Tabaxi Ethnicity in Esau | World Anvil
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Tabaxi, also known as Jaguar people or Cat-folk, are a race of felines.
These catlike medium humanoids are driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and some wish to lay their eyes on all the world's wonders. They can be the ultimate travelers, some of the more inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.

The Tabaxi tend to have the deity of Gil'lon The Master Cat. Some Tabaxi then choose a secondary deity as well.

Tabaxi have a set of racial traits well suited to stealth and infiltration. They tend to excel in classes which already have good skills like the Bard and the Rogue, so their two racial skill proficiencies can expand those class’s already good skills.
With Darkvision and a notable climb speed, Tabaxi can go a lot of places that other races might have trouble reaching. Often use their unusual movement capabilities to surprise enemies or avoid situations which might be dangerous.

Hair/fur colour(s) = Yellow to red
Eye colour(s) = Green, yellow

Tabaxi are competent swimmers and climbers, as well as speedy runners. They have a good sense of balance and an acute sense of smell.

Clans are led by elders. Often, leaders are aided by shamans. Clans tend to be distant from each other but without hostilty.

~ Tabaxi were in the past sometimes hunted for their pelts. Each pelt could be sold for up to 50 gp. ~

Tabaxi are considered Cat people - the Feline races are anthropomorphic wild felines consisting of lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, jaguars and ocelots. In Esau, Tabaxi have the variety of appearance as do cats - including Wild Big Cats, although these are rarer.

Tabaxi share culture and some heritage. The Tabaxi people commonly look like domestic cats, ocelots, cheetahs and jaguars.
There are other sub-species:-
Leopard = Githet
Lions = Leonin
Panther = Panthera
Tiger = Tigerfolk

Mystic-Breed Catfolk
Mysterious, usually black-haired catfolk with an affinity for the arcane.
Ability Score Increase = Intelligence score increases by 2.
Cat's Mysticism = know one cantrip of choice from the wizard spell list, and can cast it at will. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
Student of Magic = proficient in the Arcana skill.
Extra Language = can speak, read, and write one language of choice.

Guardians of All Cat
Esau is home to a wide variety of cats, from small domestic varieties to massive beasts. The small hunting types are fierce hunters of frogs, birds, and monkeys. The much larger, deadly prowlers are capable of taking down very large prey.
Displacer Beast
Crag Cat
Chimeric Cat
Winged Lion
Fleecemane Lion
Saber-toothed Tiger

Margay = The margay is a small cat that lives in dense tropical forests, preferring to spend most of its life in the trees. During the day, a margay lounges in liana tangles far above the ground, and at night it chases birds, frogs, lizards, and monkeys through the treetops. A margay can use its sound mimicry ability to imitate the sounds of any animal of its own size or one size category smaller, and it often does so to lure prey into an ambush. A margay weighs around 8 pounds and may reach a length of 3-4 feet, nearly half of which is its tail.

Ocelot = Ocelots are spotted nocturnal predators that are equally at home on the ground or in trees. They are skilled climbing, leaping, and swimming and prefers to hunt close to water sources with dense vegetation cover, though it ranges from grasslands to swamps as well as forests. Ocelots are typically 1-1/2 feet tall and weigh 20-35 pounds.

Puma = Pumas are ambush hunters and stalkers. They wait in dense vegetation or underbrush, or rocky outcroppings for potential prey to wander by. When in range, the puma springs to the attack and bites and rakes its foe. Pumas are excellent hunters and often stalk potential prey for several miles before attacking. Pumas stand about two feet tall and are about 4-5 feet long with a tail 2-3 feet long. A typical puma weighs around 125 pounds. It has short, coarse, fur with a white underbelly and a black-tipped tail. Its fur color (except its underbelly) is typically brown, black, rust, or gray. Its eyes are golden.

Jaguar = The jaguar is a highly aggressive and ferocious great cat that makes its home in dense forests or swampy areas near a source of fresh water. Of all the big cats, the jaguar is the most at home in the water. They are excellent swimmers and stalk their prey through deep water where other cats won’t go. They also excel at climbing and often spend time hunting tree-dwelling animals (such as monkeys). The jaguar is highly territorial with its personal hunting ground often covering an area of several square miles. The typical jaguar subsists on a diet of animals such as deer, tapir, elk, fish, armadillos, and other small animals. If hungry or its food supply is thin, jaguars have been known to attack prey much larger than itself. Jaguars stalk their prey and prefer to attack from ambush, swooping in and felling prey with one swift stroke of their powerful jaws or locking on until their prey is dead.

NOTE: * Insulted by other people considering thm the same species as the evil Rakshasas from Acheron plane: The Infernal Battlefield

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Wing of an Angel (Angel)
Drop in a Pond (Drop)
Spell of Rain (Rain)
Lone Sea (Lone)
Swift Stream (Swift)
Serene Beauty (Serene)
Little Luck (Lucky)
Hushed Gift (Gift)
Bubble of a Cauldron (Bubble)
Hide of the Beast (Hide)
Cadence of Water (Cadence)
Game of Chance (Game)
Coursing River (River)
Merry Link (Merry)
Faint Bottle (Faint)
Arctic Shadow (Shadow)

Wal = Walnut Tree
Summer = Summer Sun
Blossom = Blossom Tree
Book = Word Book
Fern = Hare Fern
Birdie = Phoenix Bird
Rumble = Rumble Tumble

Sage = Lemon Sage
Lemon = Lemon Water


Beauty Ideals

Height and Weigh
Common-Breed Tabaxi
Average height = 6' – 7'
Average weight = 200–250 lbs.
... 4′5″ +2d10 100 lb. × (2d4) lb.

Large-Breed Tabaxi 5′4″ +2d8 170 lb. × (2d6) lb.

Mystic-Breed Tabaxi 4'5″ +2d10 90 lb. × (2d4) lb.

+ female, lion-like

+ Tabaxi
+ Tabaxi names

Diverged ethnicities


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