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Esau is a world of different Types of Magic, Dragons and other Magical Creatures and Wonderous Creatures.

Esau is located in the Moata Solar System - created by Moatama. This planet is a land full of myths and legends, adventures and places to explore. Once Titan sized Giants lived in areas of Esau - during the era of Dragons and Giants - known as DG (which followed an era now known as BG, Before Giants. There remains landmarks and other reminders of that era. The current era is known as AG, After Giants.

Esau has twin moons - Kontaaiti and Praot.
Parts of Esau has portals and rifts to other realms and planes, most notably The Feywild Realm, the Shadowfell and The Dream Realm. Also as ways to reach the six Elemental planes - The Plane of Air, The Plane of Fire, The Plane of Wood, The Plane of Water and the Plane of the unspoken of Element (The Plane of Void), for fear of the consequences.

An Ocean is a huge body of saltwater that covers about 52 percent of Esau surface. The planet of Esau has one global ocean, though the oceanographers have traditionally divided it into six distinct waters:-
* The Teal Ocean,
* The Deep Sea,
* The Whale Sea,
* The Wayward Sea,
* Sombre Ocean,
* Akati Ocean.

There are many places with unusual history and experiences to be found by travellers and adventures alike:-
* Droplet Island - Floating Island;
* Fogi Island;
* Fulora Isle - trapped in an enigma;
* Bold Strait;
* Kutloc - cursed land covered in unknown territory;
* The Honour Strait - with its rough waters;
* Malnax - the largest continent; home to the Royal Family in Hammerforge Palace;
* Ru'Mal - Underdark beneath Malnax;
* Pelago Islands - relatively unmapped archipelago;
* Northern Isle - mainly home to Tabaxi of The Whispering Coast Clan ; location of a special dragon egg;
* Ru'Than - Underdark beneath the Northern Isle;
* Tedic - small, low Floating Island;
* Tucalyos - an empire also known as The Long Isle;
* The Marple Islands - unexplored;
* The Tomb of Liftrasa Hammerheart - a Dwarf Legend's final resting place.
And many, many more ...

Numerous Animals creatures roam in Esau:- FROM Golems TO Gnolls ...
Hounds, Bugbears, Unicorns, Owlbears, Ghoul, Beholder, Choke, Dark Creepers, Kodama, Selang, Harpies, Kobolds, Nixie, Violet Fungus, Spiders, Xorn, Mephits, Jabberwocky, Dragon Turtles, Black Pudding and other Oozes, Drow, Goblins, Undead, Hyena, Tatzelworms, Banshee, Troll Boar, Kipine, Elk, Feathered Rabbit, Fey, Sloth, Derro, Tri-flower Fronds, Ant Wolf, Gulgore, Fractus, Angelfish, Herald of Rot, and many more.


A whole planet of various terrains, rivers, lakes and seas - even sections of reachable Underdark beneath - containing numerous creatures of varying degrees of dangerousness.

Dragons do still exist in Esau. They are mostly wise and observant - have an aura of truth (no one can lie around them).

It is Wyverns and Beholders that are some of the great threats to the humanoids of Esau.

The Titan Giants, first Giants, transformed the world of Esau with their building of rocky shapes, the borders, thrones and massive steps - along with numerous others.

The border stones between Agwain and Genx regions were placed by the Titan Giant Genx whom Genx region was named after - it was the King of the Giants Wolfram who decided the solution. The disagreement arose after Agwain switched ranking in caste system known as the ordning.

Ecosystem Cycles

Localized Phenomena

* To travel between the Prime Material Plane of Esau and either The Feywild Realm or into the Feywild Expanse on Kutloc, it is best to locate some Dragon Fruit to create a special drink with. As this drink removes most risk of time variables when returning to the Prime Material Plane.
* Wood Elementals can be worn, like armour, by the other Elementals - therefore are often "used" against their will.
* There are Elementals and Genasi of each element.
* It is not easy to recognise a Void Genasi - those living on Esau often half-breed of another Genasi type.
Void and The Plane of Void are not usually mentioned by name, instead referred to as the unspoken element - for saying "Void" three times over a person's lifetime, even if years apart. (There is a belief that a Void Elemental will appear, you will vanish along with all memories anyone ever had of you ... like you never existed.) * Drawing the symbol for any elemental plane makes you easier to follow by any creature strongly connected to that element.


Each of Moatama's Offspring created numerous types of Giants and Dragons (debate continues over which offspring of Moatama created which ones). Then they each tried to find favour from Moatama by created new creatures - firstly Magical Creatures and then the Wonderous Creatures.
The Humaniods of Esau are the only surviving descendants of Fayna , named Maltic of the Malnaxian Clan, and of Taiia, Sunra named of the Sunrayin Tribe.

Slavery, especially of various Genasi, was very common in Esau until 1402AG - when it was out-lawed in Malnax, and many other places followed suit. Although there is still Black Market places that sell markets.
Slavery is still common in the Underdark of Ru'Mal and Ru'Than - mostly practiced by drow, duergar and fomorians.

Tempil Epoch, also known as The Dark Times, was when Petulant magic (evil magic)* was at its most powerful and the Kotu Pantheon took advantage of the naivity of the newer races of Esau.

* refer to Types of Magic entry

The Elder Days were before the planets in the Moata Solar System existed. A time when Outlying Space was empty - beyond vacancy of emptiness.

In the Elder Days there were Elder Evils lurking on the fringes of existence - people of Esau like to believe they are gone, however some remain unseen on the fringes of the Outlying Space, and within the other realms and planes. They have always been and always will be. Although they can be as powerful as demigods -sometimes more so - they are not actually deities.

They have no interested in mortals except to wipe them out - as people would tiny ants. Moatama along with many deities create and attend their creations - while the Elder Evils seek to unravel them.

The first egg that hatched, created by Moatama during the Elder Days was the first of the Prismatic Dragons known as Zy'pa.

The first creature squirmed out from within a mucus cloud, created by Sharran, was a massive Aboleth known as Joalorr - who made a nest deep in the forming world of Esau - of rubble and murky water. Forming the underdark of Ru'Mal.

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Abyssal - language of Demons
Aquan - language of The Plane of Water, and water races
Auran - language of The Plane of Air, and air races
Celestial - language of Angels of Celestia and Aasimar
Common - most people within Esau know this language, mainly associated with Humans
Deep Speech - language of The Plane of Void, as well as Mindflayers, Beholders and Deep Ones
Draconic - language of Dragons, Dragonborn, Kobolds, and Wyverns
Druidic - secret language of druids
Dwarvish - language of Dwarves
Elvish - language of the Elves
Giant - language of Giants and Ogres
Gnomish - language of Gnomes
Goblin - langugae of Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears
Gnoll - language of Gnolls
Halfling - language of Halflings
Ignan - language of The Plane of Fire, and fire creatures
Infernal - language of Devils
Orcish - language of Orcs and Half-Orcs
Primordial - language of all Elementals
Sylvan - language of the Fey creatures
Terran - language of The Plane of Earth, and Earth creatures
Thieves Cant = secret language of The Thieves Guild
Treant = language of The Plane of Wood, and Treants
Undercommon - language of the Underdark ( Ru'Mal and Ru'Than )


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