Gruktholl Tradition / Ritual in Asteria | World Anvil
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"If you expect me to get up and dance again during the Gruktholl tonight I'll kick your bloody teeth in... tomorrow, cause I am not leaving the ground until morning!"


As the seasons change in the Red Spikes there comes a time when the Jagg'Dull tribe can no longer sustain themselves in the area they live in. And so they will have to move north as the days get colder, and back south again as they turn warm again. To make sure that they travel light, and that everyone is excited about the move, they hold a great feast where they eat every piece of food that cannot be brought with them on the journey. Traditionally there are four Gruktholl held during a year but there have been times when the clan needs to move more often and so more celebrations are in order.


The feast is announced one week before it is to be held. During their wait, the tribe starts disassembling their encampment and getting everything ready for the move. Everyone also starts gathering and abundance of food, drink, and sweets to contribute to the feast that is to come.   On the day of the feast, the tribe rises with the dawn and start preparing their food. Every member joins in the preparations in some form. Not only are their cooks working, but everyone else helps with cleaning their utensils and then packing everything to make ready to leave the next day. During the day a crier calls out the time until the celebration every hour. In this way, the different chefs can make sure that their food is ready exactly when it needs to be.   Once there are just a few minutes left, all the food is gathered in a thoroughly cleaned area and put on display for the whole tribe. The chefs are supposed to be ready at the announced moment. Should they be late then the tribe starts a loud song, calling for their friends to join them. The latecomers have until the song ends until the tribe starts without them. Gruktholl is officially started when the youngest adult of the clan says the words: "Eat until your heart is full!"   For the rest of the day, the Jagg'Dull do nothing but eat, sing, drink, dance, or conduct whatever expressions of joy they so feel like.
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