Vhaeraun Organization in Esau | World Anvil
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Vhaeraun is the son of Lolth, The Spider Queen. He is The Masked Lord.

Title(s) = The Masked Lord; The Masked God of Night; The Shadow; The Masked Mage; The Lord of Shadow; Shadow Lord;
ASPECTS/ALIASES = Vhaerun; Pantheon; Dark Seldarine;
Power Level = Deity
Alignment = Chaotic Evil
Symbol = Black mask with blue glasses inset over eyes
Home Plane = Abyss/Demonweb Pits
Serves = Lolth (mother)
Portfolio = Arrogance; Assassins; Drow Males; Surface Raids; Thievery;
Domains = Trickery; War; Worshipers; Drow males who rebel against the matriarchy
Channel divinity = Cloak of shadows; Guided strike;
Invoke duplicity = War god's blessing;
Manifestations = Favored animals; Black cats; Dead spiders;
Favoured monsters = Demodands (farastu, kelubar, shator Mephits (air, earth, smoke Shadows; Shadow Dragons; Shadow fiends; Vhaeraths; Yeth hounds
Favoured minerals = Agni mani; Black marble; Black onyx; Black opal; Black pearl; Black sapphire; Black-hued chalcedony; Black-hued jasper; Crown of silver;
ematite; Horn coral; Jet; Obsidian; Favored colours = Black; dark grey;
Miscellaneous = Flitting black shadow; Half-mask of shadows; Regions of impenetrable darkness;


As an avatar, Vhaeraun appeared as a normal male drow, handsome with a slim, graceful, and toned physique. He could change his size as he wanted and appeared either with a height of 16 feet (4.9 meters) or six feet (1.8 meters). His body was surrounded by shadow that did not just randomly lighten and darken but his body seemingly disappeared when this shadow went over him. By allowing it to swallow him completely, Vhaeraun could conduct a rapid form of teleportation.

It was thought that he never used armour, but he was seen wearing leather armor always wore a black (or dark grey) mask and a long cloak of the same hue. His eyes and/or hair could change color to reflect his emotions (red for anger, gold for triumph, blue for amusement, green for puzzlement and curiosity). His hair's default color was white with red highlight.

Vhaeraun was an arrogant (at times vain) god and shared the vindictive trait of all drow deities. His arrogance made him believe the drow to be above other races. He also urged every single drow to believe she or he was above other drow. His followers derived the idea of gender equality from this belief of his. He believed that all other races should be subjugated by the drow.

While he was willing to use underhandedness to reach his goals, he didn't tolerate the same being used against him or his people.


Lolth encouraged her son's rivalry with her, for it appealed to her love of chaos. Yet her son's successes at swaying the drow to his cause of destroying her, her followers, and her version of society, led her to consider him a threat. He amassed the second largest following among drow overall (the largest on the surface), and was an ever expanding force, to the point that Lolth considered Vhaeraun her real enemy and rival.

The two had no common ground: Lolth promoted favoritism towards females, while Vhaeraun promoted gender equality; the Spider Queen wanted surface Elves to be sacrificed by her worshipers, while the Masked Lord urged his followers to cooperate with surface Elves; Lolth ordered her followers to keep drow society stagnant in every regard, while Vhaeraun attracted those who wanted change in their societal progress, economic growth, and territorial expansion; and Lolth wanted to extinguish the drow race's desire to return to the surface, while Vhaeraun encouraged settling the surface.

Vhaeraun's masked traitors, clerical spies Lolth had mistakenly believed members of her own clergy, were enough of a problem that she considered their discovery, and warning her clergy of their existence, worthy of her personal attention.

Indeed, Lolth, who normally gave worshipers of other drow gods a second chance on being found out, made an exception for Vhaeraun's followers, who were killed right away.


Vhaeraun hates Sehanine Moonbow for escaping his prison.

He took a mortal lover, The Enchantress Ezmia - until the rift between mother and son made The Enchantress chose. Surprisingly, she decided to side with Lolth.

Religious, Cult
Parent Organization


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