Dorim Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Dorim is on the North edge of the Feywild Expanse, near Spear, in Kutloc. Surrounded by forest. (It is to the North of The Grounded Belt).   * The Pitcher tavern sometimes appeared on South edge.   The town grows bush berries, as along as pumpkins and marrow, plus breeds pigs, geese and peafowl.     TAVERN = The Winged Lioness Bartender: Male half-orc named Gajune (a retired Rogue known as The Lionness, who wore a helm with wings on the sides) Accommodations: Noble (a large private room with large bed, private bath with hot water on request, snacks on request, and private chamber pot in a separate chamber) for 1 gp/day Today's Menu: Breakfast: Hash, geese eggs, Soft cheese, Raspberries, Rice (cost 1gp). Lunch: Pork chop, Peafowl egg omelet, marrow, pumpkin bread, Chick peas, Blackberries (cost 2gp). Supper: Whole goose, Lentils, Chick peas, pumpkin mash, pork mince pie (cost 2gp). Snack: Peafowl eggs, berries, Flatbread (cost 8sp).     The Cats' Scriptorium: A large scribe's workshop, served by Tabaxi Feather. There is a clowder of cats who usually divide their time between playing, sleeping, and working on the pages of an arcane grimoire. If asked by the Tabaxi wizard, they may produce a magical scroll of summoning, but no more often than once per month.


governed by a court  known as the Black Senate
Approximately 1300; mostly gnomes, dwarf, some human, Tabaxi and a few families of goliath.
Location under


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