Shinseina Chau
The Erabareta religion of Okiashi has a unique view of The Almighty. Their position as his chosen people is predicated on following his word to the letter. And his word, ever so helpfully, outlines what they can eat, how it's prepared, and how it's eaten.
The Erabareta Kotoba first states that you shall eat nothing with feathers, scales, or fins. The bit about fins is understood to include all things that live in the water, including Waterpigs and otters. It then goes on to ban anything that has not had a chance to live a full life yet. While this seems like an injunction against veal and it's ilk, the Erabareta understanding of life says that plants are living beings and therefore need to grow beyond seeds to be eaten. This means the staple crops of the region , rice and wheat, are considered iyana, forbidden. Shinseina Chau does include most fruits, tubers and summer squashes provided all seeds are removed first. All drinks are iyana, with the exception of boiled water.
The Kotoba goes on to say, that the food must be drained of liquid. Blood, milk, water, all of it must go. Fruits and vegetables are sliced a quarter inch thick placed into an oven for six to eight hours. Meat is similarly prepared, but sliced thinner and a dry rub of spices is often applied. This rub tends to be different from family to family, passed from mother to daughter, father to son. Half of the traditional Erarabeta wedding night is trading recipes and making a new one.
Finally, the food can only be touched with bamboo chopsticks that have been rinsed in boiling water. Bare-hands makes food iyana. The Kotoba specifies that the food must be stored in a cool, dry place, like a root cellar.
Components and tools
- A sharp knife.
- A good oven.
- Bamboo chopsticks.
- A cool, dry storage.
The Erabaretas are considered fanatics even by the high standards set in Brazos, and Shinseina Chau is a big reason why.
That being said, the Erebaretas have lower rate of infectious diseases than many other peoples, leading to some speculation that they may be onto something.
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