Selvos Cluster

A "Cluster" is a solar system containing more than a hundred planets. This new definition is seldom used, due to only a literal handful of solar systems containing this number of planets. The Selvos Cluster is one of the largest Clusters in the Milky Way, with 103 planets in the white dwarf's orbit.

List of Planets

  • Alfas
  • Ambirosi
  • Atrax
  • Bebruarus
  • Begves
  • Bexinus
  • Bleburk
  • Broyelea
  • Catos
  • Cebbosie
  • Chatetune
  • Chitin
  • Chonneozuno
  • Chromus
  • Chustrinia
  • Criniphus
  • Crodeleb
  • Crothesis
  • Cullao
  • Drozir
  • Eestruagawa
  • Enger
  • Erereut
  • Gaenus
  • Geoff
  • Glaasaak
  • Gninoix
  • Gorhadh
  • Goxenus
  • Greovis
  • Hlaldana
  • Huestea
  • Hydra
  • Idhra
  • Idoson
  • Iith
  • Imrof
  • Isada
  • Joaisan
  • Kaari
  • Komossur
  • Koro
  • Korue
  • Kzcho
  • Laccora
  • Laitaen
  • Lemmasa
  • Lendae
  • Lourus
  • Machypso
  • Malphaes
  • Masgaea
  • Mautsena
  • Milriruta
  • Muhiri
  • Orvyl
  • Ostibou
  • Oviahines
  • Ozippe
  • Phelinov
  • Phitanope
  • Phluhs
  • Poandi
  • Ponriastea
  • Porhai
  • Qrairzurre
  • Reruta
  • Rhizsix
  • Risan
  • Seden
  • Seuter
  • Sophon
  • Srurshak
  • Sveivif
  • Syriacus
  • Theles
  • Thenuphus
  • Therth
  • Thexolea
  • Theyam
  • Thicreipra
  • Thicrillon
  • Thillars
  • Thognegaw
  • Thridis
  • Traidus
  • Triteia
  • Twenvel
  • Uara
  • Uhduan
  • Vestrerus
  • Vonoe
  • Vulvade
  • Wiqne
  • Xiskin
  • Xubriea
  • Xulia
  • Yuuain
  • Zchok
  • Zechichi
  • Zedraonus
  • Zhecukreb
  • Zuwozur
  • Type
    Solar System
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    Nov 7, 2023 20:08 by Rin Garnett

    I will never not be amazed at how you can come up with and keep track of so many planets!

    Nov 7, 2023 20:14 by Mochi

    Awww thank you so much!! <33 I don't know how I do it HAHA

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