Desert Swamp Geographic Location in Esau | World Anvil
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Desert Swamp

Near the edge of the desert of Jingré Region on Malnax, close to Slaven on the Kilt region border, there lies an unusual swamp among the rocky desert landscape.

The smell of algae rises to greet travelers.
Home to lime green frogs, dragonflies, eels, leeches and black thin snakes. surrounded by tall reeds. Some feeding birds swoop down from the few trees.
Takes 2.5 hours to cross the swamp by raft; 5 hours to get half way around by land - sharp clawing plants, thristlles and lowing hanging flowers.

Across the swamp is a few red barked trees.
1d6 Curly Moss
1d6 Feathered Rabbit.
1 pale panther mother and 1d4 cubs.
1d4 Coypu - a lot like a large rat, having bright orange-yellow incisors, the blunt square shape of the muzzle and webbed feet.
1d4 small white and tawn coloured owls.


Hazards notes
Green Slime
A corrosive, slick, and adhesive, sticking to anything it comes into contact with. Metal, flesh, organic material is especially vulnerable to the corrosive properties of the slime. It is often found in warm, humid caverns and ruins, and will be noticeable as it clings to ceilings, walls, and covers floors, usually in 5-foot squares.
Green slime can detect movement within 30 feet and will drop on unsuspecting victims when they are below it; it is unable to move so much depend on unwitting prey. If a creature is aware of the presence of the slime, they can attempt to avoid the hazard by succeeding on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
Green slime secretes acid and does 5 (1d10) acid damage to any creature it comes into contact with. This damage continues on each of the creature’s turns until it uses an action to remove or destroy the slime. Much like its more evolved ooze relatives, the green slime is doubly caustic to nonmagical wood and metal, doing 11 (2d10) acid damage against objects of these types.
Green slime is vulnerable to and will be destroyed by fire, cold, radiant damage, sunlight or any disease curing magic.

Wetland / Swamp
Location under


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