Nefadric Cusine Tradition / Ritual in Kreworis | World Anvil
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Nefadric Cusine

The nefadric cusine is a rich and versitile cusine due to the sheer size of the nefadric empire, diverese inhabitants and broad range of different climates and conditions. The innventive spirit of the nefadrim has continuesly advanced the practices and pushed for the creations of new delicacies. The essence of the nefadric cusine is to experiment with all the diverese traditions all across the empire and create exciting new flavors by exotic combinations as well as thrilling dishes from a varriety of local ingridients that are available through the extensive supply lines and floursihing trade of the nefadric empire.


With every assimilated species, newly conquered territory and expansion of the empire, the cusine of the nefadrim incresses it's arsenal of ideas and tools of the trade. With tireless creativity the nefadrim have integrated countless dishes and cooking methods of those that joined the empire, while putting the disticnt nefadric spin onto it.


Due to the broad array of ingriedients available on the markets of the nefadrim, thier cusine has made leaps and bounds in every direction, when it comes to creating new recipiets and trying out new combinations. The steady supply and relativly easy access to spices has given the nefadric cusine incredible depth when compared to other kitchens of Kreworis.   Of course there also are some nefadric staples, which are mostly centered arround popular hunting game, as the nefadrim always had a knack for preparing meat. A disticly nefadric tradition is the open grill barbecue, with loads and loads of meat. Another staple of the Nefadric cusine are fish, more specifically sea fish, which are commonly eaten by the poorer people of the nefadric empire.
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