Lightfall Hearth Tradition / Ritual in Garlan | World Anvil

Lightfall Hearth

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Once a month, towards the very end of the month, the Stout Halflings of Xanfaire celebrate their success around the camp fire. These successes can be anything and everything, from individuals to groups, from fighting back bandits or trading with the nearby towns and villages. The most successes - and by far the biggest ones celebrated - are those of each month's hunts and harvests. To celebrate successful harvests and hunts, the entire town city of Xanfaire comes together in the centre for a large festival and as a collective cooks enough food to last for weeks.   The centre of Xanfaire is cleared out of market stalls and the like days in advance. Though there is no set day for each month, the traders have plenty of warning to move their wares once the elders have decreed what day the Lightfall Hearth will be on.   Once the centre is clear, setting up for the festivities begins. Market stalls are replaced with cooking equipment, and the remaining space is filled with benches for people to sit on whilst the festivities take place. There are also stages set up around the outskirts of the centre designed for both cooking competitions and musical ambiance. It is considered a great honour to take part in either of these. Finally, a great bonfire is constructed right in the middle of the centre square, and once the bonfire is lit, the festivities are officially underway.

Components and tools

Because the Ligthfall Hearth is so focused on celebrating the month's harvests and hunts, the main components are rewards of those harvests and hunts. All of these ingredients are brought together and shared amongst the people, who go on to make their favourite meals, sharing portions with their friends, families and even complete strangers. It is also very common for the older, more experienced of the stout halflings to pass on their recipes and teach the wide eyed younger generations to cook.


Hearth Leaders - usually 3 or 4 of Xanfaire's elders. They dedicate the full three days of their work to the festivities, making sure that events stay on track and that nothing gets out of hand. They also tend to the bonfire and are the only ones allowed to do so.   Primary Chefs - these are a handful of professional and arguably famous chefs. Often they will occupy the main stage, making their favourite recipes and giving out tips for everyone present.   Competitor Chefs - these are the chefs who would like to go on stage and compete for prizes. The best dish wins, judged by the Hearth Leaders and the Primary Chefs.

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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