Types of Magic Condition in Esau | World Anvil
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Types of Magic

For the good of Esau, when casting, no matter whether Elemental, Unaspected, Voodoo, Arcane, Primal, or even The Shadow Weave, always use Gvoold Magic - not Petulant Magic or even Dextré Magic.
~ Gil'lon, The Master Cat (God of Balance)

* The above condition came in place, as the Tempil Epoch ended.

Magic has never been inherently good or evil. How magic is cast and whom casts it, does change it. There are many types of magic.

Gvoold Magic

Gvoold Magic is casting with a mixture of petulant (evil) magic and dextré (good) magic - no traces of either remains.

Petulant Magic

Petulant Magic is only casting with evil/bad magic - leaving traces of Dextré Magic, which may create something magical, when enough gathers.

Dextré magic

Dextré Magic is only casting with good magic - leaving traces of Petulant Magic which can create something magic, when enough gathers.

Primal magic

Primal Magic is such casting as voodoo rituals, cursed dolls, palm reading, and astral projections.

Arcane magic

Arcane Magic is a conjuration type of magic which can be fun and versatile too, invoking mind constructs like weapons and projectiles allowing them to swap between melee and range combat, with also some protective runes, teleport, and scrying.

Elemental Magic

Elemental magic is the use of one or more of the six Elements (Wood, Air, Fire, Water, Void and Earth) when casting.

Wood promotes Fire.
Fire promotes Earth.
Earth promotes Air.
Air promotes Water.
Water promotes Wood.
Void promotes Void.

* Absorb Elements
* Elemental Weapon
* Elemental Bane
* Resistance
* Control Elemental
* Conjure Elemental

Unaspected Arcane

Unaspected Arcane is when casting non-elemental magic. Non-elemental abilities and magic skills cannot be absorbed by units who absorb elemental attacks.

The Shadow Weave

The Shadow Weave is a corrupting and addictive type of magic - weaving Void magic into each spell when casting.
The Shadow Weave is based upon the idea of the nothingness from The Plane of Void, is drawn into any other spells (whether of elemental magic, or not).
The mages who use this Shadow Weave have to be highly skilled, or the nothingness of the Void seeps into them - they start loosing their memories and become addicted to using the Shadow Weave to feel less empty.

Illumination Magic

In the Court of One Million Stars within The Feywild Realm, Fey and selected others, can study the Stars and Illumination Magic.
It has spells that reveal the hidden. Also, has spells that are able to switch the damage to be taken by the creature who attacks.
The study of illumination magic is enlightening and powerful - links occasionally with The Shadow Weave.

Creature who captures a Star and is linked via the binding wristbands:-
Double Abilities = all their Stats double.
Illumination = see all hidden and inviable creatures ... surrounded by aura of starlight.
Void Dust = psyhic damage

* It is believed the first Beholder was formed, when a castor of Esau used only Dextré (good) magic to cast a massive effect - with the traces of Petulant (evil) magic being of a quality that it formed an evil, small Beholder.


There are eight Schools of Magic - these categorize the different magical effects a spellcaster can produce :-

Magical spells and effects within the school of abjuration are primarily designed for protection and shielding. Don’t be fooled however, some Abjuration spells can pack quite a punch.

Deals with creating objects and creatures, or making them disappear.

Centered around revealing and granting knowledge and information to the caster. Useful for reading ancient scripts, identifying magical items, and seeing invisible enemies.

Spells designed to manipulate the mental state of the target. This entire school is very similar to hypnotism, where the affected creature may act completely differently than how they normally behave.

Casters unleash a raw magical energy upon their enemies. Whether it be flames, ice, or pure arcane energy: evocation spellcasters are here to deal damage.

Concerned with manipulating the various senses of people and creatures. This could be vision, hearing, or other various senses such as body temperature.

Manipulating the ebb and flow of different creatures’ “life energy”, or the balance of energy between life and death. This can come across in the form of helping resurrection, or draining necrotic damage.

Casters are able to manipulate the physical properties of both items and people.

Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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