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Mahon is located of the Northern coast of Tedic, looking out over The Whale Sea - near the Northern Isle.

This hamlet used for tests newly studied spells and magic. Mages come from Hurst - typically, going around the Aarakocra settlement of Inka - to use the large open-aired testing grounds - or the set of four medium sized rooms.

People who choose to live there are main members of the Scholars Assembly. The risk of unusual happenings in Mahon is quite likely.

Magical sea animals tend to come close to the base of Tedic just below Mahon. Plus, many flying Magical Creatures gather near the hamlet - attracted by the magic.
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* Like in The Feywild Realm, people when casting are affected by a Wild Magic Surge.

The Small Dresser Drawer

General Goods
Run by Aileen MacDougall (Human) - sister of Clive (lives in Seamoon )

Hurst to Inka = 4.5 hours
Inka to Mahon = 9 hours

32 people
Location under
Owning Organization


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