Milky Way Historical Museum

The Milky Way Historical Museum holds many important and trivial artifacts from around the Milky Way, that has some relevance to the galaxy's history. The oldest item held there is the Saviour's Sword, 100 billion years old.


The MWHM has been active for over three thousand years, and since its opening has been obtaining artifacts in both legal and covert manners. The museum's curator, Nadi Sanata, was native to Griez. Her passion for collecting artifacts and learning the history of the Milky Way was what pushed her to start this museum, but it quickly devolved into a gambit for wealth. She risked her name and her museum for profit, collecting privately-owned, unique artifacts which would garner mass-attention and fame.

The MWHM has a significant media presence, particularly on Spacestar, a social media platform in which users post humorous short-form videos. The museum's account was made just a hundred years ago, with almost thirty-two thousand videos posted.

Media Presence

The museum's Spacestar account has garnered over three billion followers, considered mildly-popular. Just 63% of these followers currently reside in the Milky Way, and only 3% have actually visited the museum. These statistics were gathered in a media study conducted by the Milky Way Media University, specialising in the analysis of various social media websites.

With over thirty thousand public videos, there is no shortage of content related to this museum. Many videos of museum-workers dancing to popular music glorify the quality of their profession, as these workers are notably mistreated. Other videos showcase different items in their collection, many of which have been stolen from previously marginalised cultures from other planets. Much of the comment sections of these videos request the museum give back these items. In the last year, the comment sections on new videos have been turned off, preventing any comments from being made.

Worker Controversy

Just ten years ago, a video surfaced on Nexus revealing just how mistreated the museum's employees are. The video showed a previous manager shoving their employees when they would not work as fast as expected. The manager threatened to fire these employees if they didn't "take out the boat", a slang term for working until they could work no more.

Said video caused major controversy online; the manager was forced to quit just two days after the video was leaked, and in the next few weeks revenue was down by 14%. It eventually bounced back, after the museum issued a formal apology.

Founding Date
3000 years ago
Parent Location

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Saviour's Sword
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Nov 24, 2023 21:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor employees, I hope things are better now the manager was fired.   But also, dancing to popular music on the social media is amazing and I love it.

Nov 24, 2023 22:02 by Mochi

Spacestar is essentially a Yonderverse-wide tiktok xD   the employees are doing much better! at least, that's what they'll tell you if you ask.

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Nov 24, 2023 22:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Why are all of your workplaces so dark and sinister, lmao

Nov 27, 2023 08:03

I don't like this museum at all.. give those artefacts back you stole!! And how weak of them to turn off the comments, that alone already speaks volumes..

Nov 27, 2023 17:57 by Mochi

They're meanies, that's for sure. People online have been signing petitions to get the museum to give back some of its artifacts, but they're not very effective :(

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Dec 3, 2023 04:38 by Ademal

Time exists on such massive scales in the Yonderverse! Whoa.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 3, 2023 07:14 by Mochi

It does! 640 billion years of history is tricky to work with because I have so *much* to work with xD

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