Stabling (per day) = 5sp
HIRE HORSE = 5gp per day
Camel = 50gp [50 ft.] 480 lb.Donkey or mule = 8gp [40 ft.] 420 lb.
Elephant = 200gp [40 ft.] 1,320 lb.
Horse, draft = 50gp [40 ft.] 540 lb.
Horse, riding = 75gp [60 ft.] 480 lb.
Mastiff = 25gp [40 ft.] 195 lb.
Pony = 30gp [40 ft.] 225 lb.
Warhorse = 400gp [60 ft.] 540 lb.
Barding = cost ×4 (weight ×2)Barding: Barding is armor designed to protect an animal’s head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of armor shown on the Armor table can be purchased as Barding. The cost is four times the equivalent armor made for Humanoids, and it weighs twice as much.
Bit and bridle = 2gp - 1 lb.
Carriage = 100gp - 600 lb.
Cart = 15gp - 200 lb.
Chariot = 250gp - 100 lb.
Animal Feed (per day) = 5cp - 10 lb.
Saddlebags = 4gp - 8 lb.
Sled = 20gp - 300 lb.
Wagon = 35gp - 400 lb.
Saddles: A Military saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. It gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount.Saddle, Exotic = 60gp - 40 lb.
Saddle, Military = 20gp - 30 lb.
Saddle, Pack = 5gp - 15 lb.
Saddle, Riding = 10gp - 25 lb.
Purpose / Function
Also see Animal Seller.
ITEMS: Mounts - Vehicles - Equipment
ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Barn - Depot - Shelters - Stud - Farm - Shed
TYPES: Animals - Mundane
This is for quick reference using my notes, as well as other websites