The Growing Graveyard Geographic Location in Esau | World Anvil
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The Growing Graveyard

The Growing Graveyard is in the Material Plane pocket, located within The Feywild Expanse, on Kutloc.

NIGHT time

2 females Yana (African-like) Firbolg and Gypso (Italian-like) Firbolg

* wings real or growing as part of dress?
* Black top hat
* floral dress
* growing large shade umbrella
* ivy
* moth orchid
* asparagus fern
* red ginger lily
* feathered flowers - Proteas
* dripping water off big leaves onto dresses
* mushrooms of various colours
* wildflowers
* black raspberries
* fireflies
* moonlight
* gold moss
* gentle calmness
* no big animals
* gravestone half in a tree (grown around it)
* snake
* raven
* cat
* dark coloured grapes

* Some of past 'Tokens' of The Gamblers' Run
* only few Fey - live such long lives
* Some old graves are of Conibar Tribe

Fauna & Flora

Lycoris, the Red Spider Lily. Atlough these flowers are found through out Esau, mostly in the grounds of graveyards like this one, they grow in mass of Marple Islands.

In the far South edge of the graveyard grows wild grape vines, which during the rainy season often have the flowers of Rafflesia growing on the vines.

Location under


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