Kotu Pantheon
This was the second Pantheon formed.
Those of the Kotu Pantheon wished to claim more of an Evil influence over the people within the Moata Solar System - living on the inhabitable planets of Esau and Lyre.
It is classified as a panetheon of Evil aligned Deities.
The relationships between the various Deities are filled with tension and distrust.
Especially between Hextor and Erythnul, due to Hextor taking Erythnul's domain over War.
Bane = Oppression, Terror, and Hate - Lawful EvilBeshaba = Misfortune (sister of Tymora, of the Oberster Pantheon ) - Chaotic Evil
Bralm = Insects and Industriousness - Lawful Neutral / Lawful Evil tendencies
Erythnul = Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter
Glasya = Princess of The Hells
Hextor = War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny
Nuwan = Battle, Revenge and Tracking
Sharran = Grief, Loss, Trickery, Darkness - Neutral Evil - part of the Kotu Pantheon, yet part of none.
Vhaeraun = Arrogance & Assassins - added later once estranged from his mother Lolth, The Spider Queen - Chaotic Evil
Onrisos - The Nightmare King = Dark Dreams, Nightmares, Fear
Mythology & Lore
The wonder of the Moata Solar Sytem created by Moatama drew interest from many Deities - beyond those of the Avant Pantheon. Some banded together to form other Pantheons.
It is with difficulty that these Evil Gods and Goddesses formed a type of alliance - the idea started with Nuwan .
The Oberster Pantheon was one way some Good and Neutral aligned Deities tried to break the evil influence of the Kotu Pantheon. Unfortunately, it was during the dark times known as Tempil Epoch, that Moonweaver was corrupted and became Hecate Darkmoon.
It is with difficulty that these Evil Gods and Goddesses formed a type of alliance - the idea started with Nuwan .
The Oberster Pantheon was one way some Good and Neutral aligned Deities tried to break the evil influence of the Kotu Pantheon. Unfortunately, it was during the dark times known as Tempil Epoch, that Moonweaver was corrupted and became Hecate Darkmoon.