Ainey Hill Geographic Location in Esau | World Anvil
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Ainey Hill

Ainey Hill is named for the Queen of Light Áyne. It is a grassy broad hill, on Kutloc, slightly north of the settlement of Fellow, near the Kutty River on the edge of Fen Sounds, where the veil between the Prime Material Plane of Esau and The Feywild Realm is very thin.

The hazy line of the veil between the two planes in clearest a third of the way over the hill when heading West.

This is a site of rites to honour Queen Áyne - involving fire and the blessing of the land.

A light grey stone statue depicting Saint Perro Filonis as a centaur with five broad-tailed Grassbirds (considered to be a species of Old World warbler), along his back.

On Saint Perro Filonis' Eve
On the first day of Summer - men gather on Ainey Hill, where Áyne is said to dwell, where they light clíars - bunches of straw and hay tied on poles - that are carried in procession to the top of the hill. Later, the men run with the clíars through their fields and between cattle to bring good luck for the rest of the year. Men who came from neighbouring villages are said to be required to look to the two moons as they approached the hill to avoid forgetting where their homes stand.

In The Feywild Realm = Áyne Meadow in same location. The hill is more like a grassy mound.


A grassy broad hill where a moment to Saint Perro Filonis stands, surrounded by scrubs.


Saint Perro Filonis

He was a centuar of dark skin with mane and fur of white with large black splotches. Perro cared for small birds and other small creatures within The Feywild Realm, as well as in Kutloc.

Perro Filonis was given his Sainthood by Queen Áyne.

Mountain / Hill
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