Solar systems cultivate a vast amount of life, mainly due to the presence of planets. A solar system is essentially a collection of anything orbiting a star of any kind. Planets are the most commonly known and understood celestial object, but they are not necessary in a solar system.

Solar systems can be found within Aavar's River. Leylines weave together, with stars caught around them. 99% of life in the Yonderverse are found within solar systems, predominantly on planets.

Common stellar objects within solar systems include planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets, labyrinth sea, and astral seas. Space colonies and biospheres are also common, inhabited by space-faring peoples from around the Yonderverse.

Did you know?
There are roughly 3.9x1058 Solar Systems in Aavar's River, with an average of 6 planets in each System!
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