

Dani | Member Since 17 May, 2020
99 Followers 102696 Page views 1326 Likes

Hey y'all! I'm Dani, a creativity and goal coach, editor, and author of spicy cyberpunk, sci-fi, superhero, and shifter romance, as well as slice-of-dystopian-life fiction.

  I have 3 novels and 2 short stories published under my Cera Daniels penname Amazon which I am serializing and reworking in setting and tech levels to fit into my Luridity galaxy here on WorldAnvil, rebranded with A. Dani. (yes, I am a Dani!) :) If you'd like to Follow along on that revision journey, you can do so at   https://reamstories.com/inluridity   You can follow on Ream and get early access for FREE and get it even earlier (as well as scooping up extra bonuses!) by supporting at any of the paid subscription tiers. Woo! I am so grateful to have enablers who giggle at Luridity's terrible puns and who love the characters who occupy its worlds. :D

There's also a character creation workshop on Gumroad! *insert kermit-keyboard-flail* I've done NaNoWriMo since 2006 (as a Municipal Liaison for 7 years). I was a part-time freelance editor, a technical writer and Q&A manager for software for over 15 years...but due to health issues now I work from home helping writers get past overwhelm to get books written, teaching writing workshops, providing one-on-one coaching for creativity, managing project plans, editing, and formatting ebooks.   My favorite writing process is world-building, followed only by getting to know a new character's voice. Both involve me talking to myself, my husbando waking up with sticky notes on his forehead (hey, it was once! no need to keep me banned from writing in bed!), and my kidlet staring at me like my brain's exploded out of my head and bounced around the room. I just tell her creativity is messy. :D   I caffeine and give virtual hugs.

Premier League

Interests & Hobbies

  • Crochet/Amigurumi
  • Witchiness & Tarot
  • Splashing acrylic paint on canvas with my kidlet
  • All the Nature
  • Mythology

Favorite Movies

  • Xanadu
  • Titan AE
  • Princess Bride
  • The Fifth Element
  • Labyrinth
  • Speed Racer
  • Willow
  • Earth Girls are Easy
  • Anastasia
  • Johnny Mnemonic
  • Galaxy Quest
  Add to this list heaps of B movies, Trek and Wars and Indy, and follow it all up with a heaping helping of kaiju, that should about cover things. :D

Favorite TV Series

  • Voltron
  • Thundercats
  • The Green Hornet
  • Firefly
  • Killjoys
  • The Expanse
  • The Last Ship
  • Umbrella Academy
  • Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
  • Speed Racer
  • Sailor Moon
  • Escaflowne
  I am woefully underrepping my anime favorites and adding to that list constantly. :D

Favorite Books

  • Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards
  • The Freedom series by Ann McCaffrey
  • Acorna by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth A. Scarborough (series)
  • Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews
  • Dinotopia by James Gurney (series)
  • Animorphs by K.A. Applegate (series)
  • The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
  • Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynn Truss
  • Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
  • Grendel by John Gardner
  Aside from fiction, I have a number of favorite witchy books...and a collection of themed thesauri that I actually do read just for funsies from time to time (as well as reference, of course lol!).

Favorite Writers

  • Tamora Pierce
  • Brian Jacques
  • Nalini Singh
  • Linnea Sinclair
  • Meljean Brook
  • Cherise Sinclair
  • Tara K. Harper
  If an author is on this list, it is safe to assume I've read and devoured everything they've written and also have their books on my keeper shelves. :D

Favorite Games


  • Shadowrun
  • D&D
  • Rifts
  • Kids on Bikes!
  Board/Card Games
  • Folklore
  • Mysterium
  • Phase 10
  • Pit
  • 7th Continent
  Video Games
  • Torchlight 2
  • Sims 3 (I'm playing 4 but it's subpar)
  • Stardew Valley
  • Littlewood
  • Dragon Age
  • Dungeon Siege
  I have too many of all of these. Just. Too many. (And never enough, amirite?)