
Until 6500 BC the region of Doggerland existed. It connected south eastern Britain to Europe primarily north eastern Frankish lands to the Danish Peninsula. By 6200 BC it was primarily covered by the North Sea, before the raminder disappeared by the waves in a tsunami about 5000 BC.


The region of Doggerland was lowlands, featuring a number of smal rivers, grasslands, meadows and small copses of trees built up about 2500 to 3000 years, existing from 9000 BC to at least 6500 BC. These lowlands proved to be very fertile and led to many plants & animals, along with humans, taking advantahe of it.It lay in a basin of sorts with seas to the north & south west.


Many plants took over the region, primarily grasses leading to grasslands being abundant. Trees had took over parts of the land, and fish used the rivers & streams. Insects also took over followed by birds, mammals & the odd reptile moved in to take advantage of the plantlife & insect life. Predators soon followed to take advantage of these.   A short time later humans used it for hunting & gathering, and a lesser degree farming. Along with the plants & animals, humanity used it as a landbridge between continental Europe & Britain. They made settlements, and brought in a few other animals usually livestock & dogs & cats.   Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings also used it to transverse between the landmasses. Very few stayed, though to the south east of it Dwarves & Gnomes started to make a mythical city called the City of Brass. Also, a few Halfling tribes stayed as well taking up farming.

Ecosystem Cycles

The wild plants & animals followed the usual routine of Spring, Summer, Autumn & Wnter. Life slowed down during the autumn in preparation for the ravages of winter, before starting to reawaken in spring, reproducing & growing strong during this time & summer time.

Localized Phenomena

Earthwakes & floods at the edges of Doggerland was common,especially at the north end.   Strange items still was up on the coasts surrounding the old region. Small tokens & icons made of wood, bone & copper are regularly found, or dredged up from the depth. They regularly carved into small disks or cylindrical items, with circular lines or snake-like bodies carved onto them. Some of them are reminisent of Pickist art, and Cult of Seth & Apophis or Temple of Set. Exactly why & how is presently unknown. Such items were found here & there running a path across Europe all the way to the Highlands of Pictland, with many appearing in the remains of early human & humanoid settlements. One thing is known is that these seemed to be made earlier than most of these species even evolved or came to Earth.


Doggerland formed about 9000 BC, during a time of an Ice Age that drew in enough sea water to lower the sea levels around it. Some scholars think that this may have happened before some time in the past as well. After it formed, life took over and it was soon awash with life.   At about 6500 BC to 6200 BC, the Ice Age had started to end causing higher sea levels to affect Doggerland. Eventually it got severe enough to leave just an island in the middle of the North Sea for 1200 years before it was finally sunk by a tsunami caused by a submarine landslide of the coast of Norway. After that it vanished completely.   Some still look for any sign of it as there may, just may, be undiscovered treasures or knowledge there. After all sentient races were meant to have crossed the same point when it was above sealevel.
Location under

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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