"Welcome to Mud. As the name states, our small hamlet is 79% on the year the rain waters never drain away properly, leaving us continually residence of the muddy grounds other town reside in for only part of the year. Why live here you may ask, Come I will show you our pride and delight. It is said that the discovery was made twenty years before the Feywild Expanse spread this far. The first archeologists found HER and removed the trees within this valley to better discover where SHE lies." ~Zolo Krap (female Dwarf)
Mud is located in the the valley within the Feywild Expanse, within Kutloc.
The ground outside is sludgy and the mud remains thick most of the year. The houses are built on slight stilts, linked by wooden low bridges. There are few trees left within the hamlet - no roots to hold the ground. The bottom of the valley has poor drainage.
The hamlet runs as a community and relies on barter to get what each of them need. The traveling stores' caverns are they main time they use any coin. The five members of the council runs the financial state of the hamlet. The council also rules over any disagreements, and the care of the elderly.
The main disagreement is between the Flintgulch family and the members of the Drezzock family - it seems to be over the rights to the finding of the newly uncovered sword - bringing back up past generations of arguments.
The adults called "Weatherers" constantly check and repair the houses exteriors and stitlts, as well as the veranda extensions to the roofs - stone poles and wooden stats (so most of the hamlet is covered.
An elderly care home. Largest building within mud.THE MUD BANK
A small secure building, used more by travelers.THE FORGE
Stone building - forge not lit. Belyna IronshieldTHE GENERAL BARTER
It is a medium hall used for bartering and meetings, or dances and schooling. Run by couple. Ann-Mary (half-elf, hippie) = incense, crystals, cushions, beads, tie-dyed clothes, and candlesNOVA
Archeologists and descendants of the original archeologists make up the majority of the population of Mud. The find they are very slowly uncovering, not aided by the mud slides and rains, is a female, one of the Titan Giants, who they refer to as Nova (new beginning). A daughter of the last Giant King.Nova is lying on HER side with one arm bent so HER head rests on that hand. 67% of what they think is there of HER body has been uncovered.
* They have recently found the hilt of Nova's massive sword.
* Nova's presence is like a religion for some.
* Found out West of hamlet.
* A vortex to The Plane of Earth has formed in the space between her slightly raised right knee and the muddy ground.
5 members of the Hamlet council
Location under