Bloo System

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The Bloo System is a large solar system in the Greater Oasis of the Milky Way. Twenty-four planets and sixty-three dwarf planets orbit the pink star, Bloo.

Several planets in this solar system are owned by Karkhala and the oanie. These planets have transformed into massive excavation sites, gathering resources en masse, shipped around the Milky Way. Pollution from these cargo spaceships has massively impacted space ecosystems.

History with Karkhala

Claimed Planets

  • Cstitastis
  • Denephvas
  • Epiraas
  • Eroxos
  • Ieheudeue
  • Lanntanari
  • Ovaal
  • Tenasi
  • Terrena
  • Vispi
  • Over half of the Bloo System's planets do not have native sophonts, meaning they are available to be claimed, as part of the Anti-Planetary Poaching Law. The oanie are one of the most prolific poachers of planets, going so far as to wiping out entire planetary civilisations.

    The oanie own ten entire planets in the Bloo System, and a district of Conaco. Another four are owned by other planets. Nine out of these ten planets are solely used to harvest rare resources, delivered back to their native planet and distributed to thousands of other oanie-owned stations around the Milky Way.

    Planet Tenasi houses seven million oanie, refugees from overpopulated planets. Very few planets under the oanie's rule are actually inhabited, but Tenasi's comfortable warm climate and lack of dangerous organisms meant it was a perfect place to send oanie that overpopulated other planets.

    Otonan by Mochi
    Uhanti by Mochi



    2 moons 2 AU from Bloo
    A boiling planet. Otonan is a rocky planet with frequent volcanic activity. It is inhabited by intelligent nudibranches, the sevan.
    - Full Article -


    1 moon 5.3 AU from Bloo
    Tenasi's atmosphere has a deep blue hue, contrasting against the bright pink meadows that dominate the landmasses.


    0 moons 6.9 AU from Bloo
    Ovaal is just a small planet, barely larger than the moons of Otonan. No native sophonts, but plenty of insects.


    16 moons 9.7 AU from Bloo
    Fiery deserts circle around vast canyons on Ksianeiasa. Access to water is severely limited, and most survive underground.


    3 moons 10.3 AU from Bloo
    A torus shaped planet. Howas only exists because of its strong magical fields. A mist field sits in the hole of Howas.


    47 moons 16.1 AU from Bloo
    This gas giant is five times the size of Jupiter. Its heat makes it glow a bright blue. Vanasi has a strong magical field, powering hydromancers in its atmosphere.


    6 moons 19.9 AU from Bloo
    Osien is inhabited by the most peculiar sophontic plants. Capable of powerful floramancy, these people are not to be messed with.


    92 moons 25 AU from Bloo
    A vibrant gas giant. Vispi is a hundred times the size of Vanasi, with almost a hundred moons in its orbit.


    1 moon 31.4 AU from Bloo
    Cstitastis is in the height of a brutal ice age, having frozen over 97% of the planet.


    4 moons 34.2 AU from Bloo
    Much of this rocky planet has been unearthed thanks to gigantic earthworms. The ground is laced with tunnels and holes.


    2 moons 48.4 AU from Bloo
    A largely ocean-covered rocky planet inhabited by many pinniped species, hence the name. Both Poles are covered in ice and rocky mountains.


    5 moons 57.8 AU from Bloo
    A tropical ocean planet. Aqamundi has the biggest presence in space, within the Bloo System.


    107 moons 71 AU from Bloo
    Denephvas is easily recognisable thanks to its massive rings. These rings are a thousand times the diameter of Denephvas itself.


    2 moons 75.7 AU from Bloo
    Ieheudeue is populated with thousands of cryovolcanoes, on a solid metallic planetary surface.


    0 moons 91.4 AU from Bloo
    The labyrinth sea orbiting this ice giant is protected from poachers, as it is home to numerous endangered species.


    1 moon 105.2 AU from Bloo
    Terrena is a temperate rocky planet, with boreal forests covering three of five continents.


    7 moons 119.5 AU from Bloo
    The surface of Pighumas is coated in an iridescent grass, that changes hue in different levels of sunlight.


    5 moons 132.3 AU from Bloo
    Eroxos's atmosphere is highly toxic, requiring anyone to wear powerful resistent spacesuits.


    1 moon 145.6 AU from Bloo
    Zuheia is smaller than the moon orbiting it. Zuheia has an astronomical gravitational field.
    - Full Article -


    60 moons 150 AU from Bloo
    The white rings of Uhanti contrast against the almost invisible black gas giant.
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    9 moons 155.2 AU from Bloo
    Lanntanari's industrial megacities are concealed by a massive web of sticky fog.


    6 moons 169.1 AU from Bloo
    A recently formed planet. Conaco is a volcanic planet with no bodies of water. Has already been divided and claimed by many other planets.


    7 moons 187.4 AU from Bloo
    Inhabited by a species of sophontic marsupials, Thylas is a relatively warm planet mostly comprised of sprawling black grasslands.


    98 moons 203 AU from Bloo
    A bright seraphenic planet with precisely a million rings. Galevis is very dense and requires powerful spacecrafts to fly through.
    Solar System
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    Articles under Bloo System


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    Jun 17, 2024 12:45 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Your creativity in creating planets always brings me so much joy.

    Emy x
    Explore Etrea
    Jun 17, 2024 13:54 by Mochi

    aaa thank you! <33

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    Jun 17, 2024 13:54 by Mochi

    aaa thank you! <33

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    Jun 20, 2024 23:36 by Marjorie Ariel

    So many unique and interesting places, I'm not sure which I want to visit first! I'm curious to know what you mean by Aquamundi having the "biggest presence in space, within the bloo system." Perhaps there will be more details in a future article?

    Jun 21, 2024 10:32 by Mochi

    Thank you! I do plan on expanding on more of these planets, and I left Aqamundi pretty open-ended on purpose, so I had a lot of room to work with. Keep your eyes peeled in the future, for its article! :D

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    Jun 21, 2024 18:46

    Wow, that's a big solar system! I love your art style and each little blurb about each planet is such a nice touch <3

    Jun 21, 2024 22:41 by Mochi

    Thank you so much! <33

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
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