
This city is the current seat of power for the Franks with Charlemagne residing in the Palace of Aachen at the north of the city.   At present a target for attacks by Saxons who view the city as theirs. Also, many people from all over invited to the Tower of Emon Kanis for the chance to butt heads or study with the wizard himself. It is the only known place for magic to openly be taught for tens of miles around.


The city is largely human, with plenty of Dwarves and Elves in it. Most of the Dwarves are Hill Dwarves, and most of the Elves are High Elves. Humans of all levels exist here, from beggars to Counts. Most humans are Frankish in nature with quite a few Saxons and Westphalians too. Most of the high ranking society members are Frankish in nature. There is, surprisingly for such a northern city, a large Jewish community leftover from Roman times.   Wealth and warriors regularly travel through the city attracting all kinds of merchants, blacksmiths and related fields. Along with the King and his entourage there is some serious wealth in the city.


The government is ruled by Charlemagne and his counts who fill in the roles that others would normally carry out. Aachen at present is being primarily used as a base for the war against Saxony, so there is a highly militaristic feel to governance. Taxes are being raised in food stuffs, weapons, and armour, as well as fighting men, and related equipment.


There is the Palace of Aachen to the north of the city acting as a staging post and defensible position when necessary. The city has a large wall round it to protect the core of it. Barracks are placed throughout Aachen that houses trained soldiers and a militia to act as a back up and as a police force. Towers are placed evenly to act as lookouts, defensive bastions, rallying points and kill zones.

Industry & Trade

There is a large selection of blacksmiths, weapon smiths and armourers, most of which help to supply the army. There is also many leather workers and wood workers supplying goods, with a number also supplying material to the army. Many of the local merchants specialize in food stuffs, and provisions as well as goods not normally sourced locally, especially metal ores. Many of these items are imported and traded locally for gold.


Roman sewers are built below the city, and there is spas and bathhouses spread around Aachen. There is also the Palace of Aachen to the north, and many smithies, tanners, and wood work shops are found too, pumping out goods for the ongoing war effort. Roads are well maintained and have been here since Roman times.


There are stores of both metal ores, metal ingots and wood. There are further stores filled with military equipment and courtyards for training troops. Also, the Palace has both a treasury attached.

Guilds and Factions

There is a local merchants guild that controls all trade an banking, at least in theory. Sometimes the King or members of his entourage take control to manage this.   There is no thieves or assassins guild here, due to the King being here it is too risky. Sometimes these will operate only when a job is called for.


The area has been inhabited since Neolithic times around 5000 years ago partly because of the mineral springs, before being took over for a settlement and spa by the Romans. The latter called it Aquae Granni (Waters of Grannus), and was about 25 square hectares of a town. When the Romans retreated the migration of the Germanic peoples took over and destroyed the spas and the temple precinct called Vernenum. This eventually led to the Franks taking it over.

Points of interest

The city is home to the Tower of Emon Kanis. The tower itself was built in the times of the Romans, and used as a school for magic users. It passed between owners, and rulers, passing to Saxon hands when they owned the city, and then to the Franks at present. It is always named after the present head wizard who for the past few years is Emon Kanis. It is neutral in many ways as the wizard in charge is left well alone as long as they advise & help both the people and the nobility when needed.   Also, there is the Palace of Aachen north of the tower. It is currently occupied by the court of Charlemagne.   There is a religious centre to the east of the tower as well. The main building is the bishopric of the Franks for the local area, and a small synagogue for the local Jewish community. The latter has been there from Roman times.


The architecture is a mix of old Roman design mixed with Saxon, and Frankish Design. The majority is brick and stone with a bit of wood, mainly for decoration.


The river of Wurm river flows through the city, and the city is the only drainage basin of the Meuse.

Natural Resources

Flint was originally mined by Neolithic peoples in the surrounding areas a few thousand years ago.
"It's a striking city when you see around it. The churches & holy sites, the Palace of Aachen in it's splendour, and the Tower of Emon Kanis. All these bordered to the south by the main market square, and the Tower Tavern at this part of the market.   Many come from afar just to see the Tower and to marvel at it's height, and try to get a glimpse of magical power. All the while something ominous seems to be felt there. That whole bit is rumoured to be built on some old dragon lair but no-one has yet to prove that it exists. And now the Saxons are basically at the gate trying to get the city back.   Still go for a wander there, and slake your thirst while your at it."   Wilhelm IronSmit, human blacksmith after selling wares in the market of Aachen.

Articles under Aachen


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Aug 11, 2022 05:11 by Kwyn Marie

Ah, this article reminded me of medieval art history classes :)

Aug 11, 2022 12:16 by Darren McHaffie

I do love using the Medieval art where I can.