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Marple Islands

Marple Islands is a cluster of islands (yet uncharted - as no returns from heading that way).

It is located only by ship if keep sailing far across The Wayward Sea to the North-East from Kutloc, and slight North-West sail from Malnax

The Marple islands are unseen from any other land mass, therefore are not known of. The explorers/adventurers who have tried to sail that way, usually end up attacked by a Pearl Titan, or shipwrecked on a nearby reef and stuck.

There are a few ruins of Viking culture. Although, not many humanoids survive living there.

It is home to many Giants. Some people of Esau suggest that is where the Titans vanished to, from much of the rest of Esau.
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The islands are actually the bodies of the Titan Giants


An archipelago - sometimes called an island group or island chain, is a chain, cluster or collection of islands, or sometimes a sea containing a small number of scattered islands.

Fauna & Flora

Floral Myrtle trees grow a plenty on the islands.
The myrtle trees and its flowers are adored by many - a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Linked to Goddess Tymora. The flowers come in a variety of colours, from deep reds, to hot pinks, purples and white. Foliage: Most varieties colour well in autumn with leaf colours ranging from bright red, deep maroon, vibrant yellow, pink and burnt orange, all on the one tree.

Other Flowers

Chrysanthemum = a many-branched plant bearing large, single or double flowers on the end of each stem. The double flowers look like pompons. The colour range on the islands is limited to tones of reds, white with red centres and tips.
Rafflesia = The Rafflesia is one of the Esau 's largest flowers. Rafflesia arnoldi, which can grow up to 150 cm in diameter, is the largest flower - found in forest areas growing on vines of wild grapes.
Lycoris (Red Spider Lily) = Individual flowers are irregular, with narrow segments which curve backwards and long projecting stamens. Narrow-linear, strap-like, medium to dark green leaves (each to 2' long) appear in spring, but disappear by early summer.


The Viking Ruins in the Kilt region of Malnax, are oone of the few Viking built locations on Esau. The Vikings had sailed from the Marple Islands to Malnax, when the sea reached into where Bain Lake is located in Kilt.

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