Fogi Island Geographic Location in Esau | World Anvil
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Fogi Island

Fogi Island is a large island - to North on Oshad & Serenity Pass (Malnax) - that is frequently obscured by fog.

"As we approached Fogi Island by ship, the sun's haze barely shifted the fog. All I could see was a grey silhouette line of the coast - shapes of trees and rock, then slowly the wharf and shapes of buildings."
a sailor from The Dainty Emiata

Clem - NORTH region;
Grande - central West region [Giant Steps up to Giant Throne CENTRAL];
Ba'Ba - central East region;
Aqute - South-West region;
Vilnon - South-East region;
Fogi Island CAPITAL = Vilstead

The Fallen Saint Coliseum is an open-aired Arena in Canwatch, Aqute region, on Fogi Island.


the Giant King = Wolfram;
the Giant Queen = Tanea;
the Giant Warrior = Gallzar;

* Home to Harpies
Lappit Harpy: face of pale skinned women; song of beauty; Claws = on feet; Wings = no hands; black feathers and hair;
Charisma = 14 (+2
Spell Saving DC 13;


Hiatea is the giant goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, females, and children - worshipped mainly by Firbolgs and other Giants. Her symbol is a flaming spear.
Her mother is the sky goddess Ka'Rami, ruler of The Plane of Air, according to some myths, a mortal giant. Ka'Rami hid her pregnancy from Hiatea's father, and had her daughter raised by firbolgs so that he would never learn of her existence. Ka'Rami never mentioning which God was the father.

When she came of age, a messenger was sent to Ka'Rami to tell Hiatea of her true parentage. Hiatea proved herself with a series of daring feats, culminating in an epic battle with a great monster, a Massive Hydra with fifty heads, and sometimes as a tarrasque. She was sometimes said to have used her spear to slay an enormous Hydra, preventing its heads from regenerating by cauterizing them with fire.

Hiatea brought a trophy of her kill to her mother, who recognized her valour, swiftness and worth, accepting her openly as one of her own offspring. Upon learning of her existence, her sister Misty was overjoyed and celebrated by creating mighty mist that flooded Esau, washing away great evils in the process. The mist then settled over what is known as Fogi Island.


Alternative Name(s)
Fog Island
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