV store, WAIV/ STATE. She received the wrong model from a recent purchase order and has come to request the correct model. This WAIV/ COMM has been acting strangely- it receives alarming texts and images from a Private Caller. They become more frequent the closer she gets to Sanadeux City...

Meta Details

  • Age: 88
  • Heigth: 3.4 Un
  • Weight: 83 Um
  • Culture: Gnome
  • Class: Expert (Bard/Rogue)
  • Occupation: Student


Discussion: Eddie takes any action that promotes learning, naturally curious and alert; she likes to share that information with others.

Enigma: The Texts that she has received are disturbing. They hint at a possible disaster unfolding on the city as she seeks answers.

Hansen Holdson

Hansen has been successful as a Bounty Hunter, taking in requests to capture villainous Thugs and Vandals so that they may be brought before the Militants for questioning. His own parents were taken from him by the actions of a Vandal, leaving him as an Orphan at a young age, fending for himself in a hateful City. While he eventually met a loving family, he never felt at place- as if something greater was missing. At the right age, he started making a name for himself as a bold vigilant with a few recent successful operations.

Filling the void he felt constantly gnawing, Hansen adopted a stray dog whom he named Maru. Together, Hansen and Maru went into dangerous situations, protecting fellow Citizens from the attacks made by Vandals throughout his Life on the streets of Sanadeux. Amongst the Vandals, Hansen and Maru are well-known. At present, Hansen searches for a missing Maru in the city streets.

Meta Details

  • Age: 25
  • Heigth: 5.9 Un
  • Weight: 178 Um
  • Culture: Human
  • Class: Hunter (Fighter/Ranger)
  • Occupation: Mercenary


Engagement: Hansen enjoys the fear and turmoil he instills within the ranks of the Vandals. He misses no opportunity to intimidate or threaten them. In addition, he searches for Maru, suspecting that Vandals have stolen his best friend.

Financial: Hansen is driven by the bounties he receives from hunting Vandals and other criminals. He earned a reputation as a ruthless bounty Hunter.

Maive Magelef

Maive is a student of the Arcane who often seeks employment at Auction Houses where she identifies the properties of magical items. She has found scorn amongst Mortals and those who disdain the Immortals. Of those, Vandals have caused her great harm.

Though her understanding of Magic comes from various apprenticeships, she secured potent spells to combat her potential assasins. Maive deduces that the Vandals appear for the Magelef Manuscript- a complex grimoire of Spell Formulas.

As she draws closer to Sanadeux City, Vandal attacks increase. Clever Maive understands that those who wrote the Magelef Manuscript left behind powerful spells within the confines of the text. She carefully decodes the manual, in hopes of uncovering Spells the Vandals seem intent on stealing.

Meta Details

  • Age: 114
  • Heigth: 5.6 Un
  • Weight: 108 Um
  • Culture: Fair Elf
  • Class: Magus (Wizard/Cleric)
  • Occupation: Antequarian


: Exploration: Maive is a disciplined Caster- she will take any opportunity to cast Spells from the Magelef Manuscripts. The more she does so, the closer she feels she is to unraveling its greater secrets.

Quest: Maive has decided that she would like to confront the assasins at their base in Sanadeux. She has learned that her assailant's name is Vlad the Vandal.

Sabir #03

Sabir belongs to the Maccin Culture- a species of synthetic sophonts believed to have been created by the most Ancient Deities, to preserve the World. Much like other Maccin, Sabir takes his purpose seriously. He worships the deity, Baslan, the Maccin God of Communities, who spreads Education & Governance like a gardener spreads seeds.

Sanadeux City once petitioned to join the Triumvirate States of the Sovereignty, but were denied for unknown reasons. He joined the Militants of Sanadeux as soon as he could, but had to leave after a 30 year tenure due to the Laws given to Immortals for Employment.

Sabir went on to lead a successful career as a Duelist, engaging in Duels for Honor before retiring from this to focus on what he had felt was his calling. Since then, Sabir has worked to spread the teachings of Baslan to the Citizens, in hopes of using his status to inspire others or dissuade them from hatred and bigotry of Mortals & Immortals.

Meta Details

  • Age: 244
  • Heigth: 6.3 Un
  • Weight: 245 Um
  • Culture: Maccin
  • Class: Swordsman (Fighter/ Paladin)
  • Occupation: Retired Duelist


Moral: Sabir has lived in and out of Sanadeux City for countless years. As such, he has developed a willingness to protect the city, and will take actions to protect the Citizens.

Social: Sabir takes any action that allows him to interact with others. Spending Time in exile has made him withdrawn- yet he prefers the company of others to solitude.


Note on Starting Equipment

Each Player is given a starting amount of Casho which is spent on equipment!

Weapons, Armor, Tools, and other Items should be purchased now, as they are assumed to be a part of the PC's initial Inventory. These are the Items a Character may have collected over time, which will prove invaluable.

Choose one of the following Bonus Items for each Player:
  • Unique WAIV/COMM:
    This device calls, sends, and receives text, image, and audio.
  • Bag of Holding:
    Magic Bag stores multiple items (Limit: 200 Ub).
  • Free Kit:
    A Free Skill Kit (+2), chosen by the Player.
  • Masterwork Weapon:
    Player's chosen weapon upgrades to Masterwork.
After purchasing their starting equipment and receiving their Bonus Item, each Player is given an additional 30 Casho.

If any Player has additional Casho left over from their equipment purchases, then they can add this to their starting total.

There are few opportunities for Players to purchase new items and equipment once they get into Sanadeux City!

Stage 00: Westbound Train to Sanadeux

"Approaching West Sanadeux!"
"A Timeless Paradise! City of Surprises!"

"A glimmering neon sign dashes behind you as the Deux Express continues to drive the rails into the heart of the metropolis. You were peering through the train car's window as the relaxing scenery of lush greenery blurs by from the coastline. Sunlight warms your face as you had been dozing off while reading a recent Article. The rectangular light of your WAIV/COMM glows in your palm. The headline reads:"
"August Harlock Recovers from Vandal Assault! Militants Mobilize!"
"3 weeks ago the Vandals of Sanadeux City attacked members of world-famous band- August & the Seasons. Since then, the city's Militia has been activated, as Vandals continue to pester the Citizens of Sanadeux City. August was found in critical condition, along with Cavalry Galitzer, whom Coroners pronounced deceased. The whereabouts of Brennan Townsend, guest Horn player for the Seasons, is currently unknown. Unfortunately, Brennan is one of many recent missing person's cases, as related posts and Articles have steadily increased. August Harlock is currently recovering from his injuries as he mourns the loss of his band members."
You look up from your COMMs. Many passengers have boarded the Deus Express to West Sanadeux. You glance at the faces of people, young and old, busy with their Lives in anticipation of disembarking. Among them are several men in Militant Uniforms, routinely patrolling the rows and aisles. From another direction, you catch the eye of someone who seems to be gazing back at you...


At this point, the Players can explore the confines of the Train. This is a great opportunity for the PCs to become acquainted! Refer to the GM's Notes for more on this section.
Use the opportunity provided by the Train Car or the Train Station to group the Players together. Use Rumors-1A to seed ongoing and foreshadow oncoming Events. In addition, provided below is a Table for the Random Encounters that can occur on the Train.
A GM may or may not want to start tracking Time at this point as this is effectively considered down-time for the Players. If you're personally running Time Crisis on a tight time-frame, you'll want to keep events moving quickly. Once the events of Stage 01 initiates, then the GM will want to track the Players Time.

Inside the Train Car

Rumors 1A- Reference

* You can use the Rumors section in the Side-Bar to expand the available options!



Stage 01: The Day the World Stood Still

"Arrival to West Sanadeux!"
"Thank you for choosing Deux Express!

"Crowds of people depart the Train, spilling onto the platform in droves. You retrieve your personal luggage from the shelf of the Train Car and disembark. Stretching your limbs, you feel relief exiting the cramped Train. Now that you're here, you've got somewhere to be! You currently have reservations at Paragon Heights. Your business in West Sanadeux had been delayed for some Time; noting your COMM, you check the current Time against a nearby clock.

Storm Chance: 65%
"As you peer up from your COMMs, you notice a central pedastel featuring a Map of the local area of West Sanadeux."

"Taking note, you now proceed towards the main Lobby of the Train Station, where a crowd has gathered..."


If you're a GM running Time Crisis, additional information is provided below. Otherwise, skip this section, and proceed.
If the Players haven't formed a Party, now is a great opportunity! Splitting the Party during Time Crisis can affect Game-Time.
Below is a Table of scenarios that can occur during the Train Station, whether it is now or if the PCs visit later.

Alternatively, splitting the party could lead to some interesting results. How you proceed as a GM is entirely up to you!

Players that received the "Unique WAIV/COMM" Bonus Item may start receiving odd messages at this time. Please refer to the Private Caller Table for more information.

Once you've played through enough Encounters, please proceed to the next part of Stage 01.

Inside the Train Station


"As you make your way through the main lobby, several Citizens impede your path, standing together, gazing into the static of a nearby monitor. They question themselves, while others desperately attempt to scroll through their WAIV/COMMs for answers. Then, an eeriee transmission broadcasts across all devices! The moniter reads:"
"In the sudden Chaos, a loud explosion resonates through the halls of the Train Station. Before anyone reacts, several more explosions are heard outside! From the window, the skyline erupts into bursts of magical flames, as buildings belch fire and dark smoke! Traveling the WAIV/ Receivers, powerful bursts of magical energy release! There is mass carnage in the streets below; AUTOs crash against buildings, eerie light Portals ensnare panicked Citizens, and groups of Vandals create bedlam and chaos!"

"Then, as the static began to sizzle across the monitor, the noise clears, revealing a tall, powerfully built man standing atop a pile of rubble. His face obscured by a black mask, he wears a protective Vest and brandishes a long rifle. His hood is drawn as he addresses the Camera."
Device Malfunction!

"Citizens rush by you in an attempt to flee! Vandals continue to swarm into the Train Station! Militants scatter both groups, attempting to control the Chaos!

The strange light Portals emerge from the spots where CItizens threw their WAIV/COMMs! Panicked Citizens flee in desperate haste!

Several of the Vandals have begun moving towards you as Vlad the Vandal continues!"
Vlad the Vandal


"Hear me, Sovereign!
Citizens of the Sovereignty! Of the World!
Your hubris brings us here- the World halts now!
And the Vandal Games begins!
This World belongs to Vlad!"
In the Chaos, 5 Vandals have attacked the Party! Roll for Action Order to determine who shall go first! You can decide what kind of Vandals have attacked from the following Reference list:

  • Vandal Thug
  • (HP10/ AR14-
    Attack+3, Weapon).
  • Vandal Hood
  • (HP5/AR13-
    Attack +1, Weapon
    Attack+3, Spell).
  • Vandal Manic
  • (HP8/AR15-
    Attack+2, Weapon).
Use your discretion to determine the members of the first group of Vandals. The suggested encounter is: 2 Thugs, 2 Hoods, and 1 Manic Vandal. You may want to even take the opportunity to create reoccurring minor Vandal Characters!

During the Battle, you may have any Party member that owns a WAIV/COMM roll an Agility Proficiency check (DC:14). If the Agility Proficiency check fails, they immediately receive 2d6 Force Damage, as the COMM explodes! Clever PCs may use this as a grenade-like weapon. Alternatively, GMs may only have 1 member's COMM device explode at this time, electing to have the others' explode at Random at some other point in time, if they're not disposed quickly! As such, all WAIV/ COMMs in the Party's possession have become volatile. The only member who is immune to this is the owner of the Unusual WAIV/COMM Bonus Item. Multiple signs suggest this COMMs is unaffected. It continues to operate normally!

2 Militants join in the defense of the Party, as they thwart the would-be assassins! If the Militants survive uninjured, they may treat any wounds the Party received, restoring 1d8+2 HP.

These Vandals are equipped with plain Leather Armors, and they may use improvised weapons- such as bats, pipes, axes, and civil sabers. GMs should be cautious when using Ranged weapons; while there are means to effectively deal with those who use Firearms, the use of a Firearm significantly increases the Challenge Rating!

After the Vandals have been defeated, Players find the same note on the Vandal's remains. It's a list of the Party Member's names, followed by their location at the Train Station, and an exact Time to ambush! Any living Vandals can be Persuaded or Intimidated into giving information to the Players. While they do not know the reason for the priority targets, the Vandal can be made to give up other information; this can include the names of the Supers- Fox, Jackal, and Wolf, or their locations, references to Encounter locations from the GMs Map (provided in Stage 02), or unreliable information- deceit or lies to throw the Party off of their superiors. Refer to the Vandals Rumors Side-Bar for more information.

Outside of the Train Station, you may proceed to Stage 02: Timeless City, Sanadeux Crisis!
"We are the Vandals!
Relenquish Sanadeux City to us!
It will be here that we change History!
Don't attempt to resist us!
If we come into your home, give it to us!
If we come for your Life, give it up!
Doomsday has arrived for you ALL!
Long live the Vandals!"
"With the threatening transmission complete, Vlad the Vandal fades into the static of the nearby monitor, his voice echoing briefly through the ruined, vacated halls of the Train Station. With the main lobby cleared and nothing but debris in your path, you're able to leave the station. Crossing the threshold into the streets, an automated message attempts to play:
"Welcome to SaaANDddaux-eux City!"

"Doors close behind you as the chill of the mid-night wind blowing through the haunted cityscape embraces you."

Stage 02: Timeless, Sanadeux in Crisis!

"Citizens of Sanadeux City!
We're under attack!"

"Loud sirens ring desperate alarms throughout the city as chaos continues!

Streetlights above seem to distort and shift beneath their neon glows. Explosions alert you as debris rains from the sky! A plume of smoke rises from ruined residences! Inoperable AUTOs litter the sides of the streets; some piled onto others in junk heaps along the road.

Across the street, a crowd of panicked Citizens make their way into the nearby Hotel. You attempt to see what it is that they are running from..."

For Players who took the opportunity to capture an image of the Map within the Train Station, a Map is provided below. This Map can be presented to those Players, if their WAIV/COMMs still function.

GM's are provided a detailed Map in the GM's NOTES of this section. Use the Side-Bar to align the Legend contained within the Player's Map.

The following section outlines several key locations. As you explore Sanadeux City, the GM may reveal parts of the Map. Descriptions for Encounters and special Events are provided in the GM's Notes. If the Players were unable to capture an image of the Map, then they may need to find other means to navigate the city.


Player's Map

Sanadeux City Map

Sanadeux City Locales


GM's Encounter Reference

A GM's Map Legend is included in the Map Legend Side- Bar- as well as other quick references! Included here are the various Tables, in an expanded view. These can be used alongside of the Side-Bar References, in order to expand your options when rolling Encounters. A Dice Roller highlights a randomly generated result!

Combat Encounters

Train Car- Random Encounters

Train Station- Random Encounters

Train Station- Random Encounters

Sanadeux City- Random Encounters

Rumors 1A- Common

Rumors 1B- Uncommon

Rumors 1C- Rare

Vandal Rumors 1A- Common

Vandal Rumors 1B- Uncommon

GM Notes #2

Extended Locales

Listed below are brief descriptions of each location. The GM is allowed to tweak or modify the Map or description to suit their individual needs. Some of these may change as Events or Stages progress. Refer to this section when the PCs discover or explore a new Locale.
Deux Express
Train Station
All visitors of the Train Station have since vacated the Train Station, leaving behind Militants that routinely patrol the Railyard (not featured).

  • Starting Point- Contains 2nd Floor Access to "Rails". No trains run during Time Crisis and contain no items of value. Using the Rails gives Players access to the nearby Platform (if it has been raised already). Can also be accessed via 2nd Floor Hotel (Scaffold, see Hotel).

  • Street Vendor- This NPC can be found moving around the entrance and main lobbies of the Train Station. You may decide what inventory the vendor offers NPCs. This is usually a snack or beverage item, but can be other things, depending upon the PC's needs. Street Vendors are helpful individuals and will provide the PCs with reliable information, like directions or alerts.

  • Militant Presence- Vandals are constantly attempting to hijack the Train! Militant & Vandal activity is high here- prolonged Time spent around the Train Station may result in a Combat or Random Encounter.
Paragon Heights
Survivors have taken crowded refuge in the Main Lobby of the Hotel! May speak with and provide rumors to PCs.

  • Layout- Players gain access to Main Lobby, 1F & 2F Halls, and the Manager's Office- requires DC:18 (Security) bypass. 2F Halls contains a construction area with 2F Access. Each PC has made reservations for their own rooms, located in 1F & 2F Halls.

  • Maids & Owner- The Hotel Owner, Morgan Volkan, was injured; he bears a fresh scar across his face. Remains in the Main Lobby. Maids can be found everywhere, assisting the wounded. Will heal each injured PC once per Game, 1d8+2 HP.

  • Manager's Office- Inside, PCs may find MV's Manifesto; a collection of Documents which links the Hotel Owner to the Time Crisis. See NPC Notes below for more details.

  • 2F Access-
  • Outside, PCs gain access to the 2F via a Fire Escape and Scaffolding. Requires 2: DC18 Agility or DC: 15 Climb or Jump checks. Inside, PCs can access via 2F Halls.
Guy's Elixirs
Guy's Elixirs is an Alchemist Shop. The Owner, Guy X, can be found within. A Portal outside of his Apartment has trapped him within.

  • Potion Lab- Players entering the Laboratory see various potions and ingredients. Stealing from the Laboratory will anger Guy, who is able to see the PCs enter the store.

  • Anomaly- Upon entering the Laboratory, the PCs encounters 1d3+1 Icing Orb Weavers! (HP3/AC16-Attack+2, ColdSnap (1d4+1, Cold Damage). The death of the Icing Orb Weavers closes the Portal.

  • Defense Mechanism-Hostile targets within the store are subject to different kinds of poisons and gases, or splash weapons. Against the Portal enemies, Force missiles attack inerringly (1d4+1 Damage). There are 4 main Turrets (HP10/ Action Order+6).

  • Translater- Guy is able to quickly decode and translate special documents related to the Time Crisis. Begins conducting special research into temporal anomalies, which will provide PCs with special items, if PCs maintain a friendly relationship with Guy.

Sanadeux Museum
Local Exhibits
Stage 03's Setting. Includes: an Ampetheater (entrance), 1F & 2F Exhibits, 1F East & West Wings.

  • Ampetheater- General information regarding the changes made in History can be located here. Initial listings include: Pillaged Clock Tower, Pillaged Library, Abandoned Street, and Abandoned Church. These locations were changed in History due to Vlad the Vandal.

  • 1F & 2F Exhibits- Each Exhibit contains a diarama depicting different phases of the growth of Sanadeux City. As Players progress Time Crisis, different features here may change.

  • Fox's Prey- Setting for the events of Stage 03. Fox has slain the Curator and turned him into a Zombie! Players encounter Zombie within the entrance (HP18/AC13, Attack +4 (1d6+2, Slam or Bite).

  • 2F Access- Players can access the 2F Exhibits via the Roof Access. Fox may attempt to escape via Roof Access, the Platform, or the Ampetheater.
  • Fox will never fight to the Death.

Sanctum Square
Once the sight of a great Clock Tower, removed during the Dark Ages, for reasons unexplained. Now exists as a local Park and refuge.

  • Survivors & Vendors- Dispersed throughout the Park are locals and a Street Vendor. Each may be able to provide information to the Players via Rumors. This is also a great place for a Random Encounter, time permitting.

  • Forest Maze- Players may delay Time investigating the Forest Maze. If chosen as a route, add 10 minutes to the PC's Game-Time. PCs find an exit relatively near where they started.

  • Toll of the Phantom Bell- Setting for the Toll of the Phantom Bell- approaching the Park within 100 Un activates this event, tolling a bell that the Players may perceive through Perception checks. See Event for more details.

  • Sanctum Obelisk- A public fountain has a sculpture containing a solid onyx obelisk, with an inscription that reads, "Mark of the Dark Ages." No one knows why it is here or what it represents.
'Curio's Imporios
Stage 04's Setting. Owned by Mercurio Milas, a Myth Folk whose family keeps a special tradition of bartering. Licensed as a Merchant with the Trader's Association.

  • Layout- Trader has a simple layout- 1F Storefront, 2F Apartments, Stairwell, and 2F Roof.

  • Storefront- Various Tools and mundane equipments are for sell here. 2F Apartments are inaccessible via a magic charm on the lock. Proofed against all forced entry.

  • Jackal's Prey- Mercurio is Jackal's target, but he has taken to waiting on the Rooftop where he plays music loudly and spray paints over the bill board of the Roof. Stage 04's Event provides more information on this location.

  • 2F Access- Gaining Access to 2F Roofs requires either moving through the store (roll Combat Encounter) or gaining access from outside. A Platform, risen to the Library 2F Roof, gives access to the 2F Rooftops as well.

Moonlit Rabbit
Owned by Deter Mytsan (Myth Folk) & his fiance, Kefa Milas. Initially gathers Vandals, but if the Players clear the Vandals in front of the Bar, it becomes a refuge for Survivors and many others.

  • Skirmish- Outside the Bar, 3 Vandals engaged in bedlam, having imbibed Alcohol before arriving. Each of the Vandals are considered to be under the "Inebriated" condition. Locked outside of the Bar, the owners will not permit entry until the Vandals have been dealt with. Given their sluggish behaviors, it is easy to dispatch or frighten this group of Vandals.

  • Cool Bar- Inside, it is notably cooler, making it a refreshing visit. The owners, as well as the Street Vendor, serve nourishing food and beverages. The inside is well-fortified, once having served as an outpost for Mytho Folk natives. Hauntingly, August & the Seasons album, "Colder than Stars" plays in the backgrund.

  • Rumor Mill- Once Survivors appear, PCs can generate Rumors but it costs them 5-10 Minutes of Game-Time each time they create a new rumor. This is the only place where a Rumor can cost the PCs valuableTime, as most patrons are drunk or disorderly.

  • Everyone Knows Your Name- As Stages and Events Progress, the news travels back to the Bar. Re-visiting the Bar allows Players to catch up with the NPCs. Additionally, every kind of NPC Ally- including Militants, Maids, and Street Vendors, can be found within. GM can determine the rate for new arrivals. You may even include named NPCs or those the PCs come to favor!

An abandoned Pharmacy- currently occupied by Vandals who have destroyed most of the merchandise. Players are able to find Restoratives within.

  • Skirmish- Inside the Pharmacy, 8 Vandals are locked in combat with 4 Militants. Each of the Vandals are considered to be under the "Rage" condition. Players must be cautious engaging within the crowded corridors of the Pharmacy. Militants that survive the encounter will heal themselves first, then any PCs with the worst injuries (1d8+2 HP).

  • Empty Storeroom- Most of the merchandise has been looted or destroyed by the Vandals. However, an Investigation DC:15 will reveal a hidden cache of medicinal Potions (1d3+1). These Potions are freely given to the Players, if the Militants survive the initial encounter.

  • Wounded Militants- Clearing the Pharmacy makes this a local hub for the Militants. PCs can reliably return here at any point to receive healing from them, as they begin to base operations within Resto-Mart. Survivors will begin to appear here later, as Stages continue to progress. Use that as a time progression method for how the Militants occupy the Pharmacy.

  • No Interaction- It is assumed that if the Party never enters the Pharmacy by the time Stage 4 activates, the Militants are unable to stop the Vandals; 3 Freak Vandals (Rage) proceed to Traders during the Stage 4 Event. Militant defeat means no base of operations, reducing their ability to stop the Vandals in the final act.

Public Library
Local Archives
While the inside of the Library is empty, it does contain a collection of valuable information regarding the town and its inhabitants. Players can use the Archives found on the 1F or 2F. Additionally, this is one of the few places in the Adventure where the players may interact with Chronos Watch- the magical item which initiates the Time Crisis!

  • Layout- The Library has a rather simple Layout, which includes Computer Labs for students and a nursery near the entrance; as well as a reception area. This opens to rows of tables and chairs for reading and studying. There are only the 1F & 2F areas with offices for the Maccin Administration. The Library is empty, save for the Chrono Watch.

  • Mystery- Inside the central area of the library, a golden pocket watch with a golden nimbus and halo radiates like a warm lantern inside the Library. It is here that the Chrono Watch appears. If the PCs take a moment to observe the Chrono Watch, it will appear to be flipping the pages through nearby books left open upon the tables. While observing, it appears to shift its form slightly, each version appearing minutely similar yet different. Interacting with the Chrono Watch will cause it to stabilize its form and vanish, leaving behind mystery.

  • Research- PCs are able to study information within the Library. They can have questions answered per each 10 minutes of devoted Game-Time. Each Player may research something different, if they choose.

  • 2F Access- Using the Library, Players can access the 2F Platform. Scaffolding outside creates an area where the Players may attempt a Jump check of DC:16. This is reduced to DC:12, if they can create a 10ft. Run first. This requires an additional DC:12 Climb or Jump check to succeed. The initial Player that succeeds can grant others +2 on their bonuses to jump onto the Platform, which leads directly to 2F Trader.

Commerce Cloud
West Sanaedux City's local bank- a chapter of the Commerce Cloud banks located on the Floating Isles. Owned by Tamlin & Tomlin Toledo- bankers and investors who have supported the town and it's civil activities.

  • Layout- The bank is broken into 3 areas- the Main Lobby, the Vault, and the Manager's Office. This location is the setting for the Event "The Trouble with Twins", which initiates at Main Lobby. PCs must cross the teller line to enter the Vault.

  • Cache-While most of the Casho scattered and littered around the lobby has been damaged, the salvageable amount equates to 50 Casho per PC. However, at any time should the PCs steal from the lobby, the Tomlin Brothers will gain a hostile attitude, believing the PCs to be Vandals as well.

  • The Vault- One of the brothers was locked inside the Vault. However, once he is sure that it is safe to come out, he leaves the Vault and closes it firmly behind him. Stealing from the vault will immediately notify all Militants and each encounter with them will be hostile afterwards.

  • No Interaction- The Event must be resolved before the end of Stages 3-5. If left unresolved, one (or both) of the Toledo brothers are replaced by their respective Doppelgangers. This Event fails and the Doppelgangers go about their Lives thereafter.

The origin of the Time Crisis- a ruined laboratory where the scientists within conducted forbidden research related to Time and Time Travel. This is the setting for the Event "That Which Makes WAIVs". Contained within the ruined structure are some clues the PCs can use to sift through fact or fiction.

  • Making WAIVS- PCs may enter the facility once the associated Event has been completed. The inside is mostly ruined, consisting of a damaged entry, storefront (nothing of value), and a lab behind a clutter of debris. Removing the debris requires 10 minutes of Game-Time. Inside, the PCs are able to make a few discoveries, as well as a hidden Cache!

  • Magelef Reports- Inside are documents, which includes a forged copy of the Magelef Manuscripts- a tome of Magic written on the principles of Chronomancy- as well as research notes and a similar manifesto to the one kept in the manager's office of the Hotel. While most people wouldn't understand the advanced notes, these can be deciphered by the Alchemist, Guy. This notes will detail the origin of the event, described below.

  • Origin of the Time Crisis- Rajo Moore was given funding by Morgan Volkan, brother of Vlad the Vandal, in order to create the Chrono Watch. These notes hail from a myserious origin, as the Magelef Manuscript is still in the custody of the Elven clans that originally created it. The notes don't indicate the motivation behind the creation of the Chrono Watch or the Time Crisis, but it does describe that, due to an overload of WAIV induced into the Chrono Watch, the item became erratic, and caused a WAIV Core breach. All reports related to the Chrono Watch, besides the anomalous Magelef Reports, was written by Rajo Moore. It is unknown who gave Rajo Moore this item.

Sanadeux Square
Town Hall
Stage 05 Setting. As the scene of several skirmishes, Town Hall is the most contested area on the map, including many different groups of Militants & Vandals. The Rank Commander of the Militants, Marshall Kiteson, leads the Militants in an effort to reclaim Town Hall.

  • Gaining Entry- There are 2 ways to approach Town Hall- either by Roof Access or through the front doors. Trying to gain access through the front doors will require 3 separate Combat Encounters as the PCs make their way to the top, where Wolf fights against the Militia below. See Stage 05 for more details.

  • Militant Aid- PCs are able to coordinate their efforts with the Militants to quickly gain access through the front. During one of the 3 Combat Encounters, the PCs may have the Militants take over. They will immediately engage the Vandals, allowing the PCs to pass this Encounter.The 3 locations are - Main Lobby, Court, and 2F Stairway Access. PCs can also draw Vandals into the Offices, or alternatively, Vandals can use the Offices for ambush tactics.

  • 2F Access- Once PCs have gained access to the 2F Roof, either via Platform of Entrance, they are able to confront Wolf. He is surrounded by 1d8+2 Vandals. Each has reduced HP scores (half their normal total).

  • Think Point- While passing through the Court, the PCs may encounter a banner which reads, "The Point that Divides; the Standard by which it Unites." PCs who read this may reveal a hidden weapon, known as Think Point. It appears only to that individual. If this item appears, (DC:15 Spirit to reveal) then the PC may obtain the relic "Think Point" (see individual item for more details). The Chrono Watch appears briefly during this interaction.

A local Armory owned by Gem Duane, daughter of the Dwarven Duane Clan. She ambitiously opened her own Armory to contest her brother. Their rivalry is known throughout the Town and may appear as the subject of gossip.
  • Locked- Inside, Gem has locked herself within. She will refuse to answer any and all calls to the door. Instead, if the PCs approach her about the welfare of her siblings, she will be more inclined to listen or open the doors. Forced entry requires DC:18 Power or DC:14 Security to bypass the locks. Tampering with the door also requires a DC:18 Security check or the person touching the door will receive a jolt of 1d8 Electricity! Over an intercom, Gem will warn the PCs of this if they attempt to touch the door.

  • Camera Eye- Outside, there is a transmitter and receiver, as well as a functioning Camera eye that uses an old system unaffected by the Time Crisis. Gem will speak to people outside of the Armory, but she will not permit entry until she is reunited with her brothers. She will express concern for their well-being, but remains walled and defensive with anyone who activates the motion sensors.

  • Fortified- Gemwares sells a host of mundane & masterwork quality armor of fine Dwarven craft. Her expertise and attention to detail is admirable, as she is a leading expert in the techniques. Once PCs are permitted entry, she will be more inclined to sell from her wares.

  • Duane Siblings- As the middle child, she maintained a steadfast rivalry with her older brother, Rock Duane. His behavior always rubbed her the wrong way, so she built armors that coud defend against his weaponry. Their bitter rivalry is tempered with their familial love- each coming to the defense of the other should needs-be.

Coal's Bowls
A small bar and grill on the side of Duane's Alley, Coal Duane is the youngest of the three Duane Siblings. Knows the family lore the best, and cheers people up with his bushy appearance- outside of his restaurant, of course. Inside, he is clean, with his beard and hair combed, netted, and braided.

  • Street-Side Grill- If the Players pass through Duane's Alley, Coal will call to them from the open face of his business. PCs peek inside to see the man clearly dishevelled, with food stains all over his body. 4 stools welcome the Players to the grill, if they choose to interact with Coal's Bowls. He offers the PCs his finest food, hot and ready- in exchange, he asks that the PCs might check in on his siblings. Afraid to leave his open bar unattended, he fears for their safety since communications have been down. Doing so rewards the PCs each with one free hot meal from his grill and 10 Casho for each PC.

  • Re-Visiting the Grill- Upon re-visiting, Coal has cleaned his appearance immaculately, appearing much cleaner than earlier. He busies himself with cleaning the interior of his restaurant, which is only accessible through the front door, which is kept held tight and locked. PCs who wish to force entry can simply Jump over the bar- it stands open to the public, separated only by parchment paper bearing Dwarven bowls and the bar itself.

  • History of the Dwarves- Of the Dwarven Duanes, Coal is the most ready to speak about their Lives and Clan History. They appeared during the Renaissance Ages, and offered their services as the town Smiths. Ever since, the Duane Family has lived in the town. Talking to Coal Duane about the family history may provide insights into events from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance Ages. He will openly lament the loss of much of their culture due to Vandalism, as the Vandals have harassed the town for centuries. He even knows some Vandal families by name.

Heritage Anvil
Heritage Forge is the ancestral home of the Duane Siblings. Maintained by the eldest of the Duane Siblings, Rock Duane, the Heritage Forge has a long history with Sanadeux City which dates back to the Dark Ages, when their family first arrived. Though Heritage Forge has seen much success, Rock Duane- and the other siblings- can't help but feel that something is missing.

  • Initial Interaction- A Camera Eye on the side of the building, much like with Gemwares, allows Rock to communicate with the PCs. Expressing gratitude that they arrived, Rock suggests that he has been in a conflict, having defeated "them" in a struggle; he is wounded. Before he can release the locks and security, however, he is attacked by something behind the door! He remains unresponsive to further inquiries.

  • Locked- Much like the encounter at Gemwares, Heritage Forge is Locked and will require the PCs to force entry, as the owner of the establishment is unresponsive. Forced entry requires DC:18 Power or DC:14 Security to bypass the locks. Tampering with the door also requires a DC:18 Security check or the person touching the door will receive a jolt of 1d8 Electricity!

  • Anomaly- Inside Heritage Forge, the PCs find Rock Duane unconscious- yet his assailant is nearby! PCs may use Perception to find the hidden threat! If the PCs are unsuccessful in the first round of investigating, they are attacked immediately by 1d3+1 Goblins! Rock Duane may be recovered and taken to Coal's Bowls or Gemwares for healing. The location remains locked in Rock's absence.

  • Duane Siblings- Once the Duane Siblings are re-united, the PCs are rewarded with a gift from each, including any other gift rewards they may've received. Chrono Watch will also make an appearance over the reunited siblings, fading before the PCs can truly interact with it. The Duane Siblings will gift the PCs with their choice of +1 Magical Weapon or Armor. Coal will also explain the loss of many family secrets, describing the Heritage Forge once his brother has been retrieved. This relic was lost during the Renaissance Era, when Vandals threw it into a ravine- never to be seen again.

Special Events

The following is a list of Event Encounters, starting with the 1st Event "Hotel Intersection". Depending upon where the Players are at in their adventure, some of the following Events may or may not be included. See each individual description for details.

This section is dedicated to the general exploration of Sanadeux City! It includes the GM's Map, as well as a list of brief descriptions for each Location. Use this information to best tailor your adventure's needs!

There are 3 Locations which trigger the Stage 3-5 Events- respectively, the Museum, Trader, and Town Hall locations. Once the PCs are in proximity to one of these events, they activate the Event. See those indicidual sections for more details.

Player decisions have impacts which begin to affect the outcome moving forward!

Event 1A: Hotel Intersection

You may initiate Hotel Intersection with any of the following Random Encounters. Should the PCs decide to head North immediately, they can prevent the events of Stage 3 by intercepting Fox! Alternatively, if the PCs are distracted by the Random Encounter, she is able to get away! Allow the Players to determine the best course of action when presenting this scenario at the Hotel Entrance, but do keep this in mind!

Event 1B: Fox at the Crossroads!

If the Party is successful with completing Encounter 1A in a Timely manner or if they forego the Hotel or West Street to head North, then they will Encounter Fox the Vandal! It is at this point that she is leading a bound and gagged NPC, Rajo Moore, through the Streets! She is headed towards a nearby Platform; she'll use this to escape to the Museum Roof! PCs can attempt to stop her now- before she makes it to the Museum! Once this special Encounter has been initiated, the PCs have 3 Rounds to stop her before she makes it to the Platform!

Be prepared! As multiple outcomes may occur:

  • Outcome A
    Fox escapes with the Artificier!
    Heads immediately to Museum Roof!

  • Outcome B
    Fox escapes without the Artificier!
    Fox heads to Museum Roof!
  • Outcome C
    Fox is defeated! Artificier reclaimed!
    Events of Stage 03 won't occur!

  • Outcome D
    Party is Defeated!
    Fox wins! Overpowers Party!
Use the information located in Stage 03: Fox-Hunt by Moonlight! for Combat Encounters including Fox! She is always attended by 3 Vandals- 2 Thugs and 1 Hood. They will attempt to cover her escape. Should these Thugs perish here, they won't be available for Fox in Stage 03. Otherwise, they will attempt to escape or rendezvous with her later.

Outcomes B & C describes the Artificier reclaimed! Rajo Moore is the director of the WAIV/STATE R&D Lab.
If the Players proceed to the Hotel or the left path towards the Bar, then they will miss their opportunity to thwart Fox early. You may include a new combat or random encounter in that space. Depending upon how quickly the Hotel Intersection Encounter is resolved, you may allow the Players a second chance to catch Fox before she moves to the Museum Roof. If Fox is unable to interact with the nearby Platform, the Platform remains on Ground level. If she succeeds on making it to the roof top, the Platform will not be available on the Ground level.

Event 1C: Tolling of the Phantom Bell

Whenever the PCs are close to or inside the Park area, they may hear a chime, like a bell tower. If it is investigated before the initiation of any event between Stage 3-5, then the PCs will find nothing. If the PCs have initiated (or completed) those Events, then a Clock Tower appears in the Park. While there is no door or entrance, the stairs lead from the Earth and to the top. If the PCs climb the clock tower, they receive the truth of their origins- a vision from an Alternate Timeline, where the Clock Tower was the original location of the creation of the Chronos Watch.

Vlad knows who the Playable Characters are- each of them had a hand in thwarting his plans in an alternate Timeline! Since, he has taken revenge on them by attempting to circumvent their involvement in this Time-Zone. From the Past, Vlad has taken means to eliminate anyone he perceived as a threat to his goals on the day of the Time Crisis. This includes shaping the events of the PC's pasts, which he had assumed would remove them entirely.

If the Pre-made Characters were chosen, then the following occurs when the Party climbs the Clock Tower.

"Proceeding through the door at the top of the stairs, you find yourself inside of a room choked with clockwork gears and the rhythmic sound of churning, pacing machinery. There is a momentary flash of static in the air before, as if in stasis, a phantasmal image suddenly appears, presenting multiple, animated scenes: in the haze, you see yourself! Trapped in the scene, you try to make sense of what is happening."

Eddie: Scenes of Eddie as an apprentice to Rajo Moore appears. Different scenes of her Life move about the clock tower apartment: studying, sleeping, and interacting with her mentor. She is seen working on and inventing the Chronos Watch. Her effort is thwarted by Rajo Moore, who takes credit for her invention, and pushes her into an open Time Portal.

Hansen & Sabir: Before the events of the 1st Time Crisis, both Sabir and Hansen were with the Sovereignty and Sanadeux Militia, respectively. Hansen followed his father's footsteps as a Militant, whereas Sabir had led a prosperous military career and became a Sovereign Commander. Together, they were there the night that Vlad attempted to initiate the 1st Time Crisis and thwarted him. Each of them- Hansen & Sabir- were both forced into the Past at that moment.

Maive: In the 1st TimeLine, Raja Moore employed thiefs to steal the Magelef Manuscripts from the Elves, and used information contained therein to manufacture the Chronos Watch. Maive appeared to retrieve the book when she was captured by Vlad. During that time, the 1st Time Crisis was interrupted. When the book fell through a Portal, Maive followed it into the Past.

Each Playable Character will have a connection to this Event. As a GM, if Players chose custom characters, you might consider if they had any involvement at all to these events! Working other Characters into the events that created Time Crisis could expand the adventure! If you're using the Pre-Made Characters as NPCs, then you might still show this to your Players! This event was pivotal in orchestrating the events up to now. If it doesn't provide answers, then it should definitely provide questions!

From this height, Players who climb the Clock Tower are also able to view the 2F Area Map! Each rooftop can be seen from the Clock Tower. Create difficulty with Perception checks; if successful, give details from Stages 3-5, as necessary. And as an added bonus, roll on the Major Loot table to determine a reward for climbing the Clock Tower! After having visited the Clock Tower once, it disappears, and the chiming ceases for the rest of the Adventure.

Event 1D: That Which Makes WAIVs

[color:black]This Event is activated the moment the PCs come within 50 Un of the WAIV/STATE R&D Lab.

The PCs are surrounded by a group of Biker Vandals, just as a brilliant flash from a Time Portal opens above the wreckage of the ruined laboratory! From the Time Portal, several Slimes begin to spill forth, attacking the Vandals and the Party indiscriminately. Use the Combat Encounters Table to create this scenario. Bikers lose control of their AUTOs and threaten to Overrun the Party (DC:12, Agility). In the 3rd Round of this Combat, a 2nd Wave appears; this wave contains 2 Musket Knights. These will attack any living creature- Slime, Vandal, or Party. In the 7th Round, any remaining enemies must face against the 3rd Wave- a vicious Darcon Soldier. This entity is a Large creature from the future- a cybernetic soldier made from the willing body of a Drakan who has underwent mutations and grafts to become a formidable opponent. Mounted with lasers, this creature will go on a rampage, destroying all things in sight. The Time Portal releases only after the Darcon Soldier has been released within the 7th round. This will make the WAIV Lab accessible.

Surviving the WAIVs
In order to remove the Time Portal, PCs must engage in 7 rounds of Combat. This doesn't need to be 7 consecutive rounds of combat- if the PCs are able to disengage, the Vandals and Portal Creatures may fight each other. They may passively observe the Combat, electing instead to allowe these enemies to deal with themselves. Once the path is clear, the PCs may enter the WAIV/STATE R&D Laboratory.
If the PCs are able to fight through the 7th Round, the Darcon Soldier appears immediately and threatens anyone surviving the first 2 waves. If left alone (or there are no Targets) the Darcon Soldier heads immediately towards the nearest Safe-House location. It will attack innocent Citizens indiscriminately.
Darcon Soldier:
(Large) HP35, AR16, Fly Speed 30ft. (Poor)
Attack + 5, Lance (1d12+5),
Attack +2, Range, Laser, (1d4, Stun
(5ft. Radius- DC 12 Agility 2 Rounds.))

Negotiating the Final WAIV

Depending upon the Difficulty in this area, PCs have a few options. They can receive Militia aid here- or, they can speak with the Darcon Soldier. If any member is able to speak the Draconic Language, they are able to negotiate with the Darcon as they learn that it is on a seek and destroy mission. They can convince the Darcon Soldier that the Vandals are the enemy, and through that influence, send it to one of the 3 Stage Locations, or even to Vlad the Vandal himself. The Darcon Soldier will immediately acquire their coordinates and begin an assault upon them. The best target to send the Darcon Soldier against is Wolf- he has many Vandals that can aid him in his Encounter and no way to heal Damage. When the PCs arrive, they may find any of the Vandal Lords already in conflict with the Darcon Soldier. Include the Darcon Soldier in the Action Order.
Defeating the Darcon Soldier effectively ends the event. The PCs receive 120 Casho as a Quest reward from the fallen Darcon Soldier. His other equipment malfunctions from the damage received. However, the Laser can be salvageable, if clever PCs return it to Guy the Alchemist.

Event 1E: The Trouble with Twins!

The final Event is located inside of the Bank, and only activates once the Players have completed any one of Stages 3-5. If the Players go to the Bank before this, then they can still receive the Cache at the entrance, but this Event will not activate- the Vault is locked and closed. Once one of the other Stages have been completed, this event is accessible.

Inside, the Party discovers the doors to the Vault to be open. If they visited earlier, the vault doors were closed- now, damaged Casho spills out and onto the floor. 2 Vandals can be found inside, pillaging goods. Once they are defeated, the Party finds a Gnome hidden inside the Vault.

Tomlin is part-owner, along with his brother, Tamlin. If the PCs took the Cache from the entrance, Tomlin will start out with hostile attitudes towards the Players. If not, then Tomlin will act favorably, after having been rescued. Tomlin describes that he and his brother were forced through Portals! When they reappeared, moments earlier, locked in his office and needs help! If the PCs decide to help, they can follow Tomlin to the office, where sounds of an assault can be heard from the door!

Tamlin seems to be struggling with someone on the inside! With the door locked on the inside, the Players have only moments to break through the door! It requires 2 successful DC:20 Power or 1 DC:15 Security check to open the door.

There are 2 Outcomes to this scenario:
Outcome A
If the Players are unsuccessful in 4 rounds, they find no one inside; Tamlin and his attacker have vanished!
Outcome B
If the Players are successful in opening the Door, they are able to stop the attack on Tamlin!

In Outcome A, if Tamlin dies, he is immediately replaced by a Doppelganger. He will appear outside of the office, and commences to deny any attack on his person. Alert PCs may notice his reappearance outside of the office (DC:16, Perception). Unless the PCs uncover his identity, Tamlin has been replaced by a Doppelganger. Outcome A is considered a failure of the event! Eventually, Tamlin will force his brother into a Time Portal to become a Doppelganger as well!

In Outcome B, if Tamlin lives, the Party uncovers an unsettling scene- Tamlin is wrestling with himself! With a knife in hand, he is poised to plunge it into his adversary! The PCs can stop the fight, or allow it to happen, at which point, if the Doppelganger kills Tamlin, the PCs will witness them both disappear!

If the PCs break up the fight, they have the unusual task of determining who is who. The Doppelganger will attempt to appeal to his brother and the Party, whereas, Tamlin will appeal to his brother alone. How to determine the fake Tamlin is up to you and the Players!

Should the PCs uncover the real Doppelganger, it will ignore the PCs in a fight to strike at Tamlin. Once the Doppelganger has been dealt with, the brothers are reunited and grateful for the PCs help! In addition to the Cache reward for entering the Bank (which they will forgive the PCs for, at this point), the PCs may also receive 400 Casho in jewels and gemstones! The brothers will always be favorable to the PCs in any future interactions!

Plot Twist A: For a deeper Plot, Tomlin could already be a Doppelganger- but doesn't know it! Alternatively, Tomlin's Doppelganger could be searching for him! PCs may encounter this Doppelganger roaming the streets, mistaking him for who he seems or realizing that it could be another Doppelganger!

Plot Twist B: For another twist, instead of Tamlin's attacker as a Doppelganger, it could be an Alternate World version of himself! This means that both versions of Tamlin are the real Tamlin! If you go this route, should they come within 5 Un of each other, the rules of Time Travel immediately eradicates both from existence and all Timelines! Tomlin immediately forgets that he ever had a brother, and the Event is considered failed!




Player Warning!
"You're on your own, Traveler!"
~ Farewell amongst those who Wander

"STOP!" Points are designed to keep Players who intend on enjoying the Full Content through Game-Play from spoiling themselves! Stages 03-06 are intended for GMs only!

Players! Consider yourself warned! Everything up to this point is a demo!

If you're a GM; if you'd like to read and immerse yourself in the Full Content, or if you happen to be a bit of a Vandal yourself... continue on! Your Adventure Continues in Stages 03-06!
Good Luck, Traveler!


Stage 03: Fox-Hunt by Moonlight!

Sanadeux City- Museum Rooftop
Fox makes her way to the Museum Rooftop from the 1F Platform, located near the Train Station!

"Fox at the Crossroads"
If the PCs managed to defeat Fox in "1B- Fox at the Crossroads!" then she won't appear at Museum Roof- this event can be skipped!

If Fox escaped with Rajo Moore through either the Entrance or the Platform, she perches on the Roof to observe the PC's movements; if they move through the Hotel Plaza, Park, Bar, WAIV, Alchemy, or Bank Locations. (DC:20 Perception (Long Range)/ DC:Opposed Stealth (Close-Range)). Reporting the PC movements to Vlad & others, Fox maintains her position until either the PCs approach the Roof or Entrance of the Museum.

If Fox failed to retrieve Rajo Moore, she will attempt to retrieve him again. See the Scenario below to learn more.

Fox the Super-Vandal
Fox has a specific mission: await a Time Portal, along with her quarry, Rajo Moore. If PCs activate Stage 04 or 05, (without completing Stage 03), Fox will proceed with her mission in 1 of 2 Ways, depending upon the Outcomes of Encounter 1B.
"The bones of antiquity can be broken. What do you think that is hiding beneath your skin?"
* Fox always chooses her own Life over Death.


Stage 03A

This path represents Foxes success at capturing Raja Moore and proceeding to her destination, Museum Rooftop. There she watches the PCs, updating Vandal lessers and Admins. The PCs will find her above the Museum, watching with a spyglass. If Encountered from this position via the Platform, she will flee with her quarry inside the Museum. She may not even wait for the Players to arrive- unless she wants to delay them. (Fox- Disadvantage, +5 Subterfuge.)

At a few points, Fox may attempt to confuse the Party by deceiving them into believing she is on their side, and wants to ultimately betray Vlad. Use your discretion, as to whether this is true or not- but generally, and under normal conditions, she is loyal to the Big Boss.

Stage 03B

In this Scenario, Fox was intercepted and the Party succeeded in securing Raja Moore. They have 2 Options: they can take him to the Hotel or they can take him to the WAIV/ STATE R&D Lab; his preference. However, close proximity to the WAIV Location will activate the Encounter 1D: That Which Makes WAIVs- a highly dangerous Encounter that he may not survive.

If he chose to go to the Hotel, then he may be stolen once more! Morgan Volkan will attempt to aid Fox's attempt to retrieve him by leaving his Room unlocked and unguarded. The Hotel Manager double crosses Rajo Moore's trust. Proceeds to Stage 03C.

Stage 03C

If the Players activate Stages 04 & 05 before completing Stage 03, they will activate Scenario 3C; Fox moves Raja Moore into the Museum, where a Time Portal opens. She is able to freely toss Raja Moore into the Time Portal, completing her task! Now she awaits the PCs under orders of Vlad. With her Vandal lessers from the Crossroads Event, she is ready to encounter the PCs, should they choose to come to the Museum!

At a few points, Fox may attempt to delay the Party by deceiving them into believing she is on their side, and wants to ultimately betray Vlad. Use your discretion, as to whether this is true or not- but generally, and under normal conditions, she is loyal to the Big Boss.

Stage 03D

This Scenario directs Fox's movements, should the PCs approach her before completing Stages 04 & 05.

If the PCs approach via the Main Entrance, she will draw Rajo Moore into the Museum 2F Exhibit Area.

If the PCs approach via the Platform, she will attempt to draw him in, but he may struggle against her! It will take 3 rounds to draw Rajo Moore into the 2F Exhibit Area! If the PCs catch up to her by then, she will discard her quarry for the moment, and return with reinforcements.

Reinforcements that successfully make it back to the Rooftop in Final Scenario will take 5 rounds in bringing a frightened or wounded Rajo Moore into the 2F Exhibit Area.

Final Scenario

Inside the Museum, there is an exhibit on the 2F which features a new Fossil- those of a Large Raptor. This Saurian monstrosity is transformed before the Party's eyes, as Fox's Magic transforms into a Raptor Skeleton! Along with 4 Vandals (less if defeated prior), Fox is poised to attack the Party! During the initial rounds, she will attempt to be done with her dreadful task! If a PC hasn't intervened with her by the 3rd Round of Combat, she will toss Rajo Moore into the Time Portal! After the 3rd Round, she will do everything to complete this Action. The PCs must defeat her before then unless they loose a vital connection to the Time Crisis!

Fox the Vandal: HP21/ AR17 (+2 AR Spell prepared).
  • Attacks +4, +1 Dagger (1d4+2 Slashing, Piercing; 10 Un Thrown Range).
  • Attacks +5, Spells.

Raptor Skeleton: HP30/ AR13.
  • Attack+3, Claw (1d4+2)

  • Attack+3, Bite (1d6+3)
4 Vandals- 2 Thugs, 1 Hood, and 1 Manic Vandal
Less if they were defeated in earlier Encounters.
Before Combat, if Fox has sustained any damage, she heals 1d8+5.

During Combat, she commands up to 4 Vandals and a Raptor Skeleton; she uses the Heat Wave Cantrip to harass PCs. Otherwise, she maintains distance between herself and the Party, keeping Rajo Moore within arm's length. He makes opposed Power checks against her Grapple as a free Action each round, though he can only take 1 Action per round.

If Rajo Moore is unavailable (abandoned on the Rooftop or otherwise nearby), she will direct her Vandals, one at a Time, to retrieve Rajo. PCs can thwart their attempts by blocking their path, but should they make it by the PCs, they will reappear in 5 Rounds with Rajo Moore.


Once Fox has either fled or been defeated, the PCs can relax! Without Fox, the Skeleton ceases to animate and the Vandals disperse! To the end of this encounter, Rajo Moore is either captured and teleported to the Past or rescued, the Time Portal closing by the end of the Encounter.

In any Scenario where Fox is defeated, she leaves behind her leather bag; inside are the remains of a Mummy Doll. This leaves more questions than answers- what is the doll? And what is its connection to Fox? Also included in her bag is a special WAIV, modified just as the Unique WAIV/ COMM, along with a Platform Key A. This Key, along with any other Platform Key, can activate and manually use all Platforms! Having one half of this Key means quick access to other events!

Taking the Platform and using the manual override, PCs can quickly navigate to either Stage 04 or 05 while avoiding many of the threats beneath them on the streets!

Stage 04: Jackal's Forbidden Arts!

'Curio's Imporios 1F
Entrances to this shop are located on the South and East sides. Jackal is on the 2F Roof.

"Jackal the Fiend"
During the initial events of the Time Crisis, Jackal ransacked the neighboring Pharmacy! He is in a drug-induced state! Consider Jackal to have the "Rage" condition- though he acts rather calm his behavior is excited and erratic.

Jackal is well-known amongst the Vandals for this trait, and has been acknowledged as the Casho King's street artist. His shows are played at the Bar, where he draws a crowd of riff-raff, and his paintings are said to have mysterious effects on those that view them.
Jackal the Vandal-Ace
Jackal is a devilish Vandal who made it to the top of the Casho Kings through his tenacity. Though he doesn't appear to be formidable, Jackal is a Vandal-Ace; he has committed considerable acts of depravity to obtain this position. He holds many secrets.
"Huh? The Word is mightier than the Sword. Guess you can't bring an S-Word into battle against Suggestion! Oh- S***! S-Word!"
* If he has upper-hand, will risk Death.


Scenario 4A

In Scenario 4A, Jackal is focused on painting over a giant sign atop the 'Curio's Imporios building. The PCs may be able to approach, either through the Trader's Entrance or the Platform. Jackal is considered at Disadvantage when it comes to Perception checks. If the PCs approach through the interior of the building, Jackal will be alerted!

He is attended by 2 Vandal Manics- each under the "Rage" condition. Until the PCs arrive, Jackal is content to make graffitos, covering the billboard in a magical pattern. If the PCs activate Stage 03 or 05 before activating 04, 1 more Vandal Thug arrives, in a "Drunken" condition.

He also completes the magical glyph, which begins to pulse with an eerie purple glow. See the effects of Vandal Conscription in Scenario 4B.

Scenario 4B

Following Scenario 04A, if the PCs neither activate or complete Stage 04 before completing another Stage, then Jackal finishes his macabre graffito. This painting induces uncontrollable feelings, as powerful suggestions and impulses begins overwhelming the senses. Those within line of sight of the Painting, Ruination, that looks upon it must succeed at a DC:13 Spirit save or fall under its Spell.

Vandal Conscription: Each turn that a person is under the effect of Vandal Conscription, they are inspired to acts of fury and destruction. Acting under the "Confusion" status, the afflicted is also inclined to act against its normal nature. This effect lasts for 5 rounds minus the Grace Statistic (no less than 1 Round). If a Vandal Admin or higher gives orders to a Conscripted, they will act under the Command spell, following any order that doesn't harm themselves.

Final Scenario

Players confront Jackal on the Rooftops. Depending upon his combat readiness (see Above), Jackal will have a number of men with him. If he has had Time to complete Ruination, he brings the hostage Mercurio, held below, to the painting, where he conscripts the NPC into fighting alongside him. PCs, depending upon their alignment, will want to avoid injuring Mercurio in this Scenario, as he can perish! He will fight for 3 Rounds before he must make a manual save against the effect once more.

Jackal the Vandal; 28HP(+4 condition)/ AR 15 (-2 condition).
  • Attack + 5, Broken Bottle (1d4+3)
  • Attack + 8, +1 Dagger (1d4+4) 10 Un Thrown Range;
  • Attack + 4, Blinding Powder (1 Round; DC12 Vitality).
  • * Sneak Attack+ 1d6
  • Special Action: Vandal Conscription
    Jackal's Band- 2 Vandal Manics & 1 Vandal Thug (see above).

    Mercurio: HP10/ AR10;
    Attack +2, Broken Bottle (1d4-1)

    If Mercurio is successful on any of his checks to resist Conscription, and the effect is removed, he will drop any weapons and flee. Jackal may attempt to use Mercurio, at any time, as a shield or hostage.

    In the initial rounds of the Encounter, Jackal will explain to the PCs how much he disdains what he considers "Pop Art", such as that produced by Autumn Harlock & the Seasons. He was there the night Autumn was attacked, and can be Persuaded to tell the truth, though Difficult (DC 25). Failing the roll, Jackal may lie to the PCs.

Before Combat, Jackal takes a Free Action to turn on music. As long as this song, "Ruination" plays, the PCs must make an additional check against the Conscription effect at the beginning of Jackal's turn; any time Jackal initiates his turn, he uses his free hand to force the Badge of Conscription into the PC's view. Anyone directly targeted must make the Conscription check or fall under its spell. The DC for Conscription effects, be they from the painting or the direct-effect of exposure to the Badge, increases by 2 while the music plays. Destroying the source of the music (Small} HP4/AR12) removes the condition or the need to roll, if a Character had this on their Spell-Stack.

During Combat, he will use the Broken Bottle in the intial round, either throwing it at the PCs or using it as an improvised weapon. If the PCs wound him, he will use a Move Action to switch to his +1 Dagger, and start attacking the most wounded PCs first. He will direct his energy towards the weakest visible PCs or those that have shown spells from the Restoration School.

If it seems that Jackal is going to die (5 HP or Lower), he will attempt to use a move action to change the Painting into a Time Portal. Discarding his bag, he leaps into the Portal and runs away from the Combat on the following round.


Jackal will save his own Life by fleeing through the Portal- whether he is defeated or departs, he drops a black bag, containing 100 Casho for each PC; as well as a copy of the "Ruination" sound track (has no effect), and a Painter's Kit, which includes Paints (Oil and Spray), Markers, Brushes, and Paint Thinner. Additionally, there are 3 unlabelled Potions- brave PCs will discover 3 Healing Potions (1d8+2 HP).

Also, a Platform Key is obtained! Having one of these Keys allows access to the Platform to make single-lateral directions. Having 2 of the Platform Keys allows the Platforms to make compass-direction movements! Taking the Platform and using the manual override, PCs can quickly navigate to either Stage 03 or 05 while avoiding many of the threats! Maneuvering with a Platform reduces Game-Time spent trekking across the city, and can be brought to below 20 Un in height. 2 Platforms are required to reach the Rooftop of Stage 05.

Mercurio is grateful for the PCs help and can be found later reunited with his half-sister at the Bar! He gifts the PCs with a drink on him, as well as an Outfit of their choice. Each PC can choose one of the following option:

  • Ice Age:
  • Warm clothes spun from Icing Silk- provides +2 bonuses when resisting frost, cold, and exposure to ice effects. Cold Resistance 1.
  • Saurian Age: Loose fitting garment made from skins and scales. Provides a +1 Natural Armor Bonus when worn under Light or Medium Armor.
  • Renaissance Age:
  • A traveler's garment, complete with a beret and cowl. +2 Grace bonuses when dealing with those of the Covert organization of Classes.
  • Dark Age:
  • While wearing this dark, tight fitting leather breeches, the wearer makes Climb and Jump checks at Advantage.

All Outfit Rewards can be worn under normal Armor! Since it isn't considered Armor, those who wear Light or Medium Armor can wear one shirt or tunic and pair of pants or breeches, under Armor made within the Industrial Age or later.


Stage 05: The Wolf of Townsend!

Sanadeux Square- 2F Platform
Militants are attempting to reclaim the Town Hall! Wolf is on the 2F with a gang of Vandals!

"Riot: The Wolf is Loose!"
This was noted by a mysterious recruiter who sent him the letter and instructions on how to join. Instructed by others that he inevitably surpassed, Wolf has led a Life of crime since. When asked about Autumn Harlock and his involvement, Wolf reveals that he is the assailant who first jumped Autumn & the Seasons at the Hotel. Simply, he enjoyed taking the score from Jackal, who despised the musician as a pop artist. Wolf holds back any revealing information, smart enough to know when to talk and when not to.

During the initial Time Crisis, he led a small army against Town Hall. They're now walled within- inaccessible from the lower floor. He seeks the Chrono Watch within the Top Floor Offices.

Wolf is overwhlemingly lethal- with bulging Power, he uses his fists in combat, relishing in the Brawl.
Wolf the Tyrant Vandal
Wolf is taciturn. His actions are those of force and hostility; long has he enjoyed the sensation of people's frustrations. He is quick to use the Provoke Proficiency to demoralize others. He is a native Sanadeux Citizen.

Wolf is the grandson of Sidney Wolfsbane, Chief Advisor to the Mayor. His real name, Sid Jr, is known throughout the Nobility; Wolf has always had a reputation for Vandalism.

" *sigh*
You got what it takes?"
* Prefers Death- will not run from Combat.


Scenario 5A

If the PCs haven't completed both Stage 03 & 04 before activating Stage 05, then the area is inacessible. Fire has taken over much of the structure, making entry by Platform the main method to approach Wolf. He has prepared with this and occasionally, the sound of gunfire rings from the Town Hall's 2F Windows. Militants have had difficulty approaching.

PCs can force their entry- DC:18 Power check will open the Town Hall. Inside, the PCs must move quickly. Remaining in any one location for more than 3 Rounds will deal 1 Point of Fire. There are also other hazards to consider when traveling through a burning building.

Attempting a forced entry requires Stealth as well- unless the PC succeeds using Stealth against an opposed Perception check, the Vandals rain Fire-Bombs from above (1d4+1 Fire Damage; 5 Un Splash).

Navigating the interior is detailed in the Town Hall description within the Extended References.

Scenario 5B

With no forced entry, the PCs must either wait for the Militants to quell the flames or they must complete Stages 03 & 04 before they can proceed. By this point, they can immediately access the 2F Roof by the Platforms available in earlier Stages. With the Platform Keys, they can confront Wolf directly.

Otherwise, it takes the Militants (even with PC Aid) 30 minutes to complete the process. While this allows early access, the PCs are forced to wait, consuming valuable Game-Time.

If Wolf is given enough time (2 Hours of Game-Time or more), he is successful in retrieving a special item that appears at the Town Hall. His escape, however, is barred by the Militants, and the flames that he created.

At any point after, if the PCs maintain the flames, either through waiting or through elapsed Game-Time, Wolf will disperse his Vandals and take the battle directly to the streets.

He will attempt to maneuver to Townsend Street Plaza, where Vlad the Vandal awaits. He may even attempt Jumping through windows (2d10 Fall Damage; half on a successful Acrobatics check), but only if he has the Chrono Watch in his possession.

Final Scenario

Whether on the 2F, 1F, or in the streets, Wolf will stop at nothing to bring the weapon to Vlad the Vandal. Unless he has it in his possession, he will not be removed from the 2F. Depending on where the PCs find Wolf, the difficulty for his challenge either increases or decreases. If he has made it outside, then he is more vulnerable- any Militants in the area will aid the PCs in apprehending Wolf.

Inside the building, Wolf has a tactical advantage, leading his group with ease through the Town Hall. Making use of a secret entrance (DC:25, Perception, (Court House). He is guarded specifically by 3 Vandal Thugs- each has 1 Fire Bomb.

Wolf the Vandal; 30HP/ AR 16.
  • 2 Attacks + 5/ 3, Fists (1d4+4, Smash)
  • Attack + 6, +1 Spear- Think Point
    (1d8+3 (+5, 2-Handed).10 Un Thrown Range)

Wolf's Remaining Squad-3 Vandal Thugs (see above).
Before Combat, Wolf consumes a Potion that protects him against Gunfire (Entropic Warding). Ranged attacks become ineffective against Wolf.

During Combat, he will fight with up to half of his total health, before he begins to use the weapon he has stolen from the Town Hall, Think Point. If PCs discover Think Point before Wolf does, then it will be unavailable to him in the last conflict.

Instead, he will chew a Shock Pill (Free), making his next 3 damage rolls include 1 point of non-lethal electric damage. Those knocked below HP when this damage is calculated are immediately stabilized to 0 and remain unconscious until roused or 1 minute.


Defeating Wolf rewards the PCs with his black satchel, containing 50 Casho per PC! If he held Think Point, he relenquishes it in defeat. His armor is also +1 Medium Tactical Armor.

Unless Wolf is able to make it to Vlad, he won't escape into a Time Portal like the others, as he lacks the means. Instead, he can Jump directly to Vlad, but this may injure him dramatically (5d10, Fall Damage). This is a different elevation than jumping into the Town Hall's Courtyard.

The Militants are able to provide 1d8+2 Healing to any injured PC at the end of this encounter.

Assuming all Stages have been complete, there's nothing left than to face Vlad the Vandal!


Final Combat!

Stage 06: Vlad & The Vandal Games

Vlad the Vandal
Behind Sanadeux Square
As the PCs approach, Vlad will initiate a large Time Portal! It destroys the building behind him!

In this Module, PCs are able to go directly to the end. It is possible to head straight to Vlad. He awaits outside the back of the Town Hall. PCs should be given the option to approach him before proceeding behind the Town Hall. This will initiate the final event.

He has awaited for their arrival, protecting himself with his Vandals. Once the combat is intiated, Vlad will no longer speak to the PCs. Before Combat is intiated, PCs are able to ask up to 3 questions, before he initiates the Time Portal, summoning it instantly with the broken WAIV machines around him.

If any of the Vandal Admins were left alone, they are assumed to have completed each of their goals and will appear in their current physical condition.

Fox eliminates Rajo Moore. Wolf brings the sacred relic, Think Point. Jackal amasses a horde of Vandals. Any super available will immediately appear- Fox & Jackal from Time Portals, and Wolf from the Town Hall.

It is at the point that the Time Portal appears, the Chronos Watch becomes visible within 2 Rounds (through dialogue or Combat), reacting to the powerful source of Magic. The battle is over possession of the Chrono Watch.

Vlad's Ambitions
Little is known about Vlad- other than that he is referred to as the "Big Boss" not only by the Casho Kings, but all groups of Vandals. He has worked for a long time to build an Army of Vandals. To what purpose, is anyone's guess. Should he succeed here, he will become the penultimate leader of the Vandals! Thousands will pour through the open Time Portal behind him, engulfing the city in bedlam! Marauders & Raiders will take over the City!
"It's not enough to burn this World;
it must grind to a halt!"
Vlad is a Time Traveler who has appeared in the recent Modern Age to reclaim the Chrono Watch. He went into the Past of Sanadeux City and removed threats to his dominion. With Sanadeux weakened and the Time Crisis activated, he sent its Citizens to the Past where they were conscripted into his Vandal Armies. He has in his possession a false replica of the Chrono Watch; this Time-Line's version of the Chrono Watch.

Final Scenario

Vlad the Vandal; 40HP/ AR 16.
  • 2 Attacks + 5/ 3, Chains (1d8+2, Smash; 10 Un Reach.)
  • Attack + 6, +1 Spear- Think Point
    (1d8+3 (+5, 2-Handed).10 Un Thrown Range)
  • Attack +4,Mwk Long Rifle (1d10+2, Stab)
    (10 Shots; Reload (Free 120ft. Range).
  • Attack +3, Spells, (see descriptions)

If no Vandal Thugs appear, atleast 1d2 Vandal Thugs will appear at the beginning of combat.

Creatures summoned through Random Encounters will immediately appear near Vlad the Vandal and ignore him or any other Vandals in the vicinity.

Before Combat, the Time Portal releases 1 Random Encounter! The entity that emerges will not attack Vlad the Vandal.

At the turn Vlad the Vandal is at 50% or lower Health, he disengages and takes a Full-Round Action to summon a special Time Portal. The Vandal that appears immediately services Vlad with a curative, raising his HP by 1d10+5. This may raise his HP above the maximum. He will take this Action each time he receives a wound that drops him below half (but only every other turn). This action provokes Reactions from PCs or others nearby.

At 25% Health, Vlad will begin employing the Think Point, if it is available to him. Otherwise, he will summon another entity from the Time Portal (as a Full Round Action). Roll once more on the Random Encounter Table.

Vlad fights until he drops to 0 HP!


As Vlad is defeated, the PCs witness his form begin to shift before their eyes! He becomes a Doppelganger! With mottled grey skin and bulbous black eyes, the Doppelganger stares scornfully and wordlessly at the PCs, until it is a corpse, ripped and stretched viciously through the Time Portal!

PCs must avoid the Time Portal collapsing! If anyone was within 20 Un at the moment of Vlad's death throes, they must immediately make a DC:12 Agility check or be sucked into the Time Portal as well! PCs can move at half their speed away from the Time Portal, which closes at the end of the next round after Vlad's demise!

If all PCs avoid the Time Portal, congratulations, Traveler!

The Lord of All-Vandals has been defeated!

Well-done! With Vlad the Vandal gone, all the anomalies, portals, creatures, Vandals, and other phenomenon he brought with him return to their respective Times. Without his Source to tether them to this Realm, they were free to return to the Past. Sanadeux, City of Surprises, is able to see the dawn of a new day, thanks to the PCs... and you, of course!




Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you're interested, just lmk below! It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D


Running Out of Time!
Adventure Data
  • Rating:
    Adult 18+

  • Format:
    Pathfinder 1E/2E
    Call of Cthulu D20
  • Content:
    Mature Themes
  • Substance Abuse
    Trauma, Language
  • Difficulty:

  • Players:
    1-4 Players
  • Playtime:
    2-4 Hours
    • Characters:
      1st-3rd Level
    • Game-Play:
      D20 Dice Set
      Pen & Paper
      • Genre:
        Portal Fantasy Urban Fantasy Crime Drama
      • Theme:
        Action, Intrigue,
        Thriller, Fantasy
        Adventure Parameters
        • Progression: Explore Sanadeux City!
        • Obstacle: Time Crisis & Vandal Ambush!
        • Incentive: Aid the Citizens!
        • Success: Defeat Vlad the Vandal!
        • Failure: Time Elapses or Party Defeated!
        • Time Limit: 4 Hours

        Playable Characters

        Tactical Communications & Support!

        Marksman Mercenary of Fortune!

        Magical Scholar of Ancient Tools!

        Honed in Honor & Swordsplay!

        Non-Player Characters

        Nameless NPCs

        Town Militant

        Sanadeux Militants
        Civil Peace Keepers.
        Allied against Vandals!
        Once, Provides Heal (1d8+2 HP)
        May Provide Directions.

        Street Vendor

        Offers Food & Drinks!
        Enjoy a tasty
        Copa-Cola Today!

        Hotel Maids

        Members of the
        Maid's Guild
        Works Paragon Heights.

        Named NPCs

        Morgan Volkan

        Owner of Paragon Heights
        Multi-million Casho Investor

        Guy Zep

        Local Alchemist & Inventor
        Guy's Elixirs- Alchemy Lab

        Tomlin Toledo

        Bank Owners
        Commerce Cloud
        Twins from Floating Isles


        The Vandals


        "Whatchu looking at?
        Wanna make something of it?
        Forget about it!"
        ~ Vandal Thugs
        Thug, Hood, and Manic Vandals are the dregs of Society; they could be victims of Vandal Conscription or remorseless criminals. It's isn't always easy to distinguish between an innocent Victim and a blood-thirsty Vandal!
        "Glance into the Light.
        Join the Vandal Games."
        ~ Vandal Tyrant,
        a Vandal Conscription
        Of the upper echelon of low-rank criminals, Orders come down from the top; from the Big Boss to Supers or Tyrants, the orders are delegated down. Vandal Conscription is a charm Vandals use to transform innocent Citizens into potential Vandals. Supers handle adminsitrative matters while Tyrants handle lower ranked Vandals and recruitment through Conscription.
        "You won't like what I'm doing; no decent person would. Still. Don't interfere."
        ~ Vandal Big Boss
        The highest rank of the Vandals is reserved for the Bosses and Aces. Big Bosses are operators of organized crime amongst varied groups of Vandals, while Bosses perform high profile crimes in smaller rings. Aces serve the Bosses and Admins as assassins or bodyguards, answering directly to the Bosses.


        Map Legend

        Player's Map
        Map Reference
        GM's Discretion!

        Link to Enlarged Map!

        GM's Map


        GM Reference Map
        GM's Only![

        Link to Enlarged Map!



        Rumors 1A
        Lore (History, Local) DC:12 (Minor)

        Rumors 1B
        Lore (History, Local) DC:15 (Medium)

        Rumors 1C
        Lore (History, Local) DC:18 (Major)

        Rumors- Vandal 1A
        Lore (Local) DC:16 (Medium
        Persuasion, Diplomacy,
        Intimidate DC:13 (Minor)

        Rumors- Vandal 1B
        Lore (Local) DC:19 (Major)
        Persuasion, Diplomacy,
        Intimidate DC:17 (Major)

        Random Combat Encounters

        Random Encounters-
        Train Car

        Random Encounters-
        Train Station

        Random Encounters-
        Sanadeux City



        Author's Notes

        This monsrous Article has taken me literally the entire month to write. It is now 9:15 PM, 04/30/24! However, it is complete- 98%! LOL!

        This is enough for me and with the content, I hope it's enough for the entry! I still need to add one more piece; the story component, but I need to do this quickly! Time is literally of the essence in Time Crisis, and just like this Adventure Module, I'm running out of Time!

        I will update this Article in the near future with appropriate Edits, but as of now, I'm quite content! Thanks for reading, as always!

        I hope you enjoy/ed this incredible Adventure! Will it remain a One-Shot? Absolutely... NOT!

        If ANYONE runs this as a session, or uses ideas or concepts from it, let me know how it goes!

        Tell me your stories! Good Day! Happy May!

        Myth X

        Please Login in order to comment!