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Ba'Ba region of Fogi Island - central East side     MT DARLING The volcano has been simmering as long as people remember. The white wisps rise from the top like the fumes of various strengths. The high sides are much like any other mountain, covered with old growth forests - to the North is the forest; on the East side is the Salt Flats; on the West side is Warrior Lake; to the South is the Rainbow Ridge. It rumbles occasionally - a loud deep sound followed by heavier smoke. One day it will blow, everyone knows it can and will, however it looks beautiful and the forest bares sweet fruits and gives habits to wildlife. It's a slice of heaven.     SALT FLAT Natural flat expanses of ground covered with salt and other minerals, usually shining white under the sun. A salt pan forms by evaporation of a water pool such as a lake or pond. * The crust of salt can consceal a quagmire of mud that can engulf a heavy transport. * The salt flats may be devoid of vegetation but they are rich in wildlife * Salt Bulettes     BALON town = close to Salt Flats   HONEYHILL Village = small village with beehives and flowers on small slope   GULCH Village = low lying land that frequently floods so villagers plant wet crops   WERE VILLAGE = poor village (rumoured to have once all residents were were-animals) Rosia's Anvil: A cluttered blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old iron tower; run by a young dark-skinned Amazon-looking Human woman named Rosia (black Were-Bear)
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