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Soke Windmill

Soke Windmill is located on the West side of Kutloc, on a path just off the road from Ragett to Tusk.

This windmill is of the horizontal-mill type, with triangular sails radiating from a vertical axis standing in a white tower building, which has openings for the inlet and outlet of the wind diametrically opposite to each other. This mill has a movable top, which carries the sails and can be turned around on a track, or curb, on top of the tower. The mill, using wind, drives a single pair of stones directly, without the use of gears.
It appears to work efficiently - the sails of a windmill face squarely into the wind, and is being done by hand (alternately by the owners 2 burly sons) by means of a long tailpole stretching down to the ground.
The smell of tobacco fills the air inside - this is a snuff mill, at least in part.

Mill recently brought by The Gamblers' Run leaving the Human Elliot and his sons Jasper and Zane running the mill.


Underneath the Mill is Kobold's mining Quartz.

A Pear Tourmaline, said to be of the brightest aqua, was found.

Parent Location
Owning Organization


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