Lilbeth Settlement in Esau | World Anvil
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Lilbeth is town on Shallow Sounds at Eastern part of Agwain region, Malnax     Temple to The Raven Queen = looks out over the sea     Magic shop = The Unicorn's Ark - Marnia Slamhorn (flirted with Rinn but he didn’t notice) The shop is a three-storey tower of polished marble, with a slate roof. A collection of ornate ink flasks and quills rests upon a shelf. It is brightly lit by magical candles and chandeliers. The shopkeeper is a young female half-orc named Mynja Slamhorn. She extends a small discount to Halflings and half-breeds. 1) Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187) = A copper elixir, contained in a brass bottle. 2) Spell Scroll (Silent Image) (common, dmg 200) 3) Armour of Resistance (half plate, radiant) (rare). 4) Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187) = This clear serum causes one's eyes to turn black when used. 5) Spell Scroll (Charm Person) (common, dmg 200) 6. Spell Scroll (Gentle Repose) (uncommon, dmg 200) 7. Spell Scroll (See Invisibility) (uncommon, dmg 200) 8. Spell Scroll (Stone Shape) (rare, dmg 200) 9) Ring of Swimming (uncommon, dmg 193) = This masterwork gold ring also shivers when wraiths are near. 10) Sword of Vengeance (shortsword) (uncommon, dmg 206) = Foes slain by this weapon fade and vanish without a trace.     PUBS The Snoring Lemon - Howell “The Fox” Loom (ex pirate/Human Hilda (Gnome) The Rainy Midget - Ollie (grumpy Gnome)


SEEKERS Went to Lilbeth – Preet visited temple. Brought jelly beans. Beer gyzer in Tavern. Birds nest (3 eggs & 3 birds) Found carnival outside town. See Sea Elephant and Mermaids. Killed a female Goliath. Had hour rest. Tabaxi Cloud Timber joined Grayson, Danny and Rinn to save Mermaids & Sea Elephant – used female Goliath to help them Ride two elephants (Toe Killer & Tread)
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