Serenity Pass
No living man's land - controlled and overrun by the undead (1,000 Zombies and 1,500 Skeletons)
The wall loom around you spiked on top - narrow and solid
Unlocking the gate
You step into the passageway it has no sounds but your footsteps - no wind. No sea smell. stale
The walls are higher (40ft) (120ft upwards)
High Elf Sorceress name Attlantes (Lady Attle) trapped inside - lied to by Deep Dwarves to the nature of the valley
The first wall is high and holds a solid stone door, patterned in words of many languages saying the similar verse “Thee who enters shall suffer at the hands of those undead beings who reside within.”
Queen Craciona Loretta Hammerforge takes a massive circle of iron surrounding a greenstone representation of a large dove bird tail up and wings spread wide. She has to be raised 7 feet in the air to place it in the impression place on the door. The Queen will not allow it to be taken from her hands - “As protectors of Malnax, this key has become part of the royal heritage for each ruler.”
Placing the circular symbol, Queen Craciona turns the iron and presses down on the greenstone saying words in ancient dwarf which you can barely hear (“Gods and Goddesses send your birds to protect those who enter”). The greenstone bird shines as the sunlight reaches it. The stone sighs as the heavy door opens inwards. Swarm stale air hits your noses.
Stepping through you find nothing – the land is barren, the air is stale and the wall is tall with spikes around the inner upper rim. The distance to the next wall is approximately 80ft across rough stony dried tan coloured ground. The expanse across from one outer wall to the other outer side wall is about 600ft. Everyone files in – the stone door is pushed closed.
The wall looks seamless – the hidden door is only revealed when a mage casts Knock spell (or similar). On entering,
Dissonant Whispers on the Party whispering nasty words. Begins to twitch frantically. They start murmuring to himself and looks wildly into the room.
Higher Damage - Eventually he bursts from his seat screaming, blood oozing from his eyes, nose and ears until eventually his eyes explode and he crashes onto the feast in front of him.
1st-level enchantment.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Whispers a discordant melody that only one creature within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
West end of Pass opens into The Forest of Shadows.
As you reach the second gate the smell grows - foul odour and a sound of something eerie and mysterious - like a pen clicking into rock
A noise of the weird moan of zombies and clicking of skeleton bones
* fight
* push
* close door
* run
necrotic damage
Description: the destruction of ‘life force’. Death, decay, rotting, and corruption. Smells like the geriatrics ward.
Skull Knight = Armour Class: 18 (plate Hit Points: 60; Speed: 30 ft.
Duragh = Armour Class: 16 (armour & sheild Hit Points: 132; Speed: 30 ft.
Zombie Warrior (race) = Armour Class: 16 (chain mail Hit Points: 52; Speed: 30 ft.
Zombie Horror (race) = Armour Class: 11; Hit Points: 47; Speed: 30 ft.
Skeleton Monk (race) = Armour Class: 15; Hit Points: 84; Speed: 30 ft.
Rhino (based on Dire) = Armour Class: 17; Hit Points: 212; Speed: 40 ft.
Elephant (based on mummified)= Armour Class: 17; Hit Points: 184; Speed: 40 ft.
Reforming Skeleton = Armour Class: 16; Hit Points: 24; Speed: 20 ft.
a valley in a ravine
Fauna & Flora
Barren land