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David Alexander | Member Since 16 Dec, 2018
14 Followers 89141 Page views 514 Likes

Hullo there! I'm David, the friendly neighbourhood Hebridean, but you might know me as Mango! Growing up with my father being a writer of both comics and novels, I have been worldbuilding for years now (though honestly only being fully proud of more recent things). Terralba used to be my pet project, going through countless iterations from 2012 until 2019.   I joined World Anvil in 2018, using it as a place to digitally compile my worldbuilding of Terralba. However, over 2019 and into 2020 I struggled to find time to write and dropped off the face of the worldbuilding earth. Lockdown would allow a new project close to my wee Scottish heart to be developed: Destiny.   Updates have been... temperamental. Mainly due to focussing on law school for 4 years, but now after finishing my degree with honours my time has finally opened up a little bit again!   Please, sit back with a hot beverage of your choice, enjoy my musings, and contact me on Reddit (u/2ThiccCoats) or Discord (Mango) if you want to chat worldbuilding! And apparently I now have a Ko-Fi so if you wish for me to share in your choice of hot beverage I will be most grateful!   WorldEmber 2020

Interests & Hobbies

Photography to slap on to my Instagram, missing my cats and sheep back home, and a lot of travelling to cultural and historical points of interest

Favorite Movies

Of course the classic bingers of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Blade Runner and its sequel are near and dear to my heart, with the sequel especially scratching an itch I didn't know I had. I must admit I watched 2049 six times in cinema...

Favorite Books

I have a small obsession/hobby/money-sink of acquiring old or antique non-fiction books about Scotland or especially Hebridean culture (I'd recommend 'A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland', Samuel Johnson, 1775.. surprisingly funny!). A lot of occult and pagan shenanigans in these stacks of books which populate my room.   My favourite fiction novel at the moment is 'The Man Who Was Thursday' (1908) by GK Chesterton. What a ride!