Kynym River
Kynym River is a heated river that flows underground on the Northern Isle down into Ru'Than (Underdark).
Only one person (Elva Karmic, Half Human/Tabaxi, follower of the God of Balance) has ever charted the rivers flow - from somewhere underground just South-West of Wether in the edge of the Gallic Desert. Continuing under the township of Castow for a while flows parallel, but in opposite direction to the above ground Europia River. Then is curls around to flow underneath part of Spiral Peak, heating further. It does not quite reach The Gahara, however the path down in Ru'Than does come close enough people hear water flowing on the other side of the rocky walls. Then the river warms as it goes further underground - reaching the Silk Lake.
No else believes all what the Half Human/Tabaxi Elva states to be it's flow, so are uncertain where the river exactly runs.
Along the path of the river, is one location of the Druids' Litter secret circle where Silver Panthers come to give birth to their cubs.
Member of the The Circle of the Silver Panther reside in this area.