Sehanine Moonbow Organization in Esau | World Anvil
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Sehanine Moonbow


Sehanine Moonbow, also called Daughter of the Night Skies, Goddess of Moonlight, the Lunar Lady, Moonlit Mystery, and the Mystic Seer is an Elven goddess Outlying Space, Journeys, Moons, Stars, and Transcendence.

Alignment = Chaotic good
Symbol = Full moon under a moonbow
Portfolio = travel, moons and outlying space
Domains = Knowledge; Light; Moata Solar System;
Channel divinity = Knowledge of the ages; Read thoughts
Favoured monsters = Baelnorn; Celestial Elves; Lythari; Celestial horses; Pixie; Silver dragon;
Favoured minerals = Mithral; Moonstone; Silver;
Favoured colours = Silvery-white; silver; navy;
Miscellaneous = Waking visions; Possession; Meteor showers; A single falling star;


In her avatar form, Sehanine Moonbow looks like a 5  feet (1.5 meters) tall youthful, ageless, female of the Elves - who is clad in a diaphanous gown, that looks like it has been made of moonbeam and dropped moonbeam drops every 10 minutes, that could be bottled as potions of invisibility.


The Lunar Lady is a very protective deity, especially towards Elves. She is known to send omens to keep her people from danger, craft illusions around Elven hideouts, and organise the journeys for Elves to safe places, like those in Kilt region of Malnax.

She hates the Undead - Moonbow's followers make it their duty to destroy these beings. She is intolerant towards necromancy in general with the sole exceptions being the practice of white necromancy (only just tolerated) and the creation of baelnorn liches, which she would not tolerate if it was not necessary.

Nonetheless, she is quite an aloof deity and apart from the aforementioned deeds, she kept herself apart from the happenings on Esau. As a general rule, she does not speak in a direct manner. Instead, she relies on dreams, visions, to relay information - using the moons' phases to represent her answers:

Although, once had a friendship with the Moonweaver, when she was corrupted to become Hecate Darkmoon, Sehanine could not aid her. They then took very different paths and no longer associate with each other.

a positive = full moon;
uncertain = crescent moon;
negative answer = new moon.

This does not mean that she is incapable of speaking in a clear manner, as she is known for very occasionally doing that too.

While walking, she creates a trail of motes of moonlight and shoots it anywhere she wants to shoot with it. Once every minute, she can create a moonbow and moonbridge.


Sehanine Moonbow is noted as the most powerful of the female deities, however her power is not always stable. To be more precise, it fluctuates with the phases of the moons. She is at her most powerful under the two full moons, weak under the new moons, or a fully eclipsed moon, and can be practically powerless during daytime.

She can cast spells from all spheres and schools yet favoured those of the astral, charm, divination, guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summoning, sun, and travel.

The Daughter of the Night Skies is completely immune to illusions and any effect directed at altering her mind. It is impossible to hurt her with a weapon that is less enchanted than a +2 weapon.


Sehanine Moonbow owns the Moonshaft = a +2 quarterstaff with the abilities of staff of the moonglow and staff of night. This weapon is her favoured weapon, but is not used as often as other items and abilities such as wands, spells, and her innate abilities.
Other items of Moonbow's are her gown, a cloak of displacement, and a wand of paralyzation.

Divine Realm

Sehanine Moonbow has her realm in Arborea. Yet it is believed she will often watch both Esau and Lyre residence from the planet with her own name - Sehanine.


As mentioned under Personality, Sehanine Moonbow protects her people’s hideouts via illusions. She directs her followers to use illusions to hide Elven settlements, to guide Elves to Elven hideouts. She wants the destruction of all Undead. Also, to seek out/excavate magical lore and the various Types of Magic, especially ones concerning divination and illusion magic.


Sehanine Moonbow with her personality trait of kindness is such, she has formed friendships with IounThe Platinum Dragon, and The Morning Lord (Lathander/Amaunator) - as well as an alliance with The Raven Queen. When possible they chose to join together to protect the humanoids of Esau. Her relationship with The Dream Realm and Morpheus/Dream (of The Endless) is an alliance and branches to understanding. She and her high level followers have some access to his realm.

Sehanine is extremely against Lolth, The Spider Queen and The Enchantress Ezmia.

The church of Sehanine was often clouded in mystery and little was known about its secretive hierarchy., although slowly the church is opening up to the public more, especially with the growing interest in the chapel within Jeyton Citythe capital of Malnax.
Sehanine Moonbow’s clerics are observers, dream-readers and stargazers in Elven, and other humanoid society. They are referred to as The Weavers or The Moonweavers by outsiders.

They serve as the spiritual counsellors to Elves and other humanoids who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their current state of being. As shepherds and protectors of the dead, (alongside those who follow The Raven Queen), Sehanine’s clerics manage and administer funeral rites. They weave protections which guard the remains of the fallen. They seek out and destroy Undead creatures, for Sehanine holds such creatures - with the notable exceptions of baelnorns and other good-aligned Undead beings who voluntarily prolong their existence in order to serve their kin - to be blasphemous.

As defenders of Elven homelands, Sehanine’s clergy are responsible for weaving and maintaining the illusions that guard those sanctuaries that remain and for divining potential threats to their continued existence. The prime task of adventuring clerics is the retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge, especially if it pertains to illusions or divination. Other seek out isolated Elven enclaves, bringing them news of the world outside the forests.

Clerics of Sehanine pray for their spells to weave strong, whenever one, or both, of the moons is fullest during the night.

They have strong links with the followers of The Twin Moons faith. 


HQ = Moonbow’s Observatory in Jeyton City, Genx region of Malnax
Shrine = Spear, Kutloc


Once per year, Sehanine Moonbow’s faithful gather on the night of the Feast of the Moons when a grand feast is prepared in the moonlight and, then leads into the Mystic Rites of the Luminous Cloud.

These rites are notable for the visible manifestation of the Sehanine, whereby the assembled worshippers are transformed into shimmering, silvery light that lifts up and darts across the heavens. During such mystical flights across the sky, the sacred mysteries of Sehanine are revealed to the participants, with each participant learning secrets appropriate to his current level of spiritual development. The ceremony concludes when the nimbus of light returns to the earth and the forms of Sehanine’s worshipers coalesce.

Night of Destiny is considered to be a focus on The Twin Moons, the Angels from Celestia, the Fates and Destiny of The Endless. However, both Sehanine Moonbow and Dream from The Dream Realm have important parts to play. Sehanine's own role is to keep Hecate Darkmoon from interfering.


The followers of Sharran have long been directed to "quench the light of the moons" by stealing gifts meant for Sehanine Moonbow, and defeating her faithful at every opportunity.
They always take action while under the protection of darkness. According to some sects of the faith, Sharran desires that they destroy all the other deities, and undo existence itself.

Mythology & Lore

Planet = Sehanine

The planet travels around the same sun, a giant with 42 moons. It is so named as Sehanine Moonbow is said to watch Esau and fellow life-giving planet Lyre, from there.

The symbol pulses in the darkness - a warm yellow glow. The glow forms as a firefly and flutters skyward towards Praot.

Religious, Pantheon
Related Species


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