Kryaa Character in Esau | World Anvil
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Kryaa (Crya-a)

Goddess Kryaa (a.k.a. The Crashing Wave)

NAME: Kryaa
KNOWN AS: the Goddess of the Crashing Waves; The Crashing Wave;

Goddess Kryaa was a modern goddess, considered along with her peers, as lesser, by some of the older Gods and Goddesses. Not one of the primary deities.
These were those who came after and felt they influenced the populations of people on Esau far more than Moatana and her offspring.

Kryaa was short and slender so seemed no threat to them. She was the Goddess of the Crashing Waves. Kryaa has white shoulder length hair that curled like a forming wave clashing on the shore. She looks to be a Water Genasi with wide sea coloured eyes that grow murky as if swirling up sand, when she is furious.

Her favourite animals were jellyfish and crabs. She likes creatures of the rock pools, including the small octopus and urchins.

These creatures have much larger cousins who create their own crashing waves when they attack ships out at sea. Kryaa was the Goddess of them too – a Kraken was tattooed along her left leg.

Her symbol was a curling forming wave.

"I seek to show all the beauty, elegance and life that a breaking wave can offer you."

A Kryaan Tide is a non-scientific term people often use to describe exceptionally high tides around Esau. Tides are long-period waves that roll around the planet as the ocean is "pulled" back and forth by the gravitational pull of the two moons and the sun as these bodies interact with the Esau in their monthly and yearly orbits. These higher than normal tides typically occur during both moons are new or full, and when the Moons are at their perigee - A perigean spring tide occurs when the moons are either new or full and both in closer orbit to Esau.

A Kraken in The Whale Sea was given the nickname Kryaa - as recorded in the journal entry The Hunt for The Kraken.

Divine Domains

Crashing waves
Sea Creatures that creating massive waves

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Smybol - curling forming wave

Current Location
Aligned Organization


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