Hothiri Diaries Document in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Hothiri Diaries

The Hothiri Diaries are a series of diary entries written by Fidnif Saodoa, a harvester on the planet Hothiri. They document a variety of flora and fauna species that were discovered when the workers arrived on the island, as no sapient being had ever really explored the planet until then.
Hothiri Diaries, Entry 1.
I've just left the spaceship to drop us off at the factory, and bloody hell, this place is massive. The factory looks so out of place, the oceans are crystal clear, the only island's beaches are covered in beautiful white sand, and these adorable little animals kept wandering towards us as we headed to the factory.
There aren't many books to read on Hothiri, so the factory workers often read the Hothiri Diaries. These entries describe many creatures that Fidnif and his fellow workers discovered, leaving the other factory workers jealous that this man lived the life that he did.
Hothiri Diaries, Entry 2.
I am part of a team extracting a new resource in some shallow waters. I'm very nervous, because I have heard there might be dangerous things there and we have recieved training on defending ourselves... wonder what that's about. We have actually seen some images of the creatures in the reef; some really friendly purple fish, some fish you can see in water but not out, and some pufferfish-jellyfish hybrid.
Hothiri Diaries, Entry 3.
So, I almost died. I was collecting some of the coral in this reef, as instructed by my boss, when some giant fish started swimming towards me. When I say big, I mean it. Like the size of a building or two. It was coming from deep waters, as I was on the edge of a massive cliff, and I have a fear of the dark so it was uncomfortable enough. Anyways, the damn thing opened its mouth and the water got sucked in?? I was about to be dragged into its mouth when some tiny missile shot it in the head, and the fish exploded right before I would've been eaten. I am taking a day off, to rest and recover, and after that I am staying away from deeper waters.
Oh and I should also mention, I was told that fish was a baby. HOW ON KARKHALA IS THAT A BABY!? Or rather, how on Hothiri is that a baby.

Cover image: Hothiri Header by Mochi


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