Fayna Character in Esau | World Anvil
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Name: Fayna
Known as: Brightmoon
Alignment: Chaotic
Favoured Weapon: Long Sword

Fayna is the guardian of the moon Kontaaiti. Member of the Avant Pantheon.


Fayna appears as a tall woman with a mane of straight pure white hair. The woman is pale with a moonlit glow. She has a curved waist, wide hips, and voluptuous shape. Fayna's most prominent feature are her wide dark blue eyes. She is adorned in a fitting gown that snugly wrapped her body in navy satin fabric. She wears a necklace of flat moonstone, and holds the Lunar Sword.

Offspring of Moatama. Twin to Walia, with whom very close when young. The rivalry grew as they aged.

Each of Moatama's Offspring created numerous types of Giants and Dragons (debate continues over which offspring of Moatama created which). Then they each tried to find favour from Moatama by created new creatures - firstly Magical Creatures and then the Wonderous Creatures.


No one ever says who started the rivalry. The twins at first fought using only they Wits and Wills. Later, once they were members of the Avant Pantheon, they used the Forces inside them to attack each other. To distract and appease them, Moatama agreed to create each of the lovers to be the parents and protectors of offspring for Fayna and Walia.
However, Feyna mated and killed not only their own lover, but also murdered the lover selected for Walia.
After grieving, Walia spoke to Moatama about their wish to created themself another mate. Fayna, also with permission from Moatama, tried herself to create a mate, but with less good fortune. Fayna tried and tried over and over again to create herself a perfect mate.
The jealous between these two offspring grew - as the rest of the Avant Pantheon looked on. They killed each others mates, as each created a new one, the ways in which they died became more creative. They then focused on each others offspring. Fayna was more aggressive and hunted Walia, who took to hiding from Fayna - with varying levels of success.

The Humaniods of Esau are the only surviving descendants of Fayna, named Maltic of the Malnaxian Clan, and Taiia, Sunra named of the Sunrayin Tribe .

Fayna's alignment switched from Neutral to Chaotic as the rilalry escalated.


Moon Maiden = Candra (of the High Moon Elves)

The Twin Moons
Hecate Darkmoon


The Lunar Sword is adamantine long sword with ivory shaft and a circle of blue sapphires and moonstones imbedded in the top of the shaft.

Damage: 10d8 Bludgeoning Item Rarity: Legendary

Additional Effects Adamantine weapons are able to overcome certain creatures' resistance or immunity to normal steel weapons.
While the moons are out, Cold Damage increases to :-
Quarter Crescent = 10d8 + 5 Cold Damage
Half = 10d8 + 10 Cold Damage
Three Quarters = 10d8 + 15 Cold Damage
Full = 10d8 + 20 Cold Damage

MADE by The Iron handed Sisters

Divine Classification
Primary Deity
Aligned Organization

Divine Symbol
Thin on back cresent moon

Devine Domains
* Darkness
* Night work
* Trickery
* Friendship
* Newness
* Tides


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