The Nefadric Empire Organization in Kreworis | World Anvil
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The Nefadric Empire

The Nefadrim are a militaristic empire and relatively new on the world stage, yet they are a super power already.  
Understand me Infidel, we're still enemies because of a concept they have forged has blinded you and denied you the truth. The souls of the Nefadrim are old, older than this planar itself. We are part of the melody that has been playing for so long.
— (In)famous extract of the speech that kicked off the great revolt.


The Nefadrim are renowned and feared for ther military might. This can be traced into the everyday live of the militaristic nefadric society, for example every adult has gone through mandatory service and thus through basic training and is able to competently wield at least a shield and spear or crossbow, though many know how to handle a one handed sword or, though often both, a bow aswell. Martial prowess is a greatly valued trait and discipline virtuous.

Part of my submission to "World Ember 2018"
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
To facilitate the exchange of goods the Nefadrim use thier very own coins, steming from varrious mint regions through out the empire.
Manufactured Items
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Myths


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