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Summer Camp 2019

Somewhere in your setting, describe
Describe the culinary traditions that are unique to an ethnicity in your world.
A total of 212 entries

culinary traditions in the vortex

Survival in the Underneath: Culinary Matters

Forrest Gnome Food Choices

The lack of eating utensils for Wood Elves

Culinary Traditions of the Orcs

Cuisine of Euhukoan Dwarves

The Bravani Gift of Life

The Culinary Traditions of Necrotus Concerning Seasoning

The Chitrean Diet, slim fast and effective

The Hearth of the Vindexians

Slirene Kingdom culinary traditions

La nourriture fongique des montagnes de l'Est

Ixoli Culinary: Frying of the Bramin on Sky Day

How to cook exotic meat: a guide on how to cook everything from umberhulk to dragon to kobold

The Sharing of Bread and Water

Food Preservation in the Lands of the Stormborn

The Fair Weather Festival

Yosei Cullinary Traditions

Malethas’a Garvil aferval

Dietary habits of the Thramorri

Indulgent Dinning: A look into the Cult of Rakdo Culinary Culture

Diamonddew Meal Traditions

Spécialité culinaire : Mouton à l'histériole en croûte

Hyvamaan Feast of Plenty

Culinary Traditions in Akhang-Ahvar - a Tourists Guide

The Art of Bonding: A Treatise on Halflings and Their Relationship With Food