Quid Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Quid is a seaside village of the east coast of Kutloc, that is the location of The Scales Cantonment.

The Scales

Dragonborn Cantonment
This grand looking barricks style building stands on the hillside looking over the village and down to the sea. It is well-fortifed.
It is home to five Dragonborn families, all related by their Matriarch Meila Tirroseila - a Blue Dragonborn with yellow eyes, who is 102 years old.
Her granddaughter Graina Burrnook is being groomed as next Matriarch. Graina has green scales and yellow eyes, is a member of The Gamblers' Run. Graina wants to increase her families horde of gold.

The Unicorn's Hoof

The inn is a two-storey timber and brick building, with several leaded glass windows and a smooth stone floor. Accomodation consist of several large rooms with beds and straw mattresses.
Beverages are served in silver goblets shaped to look like Unicorn hooves. Innkeeper = an old male Water Genasi named Seaweed. He holds a grudge against Elves and Humans for enslaving his kind decades ago.
Boiled Mutton and Watercress, Tankard of Ale (11 cp)
Seafood Chowder, Mug of Stout (5 cp)
Stewed Eel and Soft Cheese, Tankard of Perry (12 cp)
Roasted Crayfish and Carrot, Tankard of Cider (11 cp)
Stewed Seaweed and Rye Biscuits, Tankard of Cider (11 cp)
Steamed Fish Eggs and Walnut Bread, Tankard of Ale (11 cp)

Finer Garments

Tailors Store
Owner = Lefu is a Female Gnome Noble by marriage, Neutral. Lefu is short and willowy, with neat brown hair tied up in a rolled plait. Her green eyes notice the smallest details. She wears fine clothing and puts on a mink fur shawl to go out. Lefu is mourning her wife Noomi - Lefu wears a silver peacock broach with sapphires and emeralds as the eyes in the tail, that Noomi gave her.

Hallin's Mystrium of Scrolls & Reading

Scroll Store and Book Store
The shop is a double level, large round building, with a slate roof and a tiled mosaicin the centre of the floor. It is well lit by glowing gemstones set into the ceiling.
The walls are lined with tall bookshelves only broken up by the mezzanine floor. More books and scrolls are on and under movable display tables. Lots of staff busy themselves like ants - each doing a particular job.
The shopkeeper is a middle-aged male human named Hallin. He has a younger wife Surnak with whom he has six children. The eldest son Oaklin is from his first marriage (wife died).


Quid is governed by a mayor, lives at The Scales a male green Dragonborn named Bere Burrnook (cousin of Graina Burrnook, member of The Gamblers' Run)

Approximately 450
Inhabitant Demonym
mostly Human, Dragonborn and Genasi, with some Dwarf.
Location under


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