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Conibar Tribe


It is made up of mainly Human with some Firbolg as protectors with a few gentle Bugbears, who build a small city they named Con Tar - who can leave the Material Plane as will (magic Dragon Fruit juice).

Five Generations lived in Con Tar; currently known as Labés City.
* In 742AG, the settlement of Con Tar was developed, first with the main street and a few houses.
NOTE: By 13,000AG, no true reminders of the past remain - except the slabs of flat stone fountains.

* In 1298AG, members of the enslaved Conibar Tribe finally were able to escape from The City.

They were meet along the way by an elderly man, who later revealed himself to be Klodis. They were traveled the long, perilous journey through parts of the Feywild Expanse to find the The Grounded Belt - which the Old Man Land had spoken of.

Four generations have lived in The Grounded Belt, Kutloc (a pocket of the Prime Material Plane, within the Feywild Expanse )

MAIN Bugbears NPCs

Rutmeg = bugbear with dark brown fur; female; colour blind; not allowed to cook;
Nojen = bugbear with red fur; male dresses as female; lots of earrings and jewelry, has different coloured scarves;
Bergon = bugbear with matted sandy brown fur; drunk; Very hairy, bearlike (Flatta's twin brother
Flatta = albino bugbear white fur with light red eyes; Very hairy, bearlike; thought of has blessed by Iallanis;
Liarora Meldraphena = female Firbolg (descendant of Bibella Meldraphena - 1st Firbolg to befriend a Bugbear)
Inatris Milindrihith "Millie" = female Firbolg child (10 years loves bees;
Ulamoira Dementhrel = female Firbolg; dark pink fur; wereraven;


The Firbolgs helped teach the Bugbears and the Humans the ways of calm, honesty, to commune with nature towards balance, and a gracefulness not associated with Bugbears.
The children had trouble pronouncing "Conibarch" (a mix of languages with meaning "Flee To Stand" so the Tribe name was shortened.

THE Firbolg CODE
Bravery, Effort, and Honor over birth
The tribe's honor over yours.
The blood of the runt is the blood of a king.
Give a thousand for nothing.
Truth is the honor of the tribe.

The Conibar Tribe (mainly Human along with Firbolg and Bugbears as allies) created a village in The Grounded Belt, surrounded by Walnut and Maple trees - in the shade of the trees is little pools (containing small angular fish and minnows is an hour East of the geysers and pools (mud and hot water) - the tribe to travel there on celebrations - in the heated ground, a large pit is dug and hot rocks placed at the bottom. Meat and vegetables are placed in baskets, wrapped in leaves, lowered on top of the rocks and covered with soil. The geothermal heat infuses the Kai (food) with a delicious flavour. A few artifacts and drawn art on the walls of the caves tell the history of the tribe and what happened at Labés City.

The Wild Mother grew increasingly angry as the blood of the peaceful tribe was split over and over again. The Old Man Land Klodis grew unsettled and would no longer listen to The Wild Mother - she increased the size of the Feywild Expanse; however around Labés City.
Klodis would not allow the change (considering it a way to trap those responsible out of the magical Feywild Expanse - while He led the Conibar Tribe people to hidden area The Wild Mother left to be in the Prime Material Plane The Grounded Belt.

The Wild Mother holds the borders of the Feywild Expanse, but only just - she has gone slightly mad through many trails she has faced. Nor can The Wild Mother shift into the area around Labés City. They still have some artifacts of those people (the Wild Elves who killed some then enslaved the rest of the tribe - they no longer exist - except amongst the mixed bloodline of others.

The homes look like a typical Firbolg home - a huge one-story log building with strong walls. A large fireplace with multiple openings warmed a central common room.

The Conibar tribe have always followered of Sune, The Platinum Dragon, Iallanis and Hiatea

They believe beauty is in acts not face - but in actions more importantly.

Also believed in the needs of The Land Klodis as Old Man Land. Along with learning from the Wild Elves a faith in Melora The Wild Mother and her daughter Eldath and Mielikki.

The order of their abandonment of Moonweavers and her abandonment on them cannot be strictly put in any order.

Although The Conibar Tribe are followers of The Twin Moons ... they do also recognise Sehanine Moonbow. However, as with Moonweaver being corrupted to become Hecate Darkmoon, they never mention her.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

1. An'hek (Multiple Origins) is a name that means ' a wall or barrier.'
2. Doth (English Origin) means ' to do.'
3. Ginn (Medieval Origin) means 'to trick' or 'snaring.'
4. Gretru (German Origin) is a name meaning 'spear,' 'strength and ambition.'
5. Nuvrak (Polish Origin) means 'to shine.'
6. Septa (Irish Origin) means ' a division or a seed.'
7. Tedra (Greek Origin) means 'a divine gift.'
8. Tonk (Medival Origin) means 'to strike with a heavy blow.'
9. Zel (Aztec Origin) refers to 'the chosen one' or 'the warrior.'
10. Zetak (Indian Origin) is a term meaning 'black magic.'

Masculine names

11. Buirak (Czechoslovakian Origin) means 'to have dark hair and dark eyes.'
12. Cleath (German Origin) means 'a firm lump.'
13. Darg (Scottish Origin) is a name meaning 'a hard day of work.'
14. Flark (English Origin) refers to a 'deep hollow within a bog.'
15. Goruk (Russian Origin) means 'strong mankind.'
16. Nurruk (Indian Origin) is a name meaning 'hell, an abomination and torture.'
17. Murakh (Indian Origin) means 'a blessed fool.'
18. Urgram (Sanskrit Origin) means 'wrath or anger.'
19. Vulk (German Origin) means 'falcon' or 'a person of great size.'
20. Zuruk (German Origin) means to ' go back or to back off.'

Unisex names

HUMAN (Tend to Be Unisex names)

Other names

Qinceran Hidreci
Waeswarin Gultos
Vanelis Shotho

Valkrana Rolphont


Culture and cultural heritage

In 1298AG, members of the enslaved Conibar Tribe finally were able to escape from The City. Ordered by the "Le Oor" = ruling elders.

Those of the Conibar Tribe who escaped The City, were lead by a pregnant female Firbolg Jollanne Ninn - pregnancy is considered one of the strongest times in a females life. She travelled with one of the Bugbears named Grunth (his male Human partner Zant was unsuited for leadership - clumsy and childish), out of The City. They meet up with a pair of Firbolg Vameliss Shoohin and Rusment Rolphont lead them through the Bolgree Mountains.

Along the way, they were meet by an elderly man - who later revealed himself to be Klodis.

Klodis spent much time with the Conibar Tribe, before the reached the Feywild Expanse. Klodis told them to travel to The Grounded Belt - an area of Prime Material Plane hidden within the Feywild Expanse territory.

The journey was difficult and some of the tribe were already injured - 3 did not make the journey. Of the 4 others they had to be paired to have offspring - 1 of these couples were by choice (dwelled happily together), and the other was only out of duty (therefore lived apart).

Zalvaka - Oracle - one of the Bugbears ~ was 1st adult bugbear to join the tribe.
Pedro Blackfur - Seer - Firbolg ~ had unnaturally long life.
Lottie - Seeker - Human orphan ~ took on role while on journey from Con Tar.

They traveled the long, perilous journey through parts of the Feywild Expanse to find the The Grounded Belt - which the Old Man Land had spoken of.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting =
"Ki Ta" : done with gesturing both hands out, palms up, from self to person(s) - same words in response.

Farewell =
"Ne Toc" : done with a slight bow of the head, with hands, palms down, moving from in front of hips floating back - speaker is last to turn back - response is "Ne Ty" with same gesture, then two steps backwards before turning around.

Common Dress code

The Grounded Belt area is warm so usually thinly clad - females and males dress alike, in tight shorts and hip-length singlet tops.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Conibar Tribe stay awake the whole night when The Twin Moons are both full - celebrate.
Adults also stay awake the whole night when both the moons are "new" (unseen) - to protect and worship.

Give first blood of kill back to the ground - the thank Klodis the Old Man Land and Melora The Wild Mother.

~ It was the Wild Elves who introduced them to The Wild Mother and her daughters, Eldath (Goddess of Singing Waters) and Mielikki (the Forest Queen) ~

A tribute to The Platinum Dragon in taking gifts to gates of villages nearby after the heavy rains (person chosen to leave Prime Material Plane - greatly respected task) - dance to The Platinum Dragon with metallic painted skin.

They also honour Sune, Iallanis and Hiatea, in different ways.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Conibar Tribe returns to the geysers and hot pools, on a child's 5th year of life ... the blessing is made. NOTE: first 5 years still has high death rate

Funerary and Memorial customs

A member of the Conibar Tribe is taken to "The Stones" - stones pillars, placed long ago by Giants, in a semi-circle in front of a cave with a type of chimney (used by Giants as oven) - the dead are place inside and in the light of the moons burnt - to send their souls on The Twin Moons' light skyward, to peace.
The bones are later buried at "The Sweet Hollow" - a garden of flowers in a carved out section - 100 long strides from the village.

Common Taboos

* Never harm any bear or Owlbear.

* Do not touch another person on top of the head.

* Never lie to a Seeker, Seer or Oracle - as they will know instantly.

Common Myths and Legends

Followers of The Platinum Dragon and his daughter Ateh; also Melora The Wild Mother and her daughters, Eldath and Mielikki, as well as The Twin Moons. [see no conflict in following multiple].

THE CITY * The Conibar Tribe were a peaceful tribe of Bugbears who build a small city they named Con Tar in a luscious place with river and fields and hunting territory. For five generations they lived without trouble.
Then The Wild Elves were "wandering" and happened to get to The City. They so liked the area they wanted it for themselves. The Conibar Tribe were ill-prepared for tactics against Arcane Magic and these Elves wild nature. The Wild Elves, with use of mind-controlled took over the Bugbears, enslaved the Conibar - renaming the city Eiellu.
The Wild Elves destroyed much of the city and had the Bugbears rebuilt it with many covered passageways between buildings.
The Conibar Tribe were enslaved for four generations before some escaped.

Historical figures

Wild Elves, also known as grugach
These were a feral, stealthy sub-race of Elves that became more and more reclusive over the years. They were an extremely insular race who remained close to nature and were rarely seen by other races. They had a heavier build and darker skin than other elf sub-races despite having a similar average height.

NOTE: Together, a pair of wild Elves could wipe the memories of a trespasser, or mind-control Bugbears and Ogres.

They preferred to wear as little clothing as possible and chose instead to adorn themselves with other decorations like tattoos, feathers, or body paint. They could make and wear complicated and intricate bead-work.



Gender Ideals

The two genders rule side by side - not as a couple, usually from different pairings; as equals - always in tandem, like The Twin Moons.

Relationship Ideals

Equality for all is important.

Related Myths
Related Locations


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