Wott Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Wott is an average size town in the North-East of Kutloc (with the Prime Material Plane). It is a coastal town the looks out over The Wayward Sea, with a high percentage of the population being Firbolg in race. A path leads down to the golden sands of the beach, where sea birds gather noisily.

The town is run by a Firbolg brother and sister of pink and blue colouring - Spot Wotts and Dot Willitts, whose family orinigally settled the town.


Owner: Kirwan Dallic (Firbolg, male) - fur is tan, black and white (colouring only found in this part of Kutloc), with large brown eyes . A friendly, cheerful person who is more inclined to be kind rather than smart.
Appearance: A square plain grey stone building from the outside - designed to tolerate the seaside weathering. Has a covered balony on the West side to enjoy the view.
Interior: Dark wooden floors and walls, with lighter med-toned wood furniture and bar. The art on the walls is of bumblebees, butterlies, fey and sea birds.
Menu: pizza, salads, steak, chicken, fish, seafoods, gull. Offers various teas.

Location under


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