Erythnul Character in Esau | World Anvil
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Name = Erythnul
Title = The Many, The Madcap Harengon,
Associated colour = yellow
Realm: Pandemonium

Erythnul is the God of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, and Slaughter. He is known as the Many, and is worshipped by many gnoll, troll, ogre, and bugbear tribes, in addition to humans. His symbol is a red blood drop, or a bestial mask representing Erythnul's changing visage.

Erythnul resembles a seven-foot tall, brutal-looking man. He is rubicund of complexion, hirsute, and muscular, with knotted muscles and a blocky frame. His dull-green eyes are filled with the madness of war. He typically wears red fur and red-dyed leather, and carries a stone-headed mace. A hole in the head of the mace creates a whistling noise as Erythnul swings it; the keening howl of the mace has been known to send those who hear it fleeing, until they collapse from exhaustion.

Erythnul is called the Many, because in battle his features continually shift from human to bugbear to troll to ogre to gnoll and back to human again. His spilled blood transforms into similar creatures. Erythnul delights in panic and slaughter. He can spread fear through his eyes.

Erythnul has a long-standing rivalry with Hextor, due to Hextor stealing Erythnul's portfolio of War. He is allied with Kurell (God of Jealousy, Revenge, and Thievery).

Erythnul is credited with creating the windblades and garngraths, races of fiends native to Pandemonium.


Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Evil
He / Him
Aligned Organization


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