Bralm Character in Esau | World Anvil
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Goddess Bralm (a.k.a. Goddess of Insects & Industriousness)

Name: Bralm Titles: Goddess of Insects, The Lady of Industriousness, The Industrious Lady, The Flying Queen, the Hive Goddess, the Toiling Lady,
Home Plane: Acheron plane: The Infernal Battlefield
Portfolio: Insects, Industriousness

Bralm's realm, known as the Hive Fortress, is in the Acheron plane: The Infernal Battlefield, in the layer of Avalas.
Although she lives in the God Acheron's plane, she is not solely loyal to him. She became a member of the Kotu Pantheon when requested by Bane.

Bralm teaches that everyone in society has their proper position that people are obligated to master, even if they do not understand their importance in the greater scheme. She instructs her followers to obey those with higher social positions and greater knowledge. She urges contentment in hard labour, and compares her followers to insects in a hive.

Bralm is depicted as a middle-aged Human woman with dark blonde hair, sometimes with insect wings on her back. She fights with a magical staff. A swarm frequently followers where Bralm goes.
She also takes the form of an ankheg, giant wasp, or giant scorpion.

Prayers to Bralm are recited at twilight and dawn, when the insects are most active. During all ceremonies, a high priest wears a gold pectoral with crystal wings sprouting from the back.

Divine Domains

* Animal
* Community
* Pacts
* Strength in Numbers

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A giant wasp in front of an insect swarm.

Lawful Neutral / Lawful Evil tendencies
She / Her
Aligned Organization


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