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Gnomes are small humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humour, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess. Gnomes have influenced some changes in Esau, in many small and unseen ways. Gnomes are often overlooked by the longer living races. They are actually quite craftiness and have affinity for illusion magic. Gnomes are present in nearly every city and most caravan-stop villages.

General Information

Vision = Darkvision

Distinctions = Small, keen mind, bright personality, magically gifted, can turn invisible,

While halflings are frequently said to resemble short humans, gnomes are more comparable with Elves, with whom they shared pointed ears and high cheekbones, or even Dwarves, due to their tendency to grow beards and sometimes live underground. Many gnomes have a more feral appearance than either Elves or Dwarves. However, with hair that often sprouted from their heads in odd direction.

Gnomes are an intelligent and innately curious race. Gnomes might lack the drive and ambition of other races, but their creativity give them a strong ability for ingenuity. Most gnomes are content to live simple lives, acquiring knowledge merely as a hobby, yet others explore lost ruins, delve deep into the heart of the world, and conduct dangerous research in their unquenchable thirst for knowledge, leading more than a few to an untimely demise.

Gnomes are commonly witty and jovial, and they prefer to overcome obstacles through cunning and innovation rather than the obvious way. Ever curious, gnomes are drawn to adventure more often by a desire to see the world - than out of greed or any hope of fame. It is their curiosity, along with their cunning and witty repartee, that make Gnomes both adept arcane spellcasters or scholars, and entertaining friends.

Most Gnomes adore gems, particularly rubies - not too the extreme. The Gnomes most people encounter are quite content to raise goats, grow potatoes, and live a life of honest hard work.

Gnomes who leave home to seek an adventurer's life are rare, given the race's shyness and lack of major ambition. Those that do are usually motivated by a few of factors - however the race is often driven more by curiosity. Many gnomes simply have a desire to explore the world of Esau.
A few seek out adventure for more innately noble purposes - such as to help others. Adventuring is often seen as a quick, if unsafe, avenue for wealth. Adventuring is not necessarily a welcomed lifestyle among Gnomes, despite the curiosity that fills the whole race, and sometimes is seen as a sort of betrayal a Gnome's clan.

Gnomes are mostly a naturally intelligent and creative race of people, with a charm about them. Gnomes also have a strong affinity for various Types of Magic. In particular, they have a natural grasp of the arcane, innately possessing the ability to cast certain spells. Gnomes also have a natural affinity for being stealthy, an affinity they can sometimes pass on to others. Some gnomes also learn to combine their fade away ability with teleportation.

Gnomes are talented illusionists, with a natural grasp of the arcane. Regardless of their other talents. Gnomes are well-suited to all forms of arcane training, particularly that of a bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard.

Gnomes are known to wear a wide range of armoru and shield types into combat. Including leather, studded leather, ring mail, and chainmail. In terms of weapons, they most commonly fight with clubs, short bows, short swords, slings, and spears.

Like other races, gnomish culture varies based on region and ethnicity, - a few characteristics are common to most gnomes. All gnomes, great value is placed on one's ability to avoid trouble and stay out of the way of others. Children's games often involve elements of stealth and, among adults, drawing attention to one's self is considered a breach of proper etiquette. Most gnomes try to remain inconspicuous and quietly leave the scene of a fight. The few legends of gnomish heroes are not of powerful warriors, instead as subtle tricksters, who sneaked past or tricked their opponents rather than vanquishing them in combat.

Gnomes have an intricate society based on their love of all kinds of arts, pranks, and their long lives. Gnomes enjoy many indulgences, and make the most of celebrations on a grand scale. Gnome weddings can last for a week, even though gnomes view love differently than many humans do. Their society is based on art; all gnomes have to take up some form of art - whether music, painting, cooking, building, or any other form that was considered creative by the time they came of age.

When living among other races, particularly humans, in an urban environment, gnomes are often shopkeepers or work as everyday blacksmiths (leaving the fancy armour and weaponsmithing to the dwarves). They also tend to work with brass, bronze, tin, and pewter, casting and etching practical household items. Other occupations include gemcutters, mechanics, sages, or teachers, the last in particular being a highly valued profession by Human employers, who know that a single gnome can tutor multiple generation.


* Deep Gnome - Svirfneblin = live underground and are slightly less energetic than your typical Gnome. They still are bound with joy, but tend to be hardier and more muscular than gnomes. They also tend to stay hidden whenever they can.

* Forest Gnome = have an inherent connection to nature, and thus love animals. They tend to have the highest energy of all gnomes.
* Rock Gnome = tend to be a bit more controlled than Forest gnomes, and thus are slightly more likely to be the Gnomish tutor that might be seen in Gnome towns.

* Mark of Scribing = Gnomes with dragonmarks - enchants them with the abilities of diplomacy.

Basic Information


SKIN = Ruddy tan to woody brown to rocky gray skin; grays to white with age

Eyes = Glittering opaque orbs of black or blue

Biological Traits


Deep gnomes
The deep gnomes dwell in cities deep underground in the Underdark of Ru'Mal and Ru'Than. They are far stealthier, much more combative, and avaricious than surface-dwelling gnomes. The former two qualities being because they have to constantly defend themselves against Dark Elves (Drow) and other deadly enemies. Surface-dwelling gnomes have great respect, even reverence, for their Underdark brethren.

Forest gnomes
Smaller than other gnomes, these gnomes are a shy, secretive folk, living deep in wooded areas.

Rock gnomes
Primarily occupied burrows beneath rolling, wooded hills throughout Esau.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Common,
  • Gnomish,

+ Gnomes and Subraces
+ Gnome names
+ Gnome names ideas

Usually up to 300 years, but 500 not unheard of - physically show aging but do not become infirm
Average Height
3′0″‒4′0″ (0.91‒1.2 m)
Average Weight
40‒45 lb (18‒20 kg)
Geographic Distribution


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