The Court Ward Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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The Court Ward


This is the legal and noble quarter of Farr City, Northern Isle.

Guard Hutt #7

Most districts of Farr City have two guard buildings - this one is on the Eastern side of the Court Ward opposite The Rookery. It is a solid pale blue stone building with stairs leading up to double doors with the guard emblem welded onto the metal. The cells are on the East side of the building with barred high windows only (see only feet going past).

Guard Hutt #8

Most districts of Farr City have two guard buildings - this on is on the main street of Farr, next to the bank. It is a solid pale blue stone building with stairs leading up to double doors with the guard emblem welded onto the metal. The cells are on the East side of the building with barred high windows only (see only feet going past).

The Chapel House

Inside is a collection of seven Deity Shrines -
~ The Morning Lord,
~ The Raven Queen,
~ The Wild Mother,
~ The Platinum Dragon,
~ Ioun
~ Nuwan
~ Sehanine Moonbow,
~ Sune.


An impressive stone-walled building, filled with pompous magistrates and advocates. Deal Lawful sentencing and passes laws of Farr.

Near & Far Art Gallery

This building has lavish angles and unusual stain glass windows (each designed by a different well-known artist. A bronze Unicorn statue is place next to the entrance of the art gallery.
A uniformed guard is always on duty.
An art gallery is a place where one can see and buy artworks by emerging, established or master artists. There are physical galleries, where exhibitions are held in a physical space.
Owned by the Sune Followers.

CURATORS: Bowen (Tabaxi given name "Arrow In Bow")
Orx (elderly Changeling)
Ash (Earth/Fire Genasi).
All three are passionate about art and keep the place spotless. They adapt well to who ever is in the gallery - class, status, age.


Designed by Mala Tramott (Moon Elf).

It is a locked purple metal coffin, with swirl patterns of gold on each side. The top is a pink hued glass holding a stained glass forming a yellow rose with green stem, and leaves, with light brown-red thorns. Inside is a beautiful [Dhampir/">Dhampir] female noble (Mimpi Buruk - who feeds on dreams) wearing a pale yellow silk nightgown. She has long raven black hair, sky blue eyes, pale ivory skin and red lips, lying on a white satin lining and pillow, during the day [at night inside is empty].
The curators speak of her (a life-size 'doll') denoting a female evil spirit thought to lie upon and suffocate sleepers.

THE NECKLACE OF THE GLARIER MONARCH Designed by Gareth Saddlebag (Half-Dwarf).
It is a wide necklace adorned with forever-cold crystal icicles that hang from it - said to be made for Priestess Naline of The Raven Queen.
[While wearing the necklace, your skin develops a resilient layer of frost, granting you immunity to cold damage and resistance to slashing damage. When you cast a spell that deals either acid, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage, you can choose to change the spell's damage type to cold instead. When you deal 35 or more cold damage to a creature with a single spell, that creature must also make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained by ice and must make another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against this effect three times, the effect ends. If it fails its saves three times, it is turned to ice and subjected to the petrified condition for 1 hour. If a restrained or petrified creature takes 10 or more fire damage (ignoring resistance and immunity), the effect ends early.
This necklace is cursed, and attuning to it extends that curse to you until you're targeted by a "greater restoration" spell or similar magic. Removing the necklace fails to end the curse. While cursed, your icy skin can splinter painfully when hit in certain ways: you are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. If you die while cursed in this way, your body shatters into icy shrapnel. Each creature within 30 feet of you must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Your body leaves behind only a shimmering pile of snow-like dust, and you can only be brought back to life with a "resurrection", "true resurrection", or "wish" spell.]

THE SILVER GRIFFON designed by Slope (Earth Genasi).
It is an ornate and majestic design of a 'tribal-looking' representation of a Griffon made purely of silver.

THE PENCIL STUDY by the Empress Gaia Julianna
On loan from Punaworat Gallery.


The Bank Manager is a female Dwarf/Tiefling named Bazalista Oremail – a dwarf with tail and horns.
The building is made of huge grey, thick slabs, with solid metal double doors. Inside it has wooden desks and a separated vault. (Guard hut next door)

Location under


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