
Hothiri is a planet in the Kurhira Solar System. It is the fifth planet orbiting the star, Afuph.


Unlike most ocean planets, most of Hothiri is void of much life. The life that exists are concentrated at giant oases.

Salt Sphere

An unusual dome of extra salty water exists in the outskirts of the Hollow Domain. This dome measures roughly 500km wide, and on the surface of the seas shows as a giant ring of solid salt. The sphere's drastic increase in salt prevents creatures from entering, and those that live inside are too adapted to these conditions that they cannot leave.


Several million oases exist across the planet. These oases contain more than 99% of all life on the planet. The largest oasis is about 4050 square kilometres, named Paradise. It is located directly in the centre of the Hollow Domain, and contains roughly 50,000 coral species, 25,000 plant species, and 30,000 vertebrate species.

Safe Zone

The Safe Zone is unusually named - there is nothing that makes it safer than any of the domains. The Safe Zone encompasses any location that is not under a Domain. Usually, the seabeds are flat, with a thin layer of sand and hard rock underneath, with the occasional oasis.


There are seven domains on Hothiri. Domains are based on the overall geographical and geological structure, as the planet greatly varies in geology.

Ice Capped Domain

Less to do with geology and more to do with temperature and climate, the Ice Capped Domain is the coldest domain. While the giant layers of ice on the ocean's surface are technically ice sheets, this domain is the only one to see such a large amount of the material. This domain is inhabited by various cold creatures, such as manglefangs, large mammalian predators with giant maws.

Abyssal Domain

The Abyssal Domain is the deepest domain on the planet. With an average depth of 15km, the Abyssal Domain contains some of the largest creatures on Hothiri. Such creatures include bagautes, giant tri-headed eels, chocquitos, venomous crustaceans, and zappers, invisible electric fish, among others.

Shattered Domain

The Shattered Domain is somewhat similar to the Hollow Domain, in that the seabed consists of several layers of flat rock. The difference is that in the Shattered Domain these rocks are very uneven and appear shattered, hence the name. The rocks all stacked on each other unevenly creates large caves that come and go as the seabed constantly moves, rocks break apart and reform.

Crater Domain

The Crater Domain, as to nobody's surprised, is a giant crater from an asteroid that hit Hothiri just 20 million years ago. This asteroid wiped out most life on the planet, and a million years later life began to reappear. The Crater Domain is generally lifeless, aside from just a handful of oases where absothores frequently migrate to.

Hollow Domain

The Hollow Domain is one of the more unusual domains. The "seabed" exists as several layers of flat rocks, no more than 20 metres thick, stacked on top of each other, with a gap of about 5,000 metres before hitting the true seabed. This part of the domain can be accessed through several large holes in the outer seabed that have broken away.

Porous Domain

Not a domain for those with trypophobia, the Porous Domain contains endless holes and tunnels for animals to swim through and hide from predators. Light bounces off these walls in the tunnels and can even make their way right to the bottom of the tunnels, about 9,000 metres deep.
These tunnels are not large, at most reaching 5 or 6 metres wide. The tunnels also get thinner and thinner the further down them you swim, bad news for claustrophobes.

Mountain Domain

Despite the name, there are no mountains in the Mountain Domain that extend past the sea surface. The entire underwater mountain range is coated in various species of moss that come in all colours, producing a rainbow hue that can be seen for miles. Underneath these mountains are complex cave systems that house dangerous creatures allergic to sunlight, so be careful if you enter them.



Over a million animal species have been discovered, 76% invertebrates. Thanks to the lack of unique environments and biomes on the planet, there isn't a very wide variety of species. Because of the oases hosting the majority of creatures on the planet, Hothiri has some of the densest populations of animals in the Yonderverse.


Similar to animals, there are almost a million known plant species on Hothiri. Also similar to animals, there isn't a great variety of plants and most of them are centered around the millions of oases across the oceans. The plants are one of the most harvested materials by workers from Karkhala.

Harvesting Planet

In all of Hothiri's history, no sapient species has ever evolved. As well, Hothiri has been the legal property of over 330 planets since its beginning, most recently Karkhala. Karkhala Industries is the largest organisation set up on the planet, extracting various materials and resources such as corals and plants, selling them to other planets for lots of money.
Harvesting Planet
Harvesting Planet Symbol by Mochi
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