Hasta Rīz Wēp Fôlan Tradition / Ritual in Esau | World Anvil
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Hasta Rīz Wēp Fôlan

On the 11th day of Saiph, a feast held all over Esau by some followers of The Twin Moons, and by Mania (Delirium of The Endless ) in Extraneous. Hasta Rīz Wēp Fôlan is a small festival to mark the corruption of Moonweaver who became Hecate Darkmoon.

In Extraneous the sky turns stormy. It darkens as dark clouds move swiftly over head. Lightning sparks across the sky. Yet, it does not rain, nor does it feel cold.


The table is set is a navy tablecloth with silver plates and cutlery. The two large red candles rest on round silver holders. The light flickers, as the only source of brightness. Smoke of cinnamon incense floats into the air.
FOOD = uniced small cakes of vanilla, ginger and cinnamon.
DRINK = Lady Moon tea - a spicy cinnamon and black tea
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Perfect for short night endeavours: increases Darkvision up to 60ft for 10 minutes.

FLOWERS = white and vibriant blue Moonflowers.
These special plants only bloom at night, when the moon is out. During the day, moonflowers are no larger than an inch or two wide, however when the sun sets, they open up to an astounding six or seven inch long bloom. Because of their aloof bloom and sweet smell, moonflowers are considered extremely romantic.

The Twin Moon followers wear navy and white clothing with hair wrapped in dark coloured scarves.

Tears full of sorrow
For today and tomorrow
Fall for the loss we share
So hard it to bare
Rise today as the night does creep
For the fallen we weep
We shall hold this pain
Until we meet again
Holding the vista of view
No more so blue
Be it in this plane or another
Still we call you family, friend or lover
You are in our our hearts
Never truely are we apart

Hasta La Vista ( lit. 'until the view') is a farewell that can generally be understood as meaning "Until the (next) time we see each other" or "See you later" or "Goodbye".
Rīz = Rise
Wēp = weep
Fôlan = fallen


Delight No More tale

Hecate Darkmoon is the corrupt version of Moonweaver. Still parts of her remain inside iron cubes - it is believed some of her parts are still trapped, which is why Hecate does not remember herself as Moonweaver, and was able to be successfully corrupted.


The followers of The Twin Moons on Esau, hold a feast each year in remembrance on the 11th day of Saiph - for Moonweaver and those who lost their lives in that battle. Delirium dos so in her own house with Extraneous.

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