The Hells
The Hells is a demonic plane, which few dare to tread without a extremely high need. It is home of many Fiend (devils, archdevils, demons, archdemons and other evil creatures).
This plane embodies Evil, whether Lawful, Chaotic or Neutral. Ruler by the most powerful of those Archdemon.
The Colour pools in the hells are various shades of Ruby. The Tuning fork to reach The Hells is made of Iron - F♯ tone.
Those of the Tiefling race are considered to be connected with The Hells through their bloodline. Not necessarily meaning they are of evil alignment. They can be unfair treated by many other races who reside in Esau.
It is a plane of sinister wickedness and institutional cruelty, its denizens are mostly types of Fiend, in some layers organised into a strict caste system with a very rigid chain of command. In other layers, the chaotic natural of the place can be some frightening and unsettling. Each of the Nine Hells has its own physical laws or properties of matter, but all are very inhospitable or potentially deadly to outsiders.
+ Devils,+ hell hounds,
+ night Hags,
+ nightmares,
+ bonespears,
+ gathra,
+ haraknin,
+ imps,
+ maelephants,
+ Marilith
+ kytons,
+ rakshasas,
+ a few mortals,
The Styx, also known as the River of Blood, is a cross-planar river that linked the topmost layers of the Hells, Acheron plane: The Infernal Battlefield, and The Plane of Void. The huge and stinking river flows deep and fast - making it uncrossable. Those who touch or drink from the Styx risk completely forgetting their past lives temporarily or permanently.The river is so deep and swift, a torrent that cannot be forded. The water at the surface moves slowly and sluggishly, hiding a dangerous subsurface current that can quickly pull boats and swimmers to the bottom.
The water flowing on the Styx has a foreboding dark colour resembling dark wine that constantly exuded a putrid odour. It is oily, greasy and foul, covered in bubbles and debris.] Its banks are lined with the rotting remnants of battles fought throughout its course, and those drowned trying to cross.
The silt at the bottom of the Styx is rumoured to contain the memories of all the souls who have lost their identities to the river. The shadar-kai (Shadow Elves) are always interested in obtaining the material from adventurers, and who sometimes seek to collect vials of the sediment, to take back to The Shadowfell, in order to offer it to The Raven Queen in exchange for a boon or divine favour.
The shallow headwaters of the Styx are inhabited by giant versions of freshwater wildlife, such as quippers, eels, lampreys, snails, and crustaceans. The river is also inhabited by Styx Wyverns, who tend to build lairs along its banks, and stygian linnorms.
Travelers are advised to use the boatman Charon or his servants, the merrenoloths, to navigate the river. (If called via spells such as summon monster VIII, holy word, or blasphemy, a merrenoloth typically answer the call within seconds.) They charge a fee of 100 gp in advance per passenger and never carry cargo. Despite being the most reliable navigators of the river, they have been known to sometimes lead their passengers to traps laid out by another paying party. It is advisable to increase the payment to a merrenoloth to avoid such a terrible inconvenience. Baatezu often emplo osyluths as boatmen.
In addition to these Fiend, some petitioners and, more rarely, mortals work as ferrymen and ferrywomen. Whatever they are, these sinister ferrymen are adept in navigating the chaotic currents and eddies. They are willing to take travelers between the planes in which the Styx flows, but for a price. When traversed by competent navigators, any point along the banks of the Styx can be reached within a single day
The Hells in the Outer Planes near to Acheron plane: The Infernal Battlefield.
Each layer of the nine Hells is a different infinite layer interconnected at barriers much like a layered cake - the lowest points of one layer manifests barriers that exit high above the surface of another lower layer.
* The river Styx flowed through the first layer, Avernus, and also the fifth layer, Stygia.
Each of the nine Hells is unique and usually mirrors the malevolent characteristics of its ruler, or perhaps the archdevils are shaped by their domains, which they schemed to control.
The relationship between layers and circles is not fully known. The descriptions of the nine Hells have been reported by various cosmologists working under different cosmological models, gathered, collated, and summarized.
Asmodeus (Lord of Indulgence) is ruler of the Hells as a complete plane (as well as the 9th Layer). [br]1st = Avernus
RULER: Zariel - Archduch
+ a blasted hellscape with rivers of lava, barren hills, terrile battlefield, and low, rocky mountains as far as the eye can see.
2nd = Dis
RULER: Langsdon
+ a flat barren plane containing little more than black, stagnant rivers, stretching for thousands of miles until it reaches some rolling hills. The sky is a cloudy muted green shot through with silent lightning. In the centre rises the Iron City of Dis, several miles in height and hundreds of miles wide. The foul rivers radiate from a moat big enough to be considered a lake surrounding the Iron City. Far from the Iron City is a expansive Labyrinth of high walled stone corridors, with desired items and success always just out of reach - constant vicious mockery whispers in travellers and dwellers ears - a place where Envy multiplies
3rd = Makai
RULER: Morrigan
+ a vast dead forest. The Morrígan encourages warriors to do brave deeds, to prove their worth in sight of her greatness, and gives them poisionus kisses in return. She delivers a series of terrifying warnings, a painful death to those already dead.
In art is portrayed washing the bloodstained clothes of those deceased.
4th = Minauros
RULER: Mammon
+ a layer was described as an endless bog of vile pollution, decaying bodies, and rotting marsh, repeatedly drenched by rain, sleet, and hail storms. The soggy, bone-strewn, disease-ridden swampland made movement very difficult and was only broken occasionally by serpentine ridges of volcanic rock.
5th = Stygia
RULER: Levistus - an archdevil in charge of this cold frozen sea hell is trapped in an iceberg.
+ a layer formed completely of a frozen sea scattered with huge icebergs. The river Styx cut across the ice forming a channel with salt crystal banks.
* Along with Levistus, the Archdemon Krampus resides within Stygia, using a gateway into Pandesmos in Pandemonium, to travel through to Esau on each Enjils Aura Sitaare.
6th = Malbolge
RULER: Glasya - daughter of Asmodeus - the Princess of the Nine Hells.
+ a gargantuan tumble of angular black stone blocks, each block ranging in size from a small city to a large metropolis, that form a pile hundreds of miles thick. The randomly tilted and ill-fitting blocks are honeycombed with angular passages and caverns causing non-flying travellers to frequently need mountaineering skills and risk avalanches. Stinking clouds of vapour rose up from the depths and lit the sky with the colour of blood, causing cosmologists to speculate that the blocks of Malbolge may rest on an infinite sea of lava. Most habitations in Malbolge were copper-clad fortresses built from black stone.
7th = Zombata
RULER: Hexta
+ a maze of rooms, where dead necromancers are sent when they die, and the dead Undead are sent out of the Darklands within the Shadowfell, to become uncontrollable zombie versions, that constantly attack the necromancers.
8th = Sheol
RULER: Gravus
+ an abyss far below the 1st hell of Avernus - the place of severe punishment of an individual's soul and spirit. There is a lost distinctness of self and environment - nothing matters.
9th = Nessus
RULER: Asmodeus - Lord of Indulgence
+ a featureless plain with jagged edges, which links to The Plane of Void - a land of extremes tempature and effects of the 6 elements. There stood a massive citadel in the deep centre - Malsheem, the Citadel of Hell.
The Fiend such as devils feed on the seven deadly sins (especially of those originally from Esau) - pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Delight in making deals and build fear in others.
Night Hags (Fiend) = The most vile and nightmarish of the Hags, are connected to The Hells as well as the nightmare part of The Dream Realm . Night Hags are Fey turned fiends, so vile even compared to the rest of their kind that they are unable to enter The Feywild Realm . These fiendish degenerates are soulmongers who traded in The Shadowfell and the Nine Hells for power and wealth.
Night Hags (Fiend) = The most vile and nightmarish of the Hags, are connected to The Hells as well as the nightmare part of The Dream Realm . Night Hags are Fey turned fiends, so vile even compared to the rest of their kind that they are unable to enter The Feywild Realm . These fiendish degenerates are soulmongers who traded in The Shadowfell and the Nine Hells for power and wealth.
Natural Resources
Seven Deadly Sins:-
The nine layers of Hell are each ruled by an archdevil of great power, but The Hells are also the home of other powerful beings and various Fiend, at various points in the history of the Realms.
Zariel once was a Solar in Celestia, an angellic warrior of Lathander/Amaunator. Their transformation to an archdevil, amd ruler of the first layer Avernus, marked the start of The Blood Wars.
Asmkodeus' once loyal general is Arioch, The Duke of Chaos - who was once cast out of The Hells after attacking Hexta the ruler of Zombata (7th layer). Arioch is a powerfully built, winged, four-armed humanoid, standing 11'6" with silvery gray skin covered in tiny scales. His eyes are a horrific yellow and his countenance is distinctly draconic. He typically wears a sleeveless long coat of deep blue leather and dull gray iron scale mail and four over-sized, obviously magical spiked gauntlets which are his favoured weapons.
Arioch and his minions walk the mortal world in many guises and within the last century have infiltrated nearly every culture and civilization on.